Library liblayers.lib.Functor

Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
Require Import ExtensionalityAxioms.

Interface of functors

As in Haskell, by "functor" we mean an endofunctor in the category of types. Which is to say, a map F: Type Type, equipped with an operation fmap which transport functions of type A B to functions of type F A F B.

Class FunctorOps (F: Type Type) := {
  fmap: {A B: Type}, (A B) F A F B

Class Functor (F: Type Type) `{Fmap: FunctorOps F} := {
  functor_id {A} (x: F A):
    fmap (@id A) x = x;
  functor_compose {A B C} (f: B C) (g: A B) (x: F A):
    fmap (fun yf (g y)) x = fmap f (fmap g x)

Simple instances

Notation "( A ×)" := (prod A).
Infix "×" := prod (right associativity, at level 45) : type_scope.
Notation "(× A )" := (fun XX × A).



The constant functor A maps everything to @id A.
  Global Instance const_fmap A: FunctorOps (fun XA) := {
    fmap X Y f a := a

  Global Instance const_functor A: Functor (fun XA).


The identity functor maps f to itself.
  Global Instance id_fmap: FunctorOps (fun XX) := {
    fmap X Y f := f

  Global Instance id_functor: Functor (fun XX).


  Global Instance prodl_fmap A: FunctorOps (A ×) := {
    fmap X Y f ax := match ax with (a, x)(a, f x) end

  Global Instance prodr_fmap A: FunctorOps A) := {
    fmap X Y f xa := match xa with (x, a)(f x, a) end

  Global Instance prodl_functor A: Functor (A ×).

  Global Instance prodr_functor A: Functor A).


  Global Instance option_fmap: FunctorOps option := {
    fmap X Y f oa :=
      match oa with
        | Some aSome (f a)
        | NoneNone

  Global Instance option_functor: Functor option.
    × intros A [a|]; reflexivity.
    × intros A B C f g [a|]; reflexivity.

  Context F G `{HF: Functor F} `{HG: Functor G}.

  Definition fplus := fun X ⇒ (F X + G X)%type.

  Instance fplus_fmap: FunctorOps fplus :=
    fmap X Y f :=
      fun x : F X + G X
        match x with
          | inl fxinl (fmap f fx)
          | inr gxinr (fmap f gx)

  Instance fplus_functor: Functor fplus.
    constructor; intros.
    × destruct x;
      rewrite functor_id;
    × destruct x;
      rewrite functor_compose;

  Definition fprod := fun X ⇒ (F X × G X).

  Instance fprod_fmap: FunctorOps fprod :=
    fmap X Y f :=
      fun x : F X × G X
        match x with
          | (fx, gx)(fmap f fx, fmap f gx)

  Instance fprod_functor: Functor fprod.
    constructor; intros.
    × destruct x.
      rewrite ?functor_id.
    × destruct x.
      rewrite (functor_compose (F:=F)).
      rewrite (functor_compose (F:=G)).

  Definition fpow A := fun X ⇒ (A F X).

  Instance fpow_fmap A: FunctorOps (fpow A) :=
    fmap X Y f :=
      fun (x: A F X) (a: A) ⇒ fmap f (x a)

  Instance fpow_functor A: Functor (fpow A).
    unfold fpow.
    × intros X x.
      apply functional_extensionality.
      intros a; simpl.
      apply functor_id.
    × intros X Y Z f g x.
      apply functional_extensionality.
      intros a; simpl.
      apply functor_compose.

Some helper instances

Here are some "instance" versions of some of the Axioms, for use by the setoid rewrite system. They should be somewhere else, but since in practice we need them in Monad and Comonad, I'll put them here for now.

Instance funext_subrel {X Y}:
  subrelation (pointwise_relation X eq) (@eq (X Y)).
  apply functional_extensionality.

Instance funext_mor2 {X Y A B} (f: (X Y) A B):
  Proper (pointwise_relation X eq ==> eq ==> eq) f.
  intros x1 x2 Hx y1 y2 Hy.
  apply funext_subrel in Hx.
  apply f_equal2;
  now assumption.

Instance funext_mor4 {X Y A B C D} (f: (X Y) A B C D):
  Proper (pointwise_relation X eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq) f.
  intros x1 x2 Hx y1 y2 Hy z1 z2 Hz t1 t2 Ht.
  apply funext_subrel in Hx.
  apply f_equal4;
  now assumption.