Library tutorial.queue.AbsQueue



Abstract queue representation.

Compcert helper lib
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Compcert types and semantics
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Clight.
Require Import Ctypes.
Require Import Cop.
Require Import Smallstep.
CertiKOS layer library
Require Import Semantics.
Require Import Structures.
Require Import GenSem.
Require Import CGenSem.
Require Import CPrimitives.
Require Import SimulationRelation.
Require Import SimrelInvariant.
Require Import LayerLogicImpl.
Require Import ClightModules.
Require Import ClightXSemantics.
Require Import MakeProgramSpec.
Require Import AbstractData.
Require Import AbstractionRelation.
Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
Require Import TutoLib.
Require Import QueueData.
Require Import Queue.

Open Scope Z_scope.

In the previous layer (Queue.v), the specification we gave for the queue primitives were abstracted to Coq datatypes, but it still followed the C implementation closely. We had a set of the nodes with next- and prev-indices, but the specification did not directly express that the nodes represent an ordered queue, and the specification for the primitives were in terms of operations like if decide (tl = MAX_NODES) ... which have no intuitive meaning.
In this file we abstract the linked list queue representation to a Coq list.
Unlike the other layers up to this point, this layer is purely a refinement; we add no additional code. We only have to define the relation between the representations, give the specifications for enqueue and dequeue on the high level queue, and then prove the refinement relation.
This is a more advanced example than stack or container meant for people who want to get more experience with implementing a layer. The assignment is to implement the abs_enqueue primitive. Almost all of the releveant definitions and proofs are left empty aside from some hints in comments. If you get stuck, you can try referring to the corresponding definition for abs_dequeue, although they are some places where they differ significantly.

Section AbsQueue.

  Context `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}.
  Context `{MakeProgramSpec.MakeProgram}.

Abstract Data

  Section AbsData.

    Record abs_queue_inv (d: abs_data) : Prop := {
      npool_valid: node,
        init_flag d = true
        0 node < MAX_NODES
        node_valid (ZMap.get node (npool d));
      npool_range: node,
        ~(0 node < MAX_NODES)
        ZMap.get node (npool d) = NodeUndef;
      preinit_q: init_flag d = false queue d = QueueUndef;
      q_valid: init_flag d = true queue_valid (queue d);
      inQ_valid: node,
        init_flag d = true
        0 node < MAX_NODES
        In_Q_inQ (aqueue d) node (anpool d);
      abs_q_unique: init_flag d = true abs_queue_unique (aqueue d)

    Instance abs_queue_data_ops : AbstractDataOps abs_data :=
        init_data := abs_data_init;
        data_inv := abs_queue_inv;
        data_inject := fun _ _ _ True

    Instance abs_queue_data_data : AbstractData abs_data.
      constructor; constructor; cbn; intros; try congruence.
      rewrite; reflexivity.

    Definition abs_queue_layerdata : layerdata :=
        ldata_type := abs_data;
        ldata_ops := abs_queue_data_ops;
        ldata_prf := abs_queue_data_data

  End AbsData.

High Level Specifications

  Section HighSpec.

Now we can define the specifications for the enqueue and dequeue primitives. These are simpler and more intuitive than the low-level specification.
For enqueue, the preconditions now are that the queue is initialized, the node index is in range, and the node we are trying to insert is not already in the list (the ``inQ'' flag is ``false''.
When these conditions are true we update the state simply by prepending the node index to the list (node :: q), and setting ``inQ'' to ``true''.
The abstract representation of the queue is backwards, with the tail of the queue being stored at the head of the list.
TUTORIAL: Fill in the high level spec using the informal description above as guidance.
    Definition abs_enqueue_high_spec (node: Z) (abs: abs_queue_layerdata)
        : option abs_queue_layerdata :=
        Some abs.

    Definition abs_enqueue_high_sem : cprimitive abs_queue_layerdata :=
      cgensem _ abs_enqueue_high_spec.

