Library tutorial.container.ContainerType



Definitions and properties of container data.

Compcert helper lib
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Compcert types and semantics
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
CertiKOS layer library
Require Import MemWithData.
Require Import Decision.

Require Import TutoLib.

This file contains the definitions of the abstract data for the container layers as well as some auxiliary lemmas. A container is an object that tracks a process' resource usage. In CertiKOS a pool of containers is maintained, one per process. Initially, only the root process' container is initialized, but new ones can be created using the split primitive. This example is a slightly simplified from the CertiKOS version, but follows it very closely. The fields and their meanings are:
  • quota: The maximum amount of memory a process is allowed to use
  • usage: The current amount of memory being used by the process
  • parent: The id of the process that spawned this one
  • nchildren: The number of processes this one has spawned
  • used: Whether a container is initialized

Open Scope Z_scope.

Some constants used throughout.
Definition NUM_ID : Z := 1024.
Fact NUM_ID_range : 0 < 20 × NUM_ID Int.max_unsigned.
Proof. cbn; omega. Qed.

Definition MAX_CHILDREN : Z := 8.
Fact MAX_CHILDREN_range : 0 < MAX_CHILDREN Int.max_unsigned.
Proof. cbv. intuition. Qed.

Definition PAGE_SIZE : Z := 4096.
Fact PAGE_SIZE_range : 0 < PAGE_SIZE Int.max_unsigned.
Proof. cbv. intuition. Qed.

Definition VM_USERLO : Z := 1073741824.
Definition VM_USERHI : Z := 4026531840.
Proof. cbv. intuition. Qed.
Fact VM_USERHI_range : VM_USERLO < VM_USERHI Int.max_unsigned.
Proof. cbv. intuition. Qed.

Definition ROOT_QUOTA : Z := 720896.
Fact ROOT_QUOTA_range : 0 ROOT_QUOTA Int.max_unsigned.
Proof. cbv. intuition. Qed.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

We make these quantities opaque, because their actual values don't matter so long as the facts we proved about their ranges hold.
Global Opaque NUM_ID.
Global Opaque MAX_CHILDREN.
Global Opaque PAGE_SIZE.
Global Opaque VM_USERLO.
Global Opaque VM_USERHI.
Global Opaque ROOT_QUOTA.

Abstract Data


The abstract data is almost just a Coq version of the C struct, but instead of storing just the number of children, we store a list containing their process ids. This is purely logical; only the length of the list is actually represented in the implementation.
  Record container_abs : Type := mkContainer {
    cquota: Z;
    cusage: Z;
    cparent: Z;
    cchildren: list Z;
    cused: bool

  Definition container_pool := ZMap.t container_abs.

  Definition container_unused := mkContainer 0 0 0 nil false.

  Definition container_pool_init :=
    ZMap.set 0 (mkContainer ROOT_QUOTA 0 0 nil true) (ZMap.init container_unused).

  Record container_data : Type := {
    init_flag: bool;
    cpool: container_pool

  Definition container_data_init : container_data :=
      init_flag := false;
      cpool := ZMap.init container_unused

The offsets of the fields in the struct.
  Definition quo_off := 0.
  Definition usg_off := 4.
  Definition par_off := 8.
  Definition nch_off := 12.
  Definition use_off := 16.
  Definition con_sz := 20.


Ltac unfold_fields :=
  unfold con_sz, quo_off, usg_off, par_off, nch_off, use_off in ×.

Properties of a Valid Container


A 'valid' container must satisfy several properties:
  • Only containers for a valid process id can be initialized
  • Only the root process has itself as its parent
  • The quota must be bounded by the maximum unsigned integer
  • The usage must be bounded by the quota
  • A process' parent container must also be initialized
  • All of a process' children's containers must be intialized
  • A process must be in its parent's children (unless it is root)
  • A process must be the parent of all of its children
  • The sum of a process' children's quotas must be bounded by its usage
  • The list of children must not contain duplicates
  Inductive child_quotas_bounded : container_pool list Z Z Prop :=
  | cqb_nil: cp n,
      0 n child_quotas_bounded cp nil n
  | cqb_cons: cp c cs n m,
      0 cquota (ZMap.get c cp) m
      child_quotas_bounded cp cs n
      child_quotas_bounded cp (c :: cs) (n + m).

  Record container_valid (cp: container_pool) : Prop := mkContainerValid {
    cvalid_id: i,
      cused (ZMap.get i cp) = true
      0 i < NUM_ID;
    cvalid_root: i,
      cused (ZMap.get i cp) = true
      (i = cparent (ZMap.get i cp) (i = 0));
    cvalid_quota: i,
      cused (ZMap.get i cp) = true
      cquota (ZMap.get i cp) Int.max_unsigned;
    cvalid_usage: i,
      cused (ZMap.get i cp) = true
      0 cusage (ZMap.get i cp) cquota (ZMap.get i cp);
    cvalid_parent_used: i,
      cused (ZMap.get i cp) = true
      cused (ZMap.get (cparent (ZMap.get i cp)) cp) = true;
    cvalid_children_used: i,
      cused (ZMap.get i cp) = true
      Forall (fun jcused (ZMap.get j cp) = true) (cchildren (ZMap.get i cp));
    cvalid_parents_child: i,
      cused (ZMap.get i cp) = true
      i 0
      In i (cchildren (ZMap.get (cparent (ZMap.get i cp)) cp));
    cvalid_childrens_parent: i,
      cused (ZMap.get i cp) = true
      Forall (fun jcparent (ZMap.get j cp) = i) (cchildren (ZMap.get i cp));
    cvalid_cqb: i,
      cused (ZMap.get i cp) = true
      child_quotas_bounded cp (cchildren (ZMap.get i cp)) (cusage (ZMap.get i cp));
    cvalid_nodup: i,
      cused (ZMap.get i cp) = true
      NoDup (cchildren (ZMap.get i cp))


Container Properties


  Context `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}.

