Library liblayers.compcertx.GenSem

Require Import compcert.lib.Coqlib.
Require Import compcert.lib.Integers.
Require Import compcert.common.Values.
Require Import compcert.common.AST.
Require Import compcert.common.Memtype.
Require Import compcert.cfrontend.Ctypes.
Require Export liblayers.lib.OptionMonad.

Generic semantics from abstract functions

Inductive Z64 := VZ64 (z: Z).

Function Z642Z (z: Z64) :=
  match z with
    | VZ64 z'z'

Inductive Zsign := VZS (z: Z).

Function Zsign2Z (z: Zsign) :=
  match z with
    | VZS z'z'

Class Semof (data: Type) T (targs: typelist) (tres: type) :=
  semof : T (list val data val data Prop).

Class Semprops {data} T `{Tsemof: Semof data T} :=
  semprops_well_typed f vargs d vres d':
    semof f vargs d vres d'
    Val.has_type vres (typ_of_type tres);

  semprops_arity f vargs d vres d':
    semof f vargs d vres d'
    length vargs = length (typlist_of_typelist targs);

  semprops_lessdef f vargs vargs' d vres d':
    semof f vargs d vres d'
    Val.lessdef_list vargs vargs'
    vargs' = vargs;

  semprops_inject_neutral f vargs d vres d' j:
    semof f vargs d vres d'
    Val.inject j vres vres;

  semprops_determ f vargs d vres1 vres2 d1 d2:
    semof f vargs d vres1 d1
    semof f vargs d vres2 d2
    vres1 = vres2 d1 = d2;

  semprops_inject f ι vargs vargs' d vres d':
    semof f vargs d vres d'
    Val.inject_list ι vargs vargs'
    vargs' = vargs

Basic instances

  Context {data : Type}.

  Notation type_int32 := (Tint I32 Signed noattr).
  Notation type_int32u := (Tint I32 Unsigned noattr).
  Notation type_int64u := (Tlong Unsigned noattr).

  Inductive semof_nil_void: Semof data (data option data) Tnil Tvoid :=
    | semof_nil_void_intro f d d':
        f d = ret d'
        semof f nil d Vundef d'.

  Global Existing Instance semof_nil_void.

  Global Instance semof_nil_void_props: Semprops (data option data).
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H;
      intros ? ? ? ? ? ? H Hl.
      inv H;
      inv Hl;
      inversion 1; subst.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.
      unfold bind, ret in *; simpl in ×.
      split; congruence.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.

  Local Notation lift_nil_void_total f :=
    (fun dret (f d)).

  Global Instance semof_nil_void_total: Semof data (data data) Tnil Tvoid :=
    fun fsemof (lift_nil_void_total f).

  Global Instance semof_nil_void_total_props: Semprops (data data).
    split; intro f.
    + exact (semprops_well_typed (lift_nil_void_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_arity (lift_nil_void_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_lessdef (lift_nil_void_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject_neutral (lift_nil_void_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_determ (lift_nil_void_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject (lift_nil_void_total f)).

  Inductive semof_nil_int: Semof data (data option (data × Z)) Tnil type_int32u :=
    | semof_nil_int_intro f d z d':
        f d = ret (d', Int.unsigned z)
        semof f nil d (Vint z) d'.

  Global Existing Instance semof_nil_int.

  Global Instance semof_nil_int_props: Semprops (data option (data × Z)).
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H;
      intros ? ? ? ? ? ? H Hl.
      inv H;
      inv Hl;
      inversion 1; subst.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.
      unfold bind, ret in *; simpl in ×.
      split; try congruence.
      rewrite H0 in H7.
      inv H7.
      rewrite <- Int.repr_unsigned with z.
      rewrite <- Int.repr_unsigned with z0.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.

  Inductive semof_nil_nat: Semof data (data (data × nat)) Tnil type_int32u :=
    | semof_nil_nat_intro f d z d':
        f d = (d', Z.to_nat (Int.unsigned z))
        semof f nil d (Vint z) d'.

  Global Existing Instance semof_nil_nat.

  Global Instance semof_nil_nat_props: Semprops (data data × nat).
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H;
      intros ? ? ? ? ? ? H Hl.
      inv H;
      inv Hl;
      inversion 1; subst.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.
      unfold bind, ret in *; simpl in ×.
      split; try congruence.
      rewrite H0 in H7.
      inv H7.
      apply Z2Nat.inj in H14.
      rewrite <- Int.repr_unsigned with z.
      rewrite <- Int.repr_unsigned with z0.
      apply Int.unsigned_range.
      apply Int.unsigned_range.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.

  Inductive semof_opt_nil_nat: Semof data (data option (data × nat)) Tnil type_int32u :=
    | semof_opt_nil_nat_intro f d z d':
        f d = ret (d', Z.to_nat (Int.unsigned z))
        semof f nil d (Vint z) d'.