    Global Instance abs_enqueue_pres_inv :
      GenSemPreservesInvariant abs_queue_layerdata abs_enqueue_high_spec.

For dequeue, the precondition is that the layer is initialized and the list is nonempty, and the effect of the call is to delete the last item in it (List.remove zeq hd (tl :: q)). It is slightly more complicated due to the more limited set of tools for working with the end of a list.

    Definition abs_dequeue_high_spec (abs: abs_queue_layerdata)
        : option (abs_queue_layerdata × Z) :=
      if init_flag abs
        then match aqueue abs with
          | AbsQueue (tl :: q) ⇒
              let hd := last q tl in
              match ZMap.get hd (anpool abs) with
              | AbsNode dat true
                  let n := AbsNode dat false in
                  Some (abs {aqueue: AbsQueue (List.remove zeq hd (tl :: q))}
                            {anpool: ZMap.set hd n (anpool abs)}, hd)
              | _None
            | _None
        else None.

    Definition abs_dequeue_high_sem : cprimitive abs_queue_layerdata :=
      cgensem _ abs_dequeue_high_spec.

    Global Instance abs_dequeue_pres_inv :
      GenSemPreservesInvariant abs_queue_layerdata abs_dequeue_high_spec.
      split; auto.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? Hinv.
      inv_generic_sem Hsem.
      unfold abs_dequeue_high_spec in H2.
      destruct Hinv.
      do 5 (destr_in H2; try discriminate).
      inv H2.
      specialize (abs_q_unique0 eq_refl).
      assert (Hnin: ¬In z0 l).
      { inv abs_q_unique0. rewrite Forall_forall in H2.
        red; intros.
        assert (In z0 (z0 :: l)) by (cbn; auto).
        apply H2 in H3.
        cbn in H3. rewrite zeq_true in H3. inv H3.
        rewrite <- count_occ_not_In in H6; auto.
      constructor; cbn; intros; auto; try congruence.
        destr_eq node (last l z0); [subst |].
        + econstructor; [rewrite ZMap.gss; auto |].
          split; [discriminate |]; intros.
          destruct (zeq (last l z0) z0).
          × apply remove_In in H3; auto.
          × destruct H3; auto. apply remove_In in H3; auto.
        + apply inQ_valid0 in H2; auto; inv H2.
          econstructor; [rewrite ZMap.gso; eauto |].
          rewrite H6.
          destruct (zeq (last l z0) z0) as [?Heq | ?Hneq].
          × rewrite Heq. rewrite remove_nin; auto.
            split; cbn; intros; auto.
            destruct H2; [congruence | auto].
          × destr_eq z0 node; [subst |].
            -- split; intros; cbn; auto.
            -- split; intros.
               ++ right. destruct H2; [congruence |]. rewrite remove_neq; auto.
               ++ right. destruct H2; [congruence |]. rewrite remove_neq in H2; auto.
        inv abs_q_unique0; constructor.
        rewrite Forall_forall in H3; rewrite Forall_forall.
        intros; cbn.
        destruct (zeq (last l z0) z0) as [?Heq | ?Hneq].
        + rewrite Heq in ×.
          assert (x z0).
          { red; intros; subst x.
            apply remove_In in H2; auto.
          rewrite count_occ_remove_neq; auto.
          rewrite remove_neq in H2; auto.
          assert (Hin: In x (z0 :: l)) by (cbn; auto).
          erewrite <- count_occ_cons_neq; eauto.
        + destr_eq x z0; [subst |].
          × cbn. rewrite zeq_true. f_equal.
            rewrite <- count_occ_not_In.
            rewrite remove_neq; auto.
          × cbn. rewrite zeq_false; auto.
            destruct H2; [congruence |].
            assert (x last l z0).
            { red; intros; subst x.
              apply remove_In in H2; auto.
            rewrite remove_neq in H2; auto.
            assert (Hin: In x (z0 :: l)) by (cbn; auto).
            rewrite count_occ_remove_neq; auto.
            erewrite <- count_occ_cons_neq; eauto.

