Library liblayers.lib.Monad

Require Export compcert.common.Errors. Require Export ExtensionalityAxioms.
Require Export Functor.

Interface of monads

As in Haskell, we define monads in terms of ret and bind. However we want to be able to use the corresponding Functor instances both independently and in the context of monads. To permit this, instead of defining a generic Functor instance for all monads, we require a priori that monads be functors, then define the relationship between fmap, ret and bind as the monad_fmap equation in the Monad class. This way, code need not depend on this module when they use, say, option as a simple Functor rather than a full-blown Monad. In addition, id for instance is both a Monad and Comonad, but we do not want to derive two separate instances of the corresponding Functor.
XXX: document tactics, and when to use unfold vs. simpl vs. autorewrite vs. inv_monad.

Class MonadOps (M: Type Type) `{Mfmap: FunctorOps M} := {
  ret {A}: A M A;
  bind {A B}: (A M B) M A M B

Notation "x <- M ; N" := (bind (fun xN) M)
  (at level 30, right associativity).

Class Monad (M: Type Type) `{Mops: MonadOps M}: Prop := {
  monad_functor :> Functor M;
  monad_fmap {A B} (f: A B):
    fmap f = bind (fun xret (f x));
  monad_ret_bind {A B} (f: A M B) (x: A):
    bind f (ret x) = f x;
  monad_bind_ret {A} (m: M A):
    bind ret m = m;
  monad_bind_bind {A B C} (f: B M C) (g: A M B) (m: M A):
    bind f (bind g m) = bind (fun xbind f (g x)) m

Some monads provide some of these inversion properties.

Class MonadInvRet M `{Mops: MonadOps M} :=
     {A} (x y: A),
      ret x = ret y x = y.

Class MonadInvBind M `{Mops: MonadOps M} :=
     {A B} (f: A M B) (ma: M A) (b: B),
      bind f ma = ret b { a | ma = ret a }.

Class MonadInvBindWeak M `{Mops: MonadOps M} :=
     {A B} (f: A M B) (ma: M A) (b: B),
      bind f ma = ret b a, f a = ret b.

The relators and/or other relation operators corresponding to the monad's underlying type operator should be declared compatible with the monadic structure using the following interface.

Require Import LogicalRelations.

Class MonadRel `{MonadOps} (Mr : A B, rel A B rel (M A) (M B)) :=
    ret_rel :>
        (@ret M _ _)
        (forallr R, R ++> Mr _ _ R);
    bind_rel :>
        (@bind M _ _)
        (forallr RA, forallr RB, (RA ++> Mr _ _ RB) ++> Mr _ _ RA ++> Mr _ _ RB)

Global Instance ret_rel_params: Params (@ret) 2.
Global Instance bind_rel_params: Params (@bind) 4.

Note that it is very easy for simpl to switch the monad operations ret and bind to their concrete implementations, which may break some of the tactics below. To work around this, in inv_monad we attempt to "refold" some well-known implementations into ret and bind form before we proceed. However, this is not a very modular approach.
There is not a very good solution to this problem. We could define our operations as parameters for the typeclass, to be recognized "in the wild" instead of providing a uniform ret/bind notation, but this would for instance make it very slow to scan a goal for possible rewrites involving the monad laws. Instead, we rely on the user to be parcimonious with the simpl tactic and only apply it as necessary, in a restricted way.
If necessary, you can locally disable the simplification of bind and ret using the following vernacular commands:
Local Arguments ret : simpl never. Local Arguments bind : simpl never.


Using the theorem in Monad, we can try to normalize monadic expressions to the form x1 <- M1; x2 <- M2; ...; xn <- Mn.
Hint Rewrite
  using typeclasses eauto : monad.

Unfortunately, the MonadOps instance in monad_fmap cannot be obtained by unification when matching the left-hand side of the rewrite with the current goal. Since the autorewrite tactic does not do type class resolution, we cannot use monad_fmap as a rewrite rule.
Ltac rewrite_monad_fmap :=
  match goal with [ H: _ |- _ ] ⇒ rewrite monad_fmap in H end ||
  rewrite monad_fmap.
Ltac monad_norm :=
  repeat rewrite_monad_fmap; autorewrite with monad in ×.

