Library liblayers.lib.PowersetMonad

Require Import ExtensionalityAxioms.
Require Import Functor.
Require Import Monad.

- Prop is a Functor

fmap f pA is the image of the "set" pA : A Prop by the function f.

Inductive powerset_fmap {A B} (f: A B) (pA: A Prop): B Prop :=
  | powerset_fmap_intro a: pA a powerset_fmap f pA (f a).

Arguments powerset_fmap_intro {A B f pA} a _.

Instance powerset_functor_ops: FunctorOps (fun XX Prop) := {
  fmap A B := powerset_fmap

Instance powerset_functor: Functor (fun XX Prop).
  × intros A pA.
    apply functional_extensionality; intro x.
    apply prop_ext; split; simpl.
    - intro H; inversion H; subst.
    - intro H.
      fold (id x).
  × intros A B C f g pA.
    apply functional_extensionality; intro c.
    apply prop_ext; split.
    - intro H; inversion H; subst.
    - intro H.
      inversion H; subst.
      inversion H0; subst.
      change (f (g a0)) with ((fun yf (g y)) a0).
      apply powerset_fmap_intro.

- Prop is also a monad

The operation ret a constructs the singleton {a} and is simply the predicate eq a. On the other hand, bind R pA is the image of the set pA by the relation R: A B Prop.

Inductive pred_bind {A B} (R: A B Prop) (pA: A Prop) (b: B): Prop :=
  | pred_bind_intro a: pA a R a b pred_bind R pA b.

Arguments pred_bind_intro {A B R pA b} a _ _.

Instance pred_monad_ops: MonadOps (fun XX Prop) := {
  ret A := eq;
  bind A B := pred_bind

Instance pred_monad: Monad (fun XX Prop).
  split; unfold bind, ret; simpl; intros.
  × typeclasses eauto.
  × apply functional_extensionality; intro pA.
    apply functional_extensionality; intro b.
    apply prop_ext; split; intro H.
    - destruct H as [x Hx].
      apply (pred_bind_intro x).
      + assumption.
      + reflexivity.
    - destruct H as [x Hx Hxy]; subst.
      apply (powerset_fmap_intro x).
  × apply functional_extensionality; intro y.
    apply prop_ext; split; intro H.
    - inversion H; congruence.
    - apply (pred_bind_intro x); now auto.
  × apply functional_extensionality; intro x.
    apply prop_ext; split; intro H.
    - inversion H; congruence.
    - apply (pred_bind_intro x); now auto.
  × apply functional_extensionality; intro z.
    apply prop_ext; split; intro H.
    - destruct H as [y [x Hx Hxy] Hyz].
      apply (pred_bind_intro x).
      + assumption.
      + apply (pred_bind_intro y); now auto.
    - destruct H as [x Hx [y Hxy Hyz]].
      apply (pred_bind_intro y).
      + apply (pred_bind_intro x); now auto.
      + assumption.

Global Instance powerset_inv_ret:
  MonadInvRet (fun XX Prop).
  intros A x y H.
  unfold bind, ret in *; simpl in ×.
  rewrite H.

Global Instance powerset_inv_bind_weak:
  MonadInvBindWeak (fun XX Prop).
  intros A B f ma b H.
  unfold bind, ret in *; simpl in ×.
  pose proof (eq_refl b) as Hab.
  rewrite <- H in Hab.
  inversion Hab.
  apply functional_extensionality; intros b'.
  apply prop_ext; split; intro Hb'.
  × rewrite <- H.
    econstructor; eassumption.
  × congruence.