  End HighSpec.

Layer Relation

  Section LowHighSpecRel.

Having defined the high-level specification, we now turn to the refinement proofs, beginning by defining the refinement relations.
This layer is a pure refinement between abstract states, so the C memory plays no role, and we can use a trivial always-true relation match_data.

    Inductive match_data : abs_queue_layerdata mem Prop :=
    | match_data_intro: m abs,
        match_data abs m.

relate_npool relates the high and low level node pools. It ensures that the data field matches between the two node representations.
    Inductive relate_npool : abs_node_pool node_pool Prop :=
    | relate_node_undef:
        relate_npool (ZMap.init AbsNodeUndef) (ZMap.init NodeUndef)
    | relate_npool_intro: anp np,
        ( nd inQ dat,
          0 nd < MAX_NODES
          ZMap.get nd anp = AbsNode dat inQ
           nxt prv, ZMap.get nd np = Node dat nxt prv)
        relate_npool anp np.

The next component of the refinement relation is perhaps the most interesting part of the refinement proof---we need to specify what a valid doubly-linked list looks like when it represents a given abstract list. For example, consider an abstract list with three items:
4 :: 9 :: 3 :: nil.
The corresponding doubly-linked list can be drawn graphically as:
   tl=4 ----> 4                     9                 3              <---- hd=3
             +---------------+     +-----------+     +-----------------+
         X<--|nxt=MAX_NODES  | <---|nxt=4      | <---|nxt=9            |
             |         prv=9 |---> |     prv=3 |---> |    prv=MAX_NODES|-->X
             +---------------+     +-----------+     +-----------------+
> Note that we consider the tail to be the front of the list, and use MAX_NODES as the null value in the first and last items. The hd and tl fields of the low-level queue should therefore correspond to the first last item in the list.
TUTORIAL (optional): At this point you may want to pause, and try yourself to write down a Coq predicate capturing when a node pool and hd/tl value correctly represent a list of integers. When you are done, you look at the definition we came up with, match_nxt_prv.
Clearly, there are many equivalent ways to phrase this in Coq (e.g., as a fixpoint or an inductive definition), and finding one that's convenient to reason about will make a lot of difference on the proof.

    Fixpoint match_nxt_prv (q: list Z) (hd tl: Z) (next: Z) (np: node_pool) : Prop :=
      match q with
      | nilhd = MAX_NODES tl = MAX_NODES
      | n :: nil
          hd = n tl = n
           dat, ZMap.get n np = Node dat next MAX_NODES
      | n :: q'
          tl = n
           dat prv,
            ZMap.get n np = Node dat next prv
            match_nxt_prv q' hd prv n np

    Inductive relate_queue : abs_queue queue_low node_pool Prop :=
    | relate_queue_undef:
        relate_queue AbsQueueUndef QueueUndef (ZMap.init NodeUndef)
    | relate_queue_intro: q hd tl np,
        match_nxt_prv q hd tl MAX_NODES np
        relate_queue (AbsQueue q) (Queue hd tl) np.

    Record relate_data (hadt: abs_queue_layerdata) (ladt: queue_layerdata) := {
      init_rel: init_flag hadt = init_flag ladt;
      npool_rel: relate_npool (anpool hadt) (npool ladt);
      queue_rel: relate_queue (aqueue hadt) (queue ladt) (npool ladt)

    Definition abrel_components_abs_queue_queue :
      abrel_components abs_queue_layerdata queue_layerdata :=
        abrel_relate := relate_data;
        abrel_match := match_data;
        abrel_new_glbl := nil

    Global Instance rel_ops :
      AbstractionRelation _ _ abrel_components_abs_queue_queue.
    Proof. repeat constructor. Qed.

    Definition abrel_abs_queue_queue
        : abrel abs_queue_layerdata queue_layerdata :=
        abrel_ops := abrel_components_abs_queue_queue;
        abrel_prf := rel_ops

    Definition abs_queue_R : simrel _ _ :=
      abrel_simrel _ _ abrel_abs_queue_queue.