  Global Existing Instance semof_opt_nil_nat.

  Global Instance semof_opt_nil_nat_props: Semprops (data option (data × nat)).
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H;
      intros ? ? ? ? ? ? H Hl.
      inv H;
      inv Hl;
      inversion 1; subst.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.
      unfold bind, ret in *; simpl in ×.
      split; try congruence.
      rewrite H0 in H7.
      inv H7.
      apply Z2Nat.inj in H14.
      rewrite <- Int.repr_unsigned with z.
      rewrite <- Int.repr_unsigned with z0.
      apply Int.unsigned_range.
      apply Int.unsigned_range.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.

  Local Notation lift_nil_int_pure f :=
    (fun dz <- f d; ret (d, z)).

  Global Instance semof_nil_int_pure: Semof data (data option Z) Tnil type_int32u :=
    fun fsemof (lift_nil_int_pure f).

  Global Instance semof_nil_nat_pure: Semof data (data option nat) Tnil type_int32u :=
    fun fsemof (lift_nil_int_pure f).

  Global Instance semof_nil_int_pure_props: Semprops (data option Z).
    split; intro f.
    + exact (semprops_well_typed (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_arity (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_lessdef (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject_neutral (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_determ (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject (lift_nil_int_pure f)).

  Global Instance semof_nil_nat_pure_props: Semprops (data option nat).
    split; intro f.
    + exact (semprops_well_typed (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_arity (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_lessdef (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject_neutral (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_determ (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject (lift_nil_int_pure f)).

  Local Notation lift_nil_int_pure_total f :=
    (fun dret (f d)).

  Global Instance semof_nil_int_pure_total: Semof data (data Z) Tnil type_int32u :=
    fun fsemof (lift_nil_int_pure_total f).

  Global Instance semof_nil_nat_pure_total: Semof data (data nat) Tnil type_int32u :=
    fun fsemof (lift_nil_int_pure_total f).

  Global Instance semof_nil_int_pure_total_props: Semprops (data Z).
    split; intro f.
    + exact (semprops_well_typed (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_arity (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_lessdef (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject_neutral (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_determ (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).

  Global Instance semof_nil_nat_pure_total_props: Semprops (data nat).
    split; intro f.
    + exact (semprops_well_typed (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_arity (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_lessdef (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject_neutral (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_determ (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).

  Inductive semof_cons `{Semof data}: Semof data (Z T) (Tcons type_int32u targs) tres :=
    semof_cons_intro f (i: int) l d v d':
      semof (f (Int.unsigned i)) l d v d'
      semof f (Vint i :: l) d v d'.

  Global Existing Instance semof_cons.

  Global Instance semof_cons_props {T} `(HT: Semprops data T): Semprops (Z T).
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H.
      apply (semprops_well_typed (targs := targs) (f (Int.unsigned i)) l d vres d').
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H.
      eapply semprops_arity.
      intros until d'.
      intros H Hl.
      inv H.
      inv Hl.
      inv H2.
      eapply semprops_lessdef;
      inversion 1; subst.
      eapply semprops_inject_neutral.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.
      eapply semprops_determ; eassumption.
      inv H.
      inv H0.
      inv H3.
      eapply semprops_inject; eassumption.

  Inductive semof_nil_intsigned: Semof data (data option (data × Zsign)) Tnil type_int32 :=
    | semof_nil_intsigned_intro f d z d':
        f d = ret (d', VZS (Int.signed z))
        semof f nil d (Vint z) d'.

  Global Existing Instance semof_nil_intsigned.

  Global Instance semof_nil_intsigned_props: Semprops (data option (data × Zsign)).
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H.
      cbn; trivial.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H;
      intros ? ? ? ? ? ? H Hl.
      inv H;
      inv Hl;
      inversion 1; subst.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.
      cbn in *; subst.
      rewrite H0 in H7.
      inv H7.
      rewrite <- (Int.repr_signed z).
      rewrite <- (Int.repr_signed z0).
      rewrite H3.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.

  Global Instance semof_nil_intsigned_pure: Semof data (data option Zsign) Tnil type_int32 :=
    fun fsemof (lift_nil_int_pure f).

  Global Instance semof_nil_intsigned_pure_props: Semprops (data option Zsign).
    split; intro f.
    + exact (semprops_well_typed (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_arity (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_lessdef (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject_neutral (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_determ (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject (lift_nil_int_pure f)).

  Global Instance semof_nil_intsigned_pure_total: Semof data (data Zsign) Tnil type_int32 :=
    fun fsemof (lift_nil_int_pure_total f).

  Global Instance semof_nil_intsigned_pure_total_props: Semprops (data Zsign).
    split; intro f.
    + exact (semprops_well_typed (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_arity (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_lessdef (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject_neutral (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_determ (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).

