Library liblayers.logic.OptionOrders

Require Import liblayers.lib.Functor.
Require Import liblayers.lib.OptionMonad.
Require Import liblayers.logic.Structures.
Require Import liblayers.logic.LayerData.


From a pre-existing order on type A, we can build two different orders on the type option A depending on whether we interpret the new element None as ⊥ or ⊤. For our purposes both are useful.
Indeed consider modules for example. We say that M1 M2 if all of the definitions in M1 are present in M2. This means that when we inerpret None as the absence of a definition, we should think of it as a ⊥ element: any definition is bigger than no definition.
But for a given symbol defined in M1, in addition to providing the same definition, a larger module M2 is also allowed to associate the special value magic with that symbol. This means that the symbol is "overdefined": magic is the result of linking two conflicting modules, for instance i τ i τ = i magic. Since we want to be monotonic, and an upper bound of its arguments, it is natural to interpret magic as a top element.
Of course, attempting to construct an actual program from a module containing magic will fail. But this failure fits right in as ⊤, since it results from a module that is in some sense too large. We like to use the option monad to express the program construction process, and if in this context we interpret None as a ⊤ element, then we do not need any special side-conditions when stating the monotonicity of program construction.

Simple order

  Inductive option_le {A B} (R: rel A B): rel (option A) (option B) :=
    | option_le_none:
        LowerBound (option_le R) None
    | option_le_some_def:
        (R ++> option_le R)%rel (@Some _) (@Some _).

  Global Existing Instance option_le_none.

  Global Instance option_le_subrel A B:
    Monotonic (@option_le A B) (subrel ++> subrel).
    intros R1 R2 HR x y Hxy.
    destruct Hxy; constructor; eauto.

  Global Instance option_le_subrel_params:
    Params (@option_le) 3.

  Global Instance option_le_rel {A B} (R: rel A B):
    Related (option_rel R) (option_le R) subrel.
    intros _ _ []; constructor; eauto.

  Local Instance option_le_op `(Ale: Le): Le (option A) :=
    { le := option_le (≤) }.

  Lemma option_le_refl {A} (R: relation A):
    Reflexive R Reflexive (option_le R).
    intros H.
    intros [x|]; constructor; reflexivity.

  Lemma option_le_trans {A} (R: relation A):
    Transitive R Transitive (option_le R).
    intros H.
    intros _ _ z [x | x y Hxy] Hz; inversion Hz; subst; clear Hz.
    - constructor.
    - constructor.
    - constructor.
      etransitivity; eassumption.

  Global Instance option_le_htrans {A B C} RAB RBC RAC:
    HTransitive (A:=A) (B:=B) (C:=C) RAB RBC RAC
    HTransitive (option_le RAB) (option_le RBC) (option_le RAC).
    intros HR x y z Hxy Hyz.
    destruct Hxy as [ | x y Hxy ]; try constructor.
    inversion Hyz as [ | y' z' Hyz' ]; subst; try constructor.
    htransitivity y; assumption.

  Global Instance option_le_rtrans {A B C} RAB RBC RAC:
    RTransitive (A:=A) (B:=B) (C:=C) RAB RBC RAC
    RTransitive (option_le RAB) (option_le RBC) (option_le RAC).
    intros HR x z Hxz.
    destruct Hxz as [ | a c Hac].
    × None.
      split; constructor.
    × apply rtransitivity in Hac.
      destruct Hac as (b & Hab & Hbc).
       (Some b).
      split; constructor; assumption.

  Global Instance option_le_transport_eq_some {A B} (R: rel A B) x y a:
    Transport (option_le R) x y (x = Some a) ( b, y = Some b R a b).
    intros Hxy Hx.
    subst; inversion Hxy; eauto.

Hint Extern 1 (Reflexive (option_le ?R)) ⇒
  not_evar R; apply option_le_refl : typeclass_instances.

Hint Extern 1 (Transitive (option_le ?R)) ⇒
  not_evar R; apply option_le_trans : typeclass_instances.

Option predicates

Global Instance isSome_le:
  Monotonic (@isSome) (forallr R, option_le R ++> impl).
  intros A1 A2 RA x1 x2 Hx H.
  destruct Hx.
  × inversion H.
  × y.

Global Instance isNone_le:
  Monotonic (@isNone) (forallr R, option_le R --> impl).
  intros A1 A2 RA x1 x2 Hx H.
  destruct Hx.
  × reflexivity.
  × inversion H.

Monad operations

Global Instance option_map_le:
    (forallr RA, forallr RB, (RA ++> RB) ++> option_le RA ++> option_le RB).
  unfold option_map.

FIXME: We probably want to make one of those have and explicitely higher priority, but it's not clear yet which one would be best. Contexts where transport is used will be particularly telling.

Global Instance option_rel_monad:
  MonadRel (@option_rel).
  split; simpl; rauto.

Global Instance option_le_monad:
  MonadRel (@option_le).
  split; simpl; rauto.