Some additional properties about match_nxt_prv.
    Lemma match_nxt_prv_not_in : q hd tl next np,
      match_nxt_prv q hd tl next np
      ( nd, ¬In nd q
          node, match_nxt_prv q hd tl next (ZMap.set nd node np)).
      induction q; cbn; intros; auto.
      destruct q.
      - destruct H0 as (? & ? & ? & ?); subst.
        destr_eq a nd; [tauto |].
        rewrite ZMap.gso; eauto.
      - destruct H0 as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); subst.
        destr_eq a nd; [tauto |].
        rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
        rewrite H2.
        repeat esplit; auto.

    Lemma match_nxt_prv__last : q hd tl next np,
      match_nxt_prv q hd tl next np hd = last q hd.
      induction q; simpl.
      - intros; congruence.
      - intros.
        destruct q.
        + destruct H0; auto.
        + destruct H0 as [? [dat [prv [? ?]]]]; eapply IHq; eauto; congruence.

    Lemma match_nxt_prv_Def : x q hd tl next np,
      In x q match_nxt_prv q hd tl next np ZMap.get x np NodeUndef.
      induction q.
      - simpl. tauto.
      - simpl.
        destruct q.
        + intuition. destruct H5. congruence.
        + intuition; destruct H4 as [? [? [? ?]]]; eauto; congruence.

    Lemma match_nxt_prv_inv : np q x y hd tl tail,
      match_nxt_prv (x :: y :: q) hd tl tail np
      match_nxt_prv (y :: q) hd y x np.
      destruct q.
      - intros.
        simpl in ×.
      - intros.
        simpl in H0.
        destruct H0 as [? [dat [prv [? [? ?]]]]].
        simpl in ×.
        split; [reflexivity |].

    Lemma match_nxt_prv_remove : np x xd xn xp y,
      ZMap.get x np = Node xd xn xp
       q tl next,
        ¬ In x q
        match_nxt_prv (q ++ x :: y :: nil) y tl next np
        match_nxt_prv (q ++ x :: nil) x tl next (ZMap.set x (Node xd xn MAX_NODES) np).
      induction q.
      - simpl. intros ? ? ? [? [? [? [? [? [? [? ?]]]]]]].
        split. auto.
        split. auto.
         xd. rewrite ZMap.gss. congruence.
      - destruct q.
        + intros ? ? HNIn Hmatch.
          assert (HNIn': ¬ In x nil) by (simpl; tauto).
          specialize (IHq _ _ HNIn' (match_nxt_prv_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hmatch)).
          simpl in ×.
          split; auto.
           H2. H6.
          × rewrite ZMap.gso by (contradict HNIn; auto).
          × split; auto.
            split; auto.
            rewrite ZMap.gss.
        + intros ? ? HNIn Hmatch.
          assert (HNIn': ¬ In x (t :: q)) by (simpl in *; tauto).
          specialize (IHq _ _ HNIn' (match_nxt_prv_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hmatch)).
          simpl in ×.
          destruct Hmatch as [? [adat [aprv [? ?]]]].
          assert (t = aprv) by
            (destruct (q ++ x :: y :: nil); destruct_conjs; auto).
          split. assumption.
           adat. t.
          × rewrite ZMap.gso by (contradict HNIn; auto).
          × exact IHq.

    Lemma nxt_of_last : y ys hd np dat nxt prv xs tl tail,
      match_nxt_prv (xs ++ y :: ys) hd tl tail np
      ZMap.get y np = Node dat nxt prv
      nxt = last xs tail.
      induction xs.
      - simpl.
        destruct ys; intros; destruct_conjs; congruence.
      - destruct xs as [| x xs].
        + simpl in ×.
          intros; destruct ys; destruct_conjs; congruence.
        + intros tl tail Hmatch Hget.
          specialize (IHxs _ _ (match_nxt_prv_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hmatch) Hget).
          change (last (a :: x :: xs) tail) with (last (x::xs) tail).
          rewrite <- (last_nonempty_dummy a).