  Inductive semof_cons_signed `{Semof data}: Semof data (Zsign T) (Tcons type_int32 targs) tres :=
    semof_cons_signed_intro f (i: int) l d v d':
      semof (f (VZS (Int.signed i))) l d v d'
      semof f (Vint i :: l) d v d'.

  Global Existing Instance semof_cons_signed.

  Global Instance semof_cons_signed_props {T} `(HT: Semprops data T): Semprops (Zsign T).
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H.
      apply (semprops_well_typed (targs := targs) (f (VZS (Int.signed i))) l d vres d').
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H.
      eapply semprops_arity.
      intros until d'.
      intros H Hl.
      inv H.
      inv Hl.
      inv H2.
      eapply semprops_lessdef;
      inversion 1; subst.
      eapply semprops_inject_neutral.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.
      eapply semprops_determ; eassumption.
      inv H.
      inv H0.
      inv H3.
      eapply semprops_inject; eassumption.

  Inductive semof_nil_int64: Semof data (data option (data × Z64)) Tnil type_int64u :=
    | semof_nil_int64_intro f d z d':
        f d = ret (d', VZ64 (Int64.unsigned z))
        semof f nil d (Vlong z) d'.

  Global Existing Instance semof_nil_int64.

  Global Instance semof_nil_int64_props: Semprops (data option (data × Z64)).
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H;
      intros ? ? ? ? ? ? H Hl.
      inv H;
      inv Hl;
      inversion 1; subst.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.
      unfold bind, ret in *; simpl in ×.
      split; try congruence.
      rewrite H0 in H7.
      inv H7.
      rewrite <- Int64.repr_unsigned with z.
      rewrite <- Int64.repr_unsigned with z0.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.

  Global Instance semof_nil_int64_pure: Semof data (data option Z64) Tnil type_int64u :=
    fun fsemof (lift_nil_int_pure f).

  Global Instance semof_nil_int64_pure_props: Semprops (data option Z64).
    split; intro f.
    + exact (semprops_well_typed (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_arity (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_lessdef (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject_neutral (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_determ (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject (lift_nil_int_pure f)).

  Global Instance semof_nil_int64_pure_total: Semof data (data Z64) Tnil type_int64u :=
    fun fsemof (lift_nil_int_pure_total f).

  Global Instance semof_nil_int64_pure_total_props: Semprops (data Z64).
    split; intro f.
    + exact (semprops_well_typed (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_arity (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_lessdef (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject_neutral (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_determ (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).

  Inductive semof_cons64 `{Semof data}: Semof data (Z64 T) (Tcons type_int64u targs) tres :=
    semof_cons64_intro f (i: int64) l d v d':
      semof (f (VZ64 (Int64.unsigned i))) l d v d'
      semof f (Vlong i :: l) d v d'.

  Global Existing Instance semof_cons64.

  Global Instance semof_cons64_props {T} `(HT: Semprops data T): Semprops (Z64 T).
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H.
      apply (semprops_well_typed (targs := targs) (f (VZ64 (Int64.unsigned i))) l d vres d').
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H.
      eapply semprops_arity.
      intros until d'.
      intros H Hl.
      inv H.
      inv Hl.
      inv H2.
      eapply semprops_lessdef;
      inversion 1; subst.
      eapply semprops_inject_neutral.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.
      eapply semprops_determ; eassumption.
      inv H.
      inv H0.
      inv H3.
      eapply semprops_inject; eassumption.

  Inductive semof_nil_bool: Semof data (data option (data × bool)) Tnil type_int32u :=
    | semof_nil_bool_intro f d b d':
        f d = ret (d', b)
        semof f nil d (Val.of_bool b) d'.

  Global Existing Instance semof_nil_bool.

  Global Instance semof_nil_bool_props: Semprops (data option (data × bool)).
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H.
      destruct b; cbn; tauto.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? H.
      inv H; reflexivity.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? ? H Hl.
      inv H; inv Hl; reflexivity.
      inversion 1; subst.
      destruct b; constructor.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.
      rewrite H0 in H7; inv H7.
      inversion 1.
      inversion 1.

  Global Instance semof_nil_bool_pure: Semof data (data option bool) Tnil type_int32u :=
    fun fsemof (lift_nil_int_pure f).

  Global Instance semof_nil_bool_pure_props: Semprops (data option bool).
    split; intro f.
    + exact (semprops_well_typed (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_arity (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_lessdef (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject_neutral (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_determ (lift_nil_int_pure f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject (lift_nil_int_pure f)).

  Global Instance semof_nil_bool_pure_total: Semof data (data bool) Tnil type_int32u :=
    fun fsemof (lift_nil_int_pure_total f).

  Global Instance semof_nil_bool_pure_total_props: Semprops (data bool).
    split; intro f.
    + exact (semprops_well_typed (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_arity (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_lessdef (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject_neutral (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_determ (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).
    + exact (semprops_inject (lift_nil_int_pure_total f)).