Monad inversion

  Context `{HM: Monad}.
  Context `{HMbind: !MonadInvBind M}.
  Context `{HMret: !MonadInvRet M}.

  Global Instance monad_inv_bind_inv_bind_weak:
    MonadInvBindWeak M.
    intros A B f ma b H.
    destruct (monad_inv_bind_extract f ma b H) as [a Ha].

  Lemma monad_inv_bind {A B} (f: A M B) (ma: M A) (b: B):
    bind f ma = ret b
    { a | ma = ret a f a = ret b }.
    intros H.
    destruct (monad_inv_bind_extract f ma b H) as [a Ha].
    × assumption.
    × subst.

  Lemma monad_inv_bind_iff {A B} (f: A M B) (ma: M A) (b: B):
    bind f ma = ret b
     a, ma = ret a f a = ret b.
    × intros H.
      apply monad_inv_bind in H.
      destruct H.
    × intros [a [Hma Hfa]].

  Lemma monad_inv_ret_iff {A} (x y: A):
    ret x = ret y x = y.
    apply monad_inv_ret.
    apply f_equal.

Ltac inv_monad H :=
  repeat match type of H with
    | context C[Errors.OK ?x] ⇒
      change (OK x) with (ret (M:=res) x) in H
    | context C[@Errors.bind ?A ?B ?ra ?f] ⇒
      change (@Errors.bind A B ra f) with (bind (M:=res) (A:=A) (B:=B) f ra)
    | context C[@Some ?A ?x] ⇒
      change (@Some A x) with (ret (M:=option) (A:=A) x) in H
  match type of H with
    | ret ?x = ret ?y
      apply monad_inv_ret in H

    | ret ?mb = bind ?f ?ma
      symmetry in H;
      inv_monad H

    | bind ?f ?ma = ret ?mb
      let H1 := fresh H in
      let H2 := fresh H in
      destruct (monad_inv_bind f ma mb H) as [? [H1 H2]];
      clear H; rename H2 into H;
      try (inv_monad H1);
      inv_monad H

    | bind ?f ?ma = ret ?mb
      destruct (monad_inv_bind_weak f ma mb H) as [? ?]

    | _inversion H; clear H; subst


Lemma monad_bind_fmap `{Monad} {A B C} (m: M A) (f: B C) (g: A M B):
  x <- m; fmap f (g x) = fmap f (x <- m; g x).

Global Instance fmap_rel `{HMr: MonadRel} `{HM: !Monad M}:
    (@fmap M _)
    (forallr RA, forallr RB, (RA ++> RB) ++> Mr _ _ RA ++> Mr _ _ RB).
  repeat rstep.
  rewrite !monad_fmap.

Some instances

The unit monad is interesting because it is an example of a monad which accepts none of the inversion properties defined earlier.

  Global Instance const_unit_monad_ops: MonadOps (fun Xunit) := {
    bind A B f mx := tt;
    ret A x := tt

  Global Instance const_unit_monad: Monad (fun Xunit).
    split; unfold bind, ret; simpl.
    × typeclasses eauto.
    × intros _ _ _.
      apply functional_extensionality.
      intros [].
    × intros ? _ f x.
      destruct (f x).
    × intros _ [].
    × intros _ _ _ _ _ _.

  Lemma const_unit_no_inv_ret: ¬ MonadInvRet (fun _unit).
    intros Hinv.
    assert (H: true false) by discriminate.
    apply H.
    apply (monad_inv_ret (M := fun _unit)).
    destruct (ret true), (ret false).

  Lemma const_unit_no_inv_weak_bind: ¬ MonadInvBindWeak (fun _unit).
    intros Hinv.
    pose proof (Empty_set_rect (fun _unit) : Empty_set unit) as f.
    assert (H: bind f tt = ret tt) by reflexivity.
    apply monad_inv_bind_weak in H.
    destruct H as [x _].
    elim x.