  End LowHighSpecRel.

Refinement Proofs

  Section LowHighSpecSim.

    Context `{ce: ClightCompositeEnv}.

TUTORIAL: Fill in the refinement proof for abs_enqueue.
    Lemma abs_enqueue_refine :
      (enqueue enqueue_high_sem) (inv abs_queue_R inv, ) : (enqueue abs_enqueue_high_sem).

    Lemma abs_dequeue_refine :
      (dequeue dequeue_high_sem) (inv abs_queue_R inv, ) : (dequeue abs_dequeue_high_sem).
      Opaque Z.mul.
      inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
      inv InvLo.
      inv cprimitive_inv_init_state_data_inv.
      inv InvHi.
      inv cprimitive_inv_init_state_data_inv.
      inversion MemRel.
      inv abrel_match_mem_match.
      inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
      pose proof MAX_NODES_range as Hmn_range.
      unfold abs_dequeue_high_spec in H1.
      do 5 (destr_in H1; try discriminate).
      rename Heqb into Hinit;
      rename Heqa into Haqueue;
      rename Heqa0 into Hahead.
      inv H1.
      inv queue_rel0.
      inv npool_rel0.
      { rewrite <- H4 in Hahead. rewrite in Hahead. discriminate. }
      rename z into head;
      rename z0 into tail;
      rename l into q;
      rename H3 into Hlast;
      rename H2 into Hq_match;
      rename H1 into Hq;
      rename H0 into Hnode_match;
      destruct (zeq (last q tail) tail) as [Heq | Hneq].
last q tail = tail (queue = tail :: nil)
        assert (Hnin: ¬In tail q)
          by (destruct (unique_not_In nil tail q (abs_q_unique0 eq_refl));
        apply last_nin_default in Heq; auto; subst.
        cbn in Hlast; subst.
        cbn in Hq_match. destruct Hq_match as (? & ? & hddat & Hhead); subst.
        assert (Hhead_range: 0 Int.unsigned head < MAX_NODES).
        { cut (~~(0 Int.unsigned head < MAX_NODES)); try omega.
          red; intros Hrange. apply npool_range0 in Hrange. congruence.
        cbn in Hahead. pose proof Hahead as Hhead'.
        apply Hnode_match in Hhead'; auto.
        destruct Hhead' as (? & ? & Hhead').
        rewrite Hhead in Hhead'; inv Hhead'.
        do 3 eexists; split.
        - repeat constructor.
          unfold dequeue_high_spec.
          rewrite <- init_rel0, <- Hq, Hhead.
          destr; try omega. destr; try omega.
          rewrite Int.unsigned_repr; [reflexivity | cbn; omega].
        - repeat (constructor; auto); cbn; try congruence.
          + rewrite Int.repr_unsigned. constructor.
          + intros ? ? ? ? Hnd. destr_eq nd (Int.unsigned head); [subst |].
            × rewrite ZMap.gss.
              rewrite ZMap.gss in Hnd; inv Hnd.
            × rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
              rewrite ZMap.gso in Hnd; eauto.
last q tail <> tail (queue = tail :: tailprev :: queue')
        destruct q as [| nd ?]; cbn in Hq_match; [contradiction |].
        destruct Hq_match as (? & tldat & tlprv & Htail & Hq_match); subst.
        assert (Htail_range: 0 tail < MAX_NODES).
        { cut (~~(0 tail < MAX_NODES)); try omega.
          red; intros Hrange. apply npool_range0 in Hrange. congruence.
        assert (nd = tlprv).
by Hq_match
          destruct q; destruct Hq_match as [? [? ?]]; congruence.
        assert (hd = Int.unsigned head).
if q = nil, tlprv = head, otherwise hd = last q = head
          assert (hd = last (nd :: q) tail).
            rewrite <- (last_nonempty_dummy hd).
            eapply (match_nxt_prv__last _ _ tlprv tail (npool yd)).
            exact Hq_match.
        rewrite Hlast in ×.
        assert (Int.unsigned head MAX_NODES).
        { rewrite <- Hlast.
          destruct (last_In tail (tlprv :: q)) as [HIn | HIn].
          - congruence.
          - rewrite Hlast in ×.
            assert (Hhead_Def := match_nxt_prv_Def _ _ _ _ _ _ HIn Hq_match).
            specialize (npool_range0 (Int.unsigned head)).
            cut (~~(0 (Int.unsigned head) < MAX_NODES)); try omega.
            intros Hrange. apply npool_range0 in Hrange. congruence.
        symmetry in init_rel0; specialize (q_valid0 init_rel0).
        inv q_valid0.
        rewrite <- Hq in H1; inv H1.
        assert (Hhead_range: 0 Int.unsigned head < MAX_NODES) by omega.
        pose proof Hhead_range as Hhead_range'.
        apply npool_valid0 in Hhead_range'; auto; inv Hhead_range'.
        rename H1 into Hhead.
        assert (nxt MAX_NODES).
          destruct (tail_last tail (tlprv :: q)) as [? | [q' Hq']];
          [congruence |].
          assert (Hnxt_tail:
            match_nxt_prv (tlprv :: q) (Int.unsigned head) tlprv tail (npool yd))
            by (exact Hq_match).
          rewrite Hq' in Hnxt_tail.
          apply nxt_of_last with (dat := d) (nxt := nxt) (prv := prv) in Hnxt_tail.
          assert (Hin: In nxt (tail :: q')).
            destruct (last_In tail q');
              subst; simpl in *; auto.
          destruct Hin.
          - omega.
          - assert (Hin': In nxt (q' ++ last (tlprv :: q) tail :: nil))
              by (rewrite in_app; auto).
            assert (Hq_match':
              match_nxt_prv (tlprv :: q) (Int.unsigned head) tlprv tail (npool yd))
              by (exact Hq_match).
            rewrite Hq' in Hq_match'.
            assert (Hhead_Def := match_nxt_prv_Def _ _ _ _ _ _ Hin' Hq_match').
            specialize (npool_range0 nxt).
            cut (~~(0 nxt < MAX_NODES)); try omega.
            intros Hrange. apply npool_range0 in Hrange. congruence.
          - congruence.
        assert (Hnxt_range: 0 nxt < MAX_NODES) by omega.
        apply npool_valid0 in Hnxt_range; auto; inv Hnxt_range.
        rename H6 into Hnxt.
        do 3 eexists; split.
        - repeat constructor.
          unfold dequeue_high_spec.
          rewrite init_rel0, <- Hq, <- Hhead, <- Hnxt.
          destr; try omega.
          destr; try omega.
        - repeat (constructor; auto); cbn; try congruence.
          + intros nd ? ? Hnd_range Hand.
            destr_eq nd (Int.unsigned head); [subst |].
            × rewrite ZMap.gss.
              rewrite ZMap.gss in Hand; inv Hand.
              apply Hnode_match in Hahead; auto.
              destruct Hahead as (? & ? & Hahead').
              rewrite Hahead' in Hhead; inv Hhead. eauto.
            × rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
              rewrite ZMap.gso in Hand; auto.
              apply Hnode_match in Hand; auto. destruct Hand as (? & ? & Hand).
              destr_eq nd nxt; [subst |].
              -- rewrite ZMap.gss.
                 rewrite Hand in Hnxt; inv Hnxt; eauto.
              -- rewrite ZMap.gso; eauto.
          + destruct (zeq (Int.unsigned head) tlprv); [subst |].
queue = tail :: head :: nil
              assert (q = nil).
using that last (Int.unsigned head :: q) tail = Int.unsigned head
                change (tail :: Int.unsigned head :: q)
                  with ((tail::nil) ++ Int.unsigned head :: q)
                  in abs_q_unique0.
                destruct (unique_not_In _ _ _ (abs_q_unique0 eq_refl)).
                destruct q.
                - reflexivity.
                - change (last (Int.unsigned head :: z :: q) tail)
                    with (last (z :: q) tail) in Hlast.
                  apply last_nin_default with (x := Int.unsigned head) (y := tail);
              subst; cbn.
              destruct Hq_match as (? & ? & ? & ?); subst.
              assert (nxt = tail) by congruence.
              rewrite ZMap.gso; auto. rewrite ZMap.gss.
              rewrite Htail in Hnxt; inv Hnxt.
queue = tail :: tailprv :: queue' ++ (head :: nil)
              assert (Hq_match_reshuffle :
                        match_nxt_prv (tlprv :: q)
                                      (Int.unsigned head)
                                      (npool yd))
                by exact Hq_match.
              clear Hq_match.
              rename Hq_match_reshuffle into Hq_match.
              assert (Hqtail: q', q = q' ++ (Int.unsigned head :: nil)).
                destruct (tail_last tail (tlprv :: q)) as [? | [q' Hq']];
                [congruence |].
                rewrite Hlast in Hq'.
                destruct q'.
                - simpl in *; congruence.
                - q'.
                  simpl in *; congruence.
              destruct Hqtail as (q' & Hqtail); subst.
              assert (Hlast_q': nxt = last (tlprv :: q') (Int.unsigned head)).
                change (tlprv :: q' ++ Int.unsigned head :: nil)
                  with ((tlprv :: q') ++ Int.unsigned head :: nil)
                  in Hq_match.
                symmetry in Hhead.
                assert (Hlast_q' := nxt_of_last _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hq_match Hhead).
                rewrite <- (last_nonempty_dummy (Int.unsigned head)) in Hlast_q'.
                exact Hlast_q'.
              assert (In nxt (tlprv :: q' ++ Int.unsigned head :: nil)).
                rewrite Hlast_q'.
                destruct (last_In (Int.unsigned head) (tlprv :: q'));
                [congruence |].
                change (tlprv :: q' ++ Int.unsigned head :: nil)
                  with ((tlprv :: q') ++ Int.unsigned head :: nil).
                apply in_or_app.
              assert (tail nxt).
by abs_q_unique
                destruct (unique_not_In nil tail _ (abs_q_unique0 eq_refl)).
                intros Hcontra; rewrite Hcontra in *; tauto.
              assert (HNIn_head : ¬ In (Int.unsigned head) (tlprv :: q')).
                change (tail :: tlprv :: q' ++ Int.unsigned head :: nil)
                  with ((tail :: tlprv :: q') ++ Int.unsigned head :: nil)
                  in abs_q_unique0.
                destruct (unique_not_In _ _ _ (abs_q_unique0 eq_refl)).
                simpl in ×.
              repeat rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
              split; auto.
              esplit; esplit; split; eauto; cbn.
              assert (Hq':
                List.remove zeq (Int.unsigned head) (q' ++ Int.unsigned head :: nil) = q')
                by (rewrite remove_last; simpl in *; tauto).
              assert (Hq_match_reshuffle:
                        match_nxt_prv (tlprv :: q' ++ Int.unsigned head :: nil)
                                      (Int.unsigned head)
                                      (npool yd))
                by exact Hq_match.
              clear Hq_match.
              rename Hq_match_reshuffle into Hq_match.
              rewrite Hq'.
              destruct (tail_last (Int.unsigned head) q') as [Hq'' | [q'' Hq'']].
              -- subst.
                 assert (tlprv Int.unsigned head) by (simpl in *; tauto).
                 cbn in Hq_match.
                 destruct Hq_match as (_ & tlprvdat & tlprvprv & Htlprv & _ & ? & ? & Hhead');
                 rewrite <- Hhead in Hhead'; inv Hhead'.
                 simpl in Hnxt; rewrite Htlprv in Hnxt; inv Hnxt.
                 rewrite ZMap.gso; auto. rewrite ZMap.gss.
              -- rewrite Hq'' in Hq_match.
                 replace ((q'' ++ last q' (Int.unsigned head) :: nil) ++ Int.unsigned head :: nil)
                    with (q'' ++ last q' (Int.unsigned head) :: Int.unsigned head :: nil)
                    in Hq_match by (rewrite <- app_assoc; reflexivity).
                 cut (match_nxt_prv (tlprv :: q' )
                                      (ZMap.set (Int.unsigned head) (Node d MAX_NODES MAX_NODES)
                                                (ZMap.set nxt (Node d0 nxt0 MAX_NODES) (npool yd)))) ; [(intros blah; exact blah) | ].
                 replace (last (tlprv :: q') (Int.unsigned head))
                   with (last q' (Int.unsigned head))
                   in Hlast_q'
                   by (rewrite Hq'';
                       change (tlprv :: q'' ++ last q' (Int.unsigned head) :: nil)
                         with ((tlprv :: q'') ++ last q' (Int.unsigned head) :: nil);
                       repeat rewrite app_last by congruence;
                 rewrite <- Hlast_q' in ×.
                 clear Hlast_q'.
                 assert (HNIn_nxt: ¬ In nxt (tlprv :: q'')).
                   rewrite Hq'' in abs_q_unique0.
                   rewrite <- app_assoc in abs_q_unique0.
                   change (tail :: tlprv :: q'' ++ (nxt :: nil) ++ Int.unsigned head :: nil)
                     with ((tail :: tlprv :: q'') ++ nxt :: Int.unsigned head :: nil)
                     in abs_q_unique0.
                   destruct (unique_not_In _ _ _ (abs_q_unique0 eq_refl)).
                   simpl in ×.
                 apply match_nxt_prv_not_in; auto.
                 rewrite Hq'' in ×.
                 change (tlprv :: q'' ++ nxt :: nil) with ((tlprv :: q'') ++ nxt :: nil).
                 apply match_nxt_prv_remove with (xp := prv0) (y := Int.unsigned head).
                 exact HNIn_nxt.

  End LowHighSpecSim.


  Section Linking.

    Context `{ce: ClightCompositeEnv}.
    Hypothesis Hce :
      build_composite_env (node_t_comp :: queue_t_comp :: nil) = OK ce.

    Definition abs_queue_L : clayer abs_queue_layerdata :=
      enqueue abs_enqueue_high_sem
       dequeue abs_dequeue_high_sem.

    Hint Resolve abs_enqueue_refine
                 abs_dequeue_refine : linking.

We only need to use the link_solve_refine tactic since there is no intermediate spec.
    Theorem abs_queue_link :
      queue_L (inv abs_queue_R inv, ) : abs_queue_L.
    Proof. unfold queue_L. link_solve_refine. Qed.

    Lemma abs_queue_pres_inv :
      ForallPrimitive _ (CPrimitivePreservesInvariant _) abs_queue_L.
    Proof. unfold abs_queue_L. typeclasses eauto. Qed.

    Hint Resolve queue_boot_link abs_queue_link : linking.

    Theorem queue_boot_link :
      boot_L (intro_R inv queue_R inv abs_queue_R inv, intro_M queue_M) : abs_queue_L.
      apply (vdash_module_le _ _ _ _ _ ((intro_M queue_M) ));
      [constructor | reflexivity |].
      apply (vdash_rel_equiv _ _ ((intro_R inv queue_R inv)
                                  (inv abs_queue_R inv))).
      rewrite cat_compose_assoc. monotonicity. reflexivity.
      rewrite cat_compose_assoc. monotonicity. reflexivity.
      rewrite <- cat_compose_assoc. monotonicity. apply simrel_compose_inv_inv.
      eapply vcomp_rule; eauto with linking.

  End Linking.

End AbsQueue.