  Local Ltac zmap_simpl := ((try subst; rewrite ZMap.gss) ||
                            (rewrite ZMap.gso; [| congruence]) ||
                            (try subst; rewrite ZMap.set2) ||
  Local Ltac zmap_simpl_in H :=
    ((try subst; rewrite ZMap.gss in H) ||
     (rewrite ZMap.gso in H; [| congruence]) ||
     (try subst; rewrite ZMap.set2) ||

Child Quotas Bounded

These lemmas will be needed to prove that the primitives preserve the validity of a container.
  Lemma cqb_weaken : cs cp c n con,
    0 cquota con cquota (ZMap.get c cp)
    child_quotas_bounded cp cs n
    child_quotas_bounded (ZMap.set c con cp) cs n.
    induction cs; cbn; intros ? ? ? ? Hquo Hbound; inv Hbound.
    - constructor; assumption.
    - constructor; auto.
      destr_eq a c; zmap_simpl; [omega | auto].

  Lemma cqb_bound : cs cp n m,
    n m
    child_quotas_bounded cp cs n
    child_quotas_bounded cp cs m.
    induction cs; cbn; intros ? ? ? Hnm Hbound; inv Hbound.
    - constructor; omega.
    - eapply (IHcs _ _ (m - m0)) in H4; try omega.
      replace m with (m - m0 + m0) by omega.
      constructor; auto.

  Lemma cqb_notin : cs cp c n con,
    ~(In c cs)
    child_quotas_bounded cp cs n
    child_quotas_bounded (ZMap.set c con cp) cs n.
    induction cs; cbn; intros ? ? ? ? Hnin Hbound; inv Hbound.
    - constructor; assumption.
    - constructor; auto.
      destr_eq a c; zmap_simpl; [tauto | auto].

  Lemma cqb_reorder : cs cp c1 c2 con1 con2 n,
    c1 c2
    child_quotas_bounded (ZMap.set c1 con1 (ZMap.set c2 con2 cp)) cs n
    child_quotas_bounded (ZMap.set c2 con2 (ZMap.set c1 con1 cp)) cs n.
    induction cs; cbn; intros ? ? ? ? ? ? Hneq Hbound; inv Hbound.
    - constructor; assumption.
    - constructor; auto.
      repeat rewrite ZMap.gsspec; repeat rewrite ZMap.gsspec in H2.
      destruct (ZIndexed.eq a c2); destruct (ZIndexed.eq a c1); (auto || congruence).

Invariant Preservation

Lemmas about primitives preserving validity.

  Lemma container_unused_valid : container_valid (ZMap.init container_unused).
    constructor; intros; rewrite in *; discriminate.

  Lemma container_init_valid : container_valid container_pool_init.
    unfold container_pool_init.
    pose proof NUM_ID_range as Hnid_range.
    constructor; intros i; destr_eq i 0; repeat zmap_simpl;
    (easy || auto || discriminate || omega || now constructor || idtac).

  Lemma container_alloc_valid : cp i,
    let c := ZMap.get i cp in
    container_valid cp
    cused c = true
    cusage c < cquota c
    container_valid (ZMap.set i {| cquota := cquota c;
                                   cusage := cusage c + 1;
                                   cparent := cparent c;
                                   cchildren := cchildren c;
                                   cused := cused c |} cp).
    intros ? ? ? Hvalid Hused Husg. destruct Hvalid.
    constructor; cbn; intro i'.
      destr_eq i i'; zmap_simpl; eauto.
      destr_eq i i'; zmap_simpl; eauto.
      destr_eq i i'; zmap_simpl; eauto.
      destr_eq i i'; zmap_simpl; eauto.
      cbn; intros _. specialize (cvalid_usage0 _ Hused). subst c; omega.
      destr_eq i i'; zmap_simpl; cbn; intros.
      + destr_eq (cparent c) i'; [rewrite Heq |]; zmap_simpl; eauto.
      + destr_eq (cparent (ZMap.get i' cp)) i; zmap_simpl; eauto.
      rewrite Forall_forall. intros Hused' i'' Hin.
      destr_eq i i''; zmap_simpl; auto.
      destr_eq i i';
      zmap_simpl_in Hin; zmap_simpl_in Hused';
      specialize (cvalid_children_used0 _ Hused');
      rewrite Forall_forall in cvalid_children_used0; auto.
      destr_eq i i'; zmap_simpl; cbn; intros Hused' Hneq0.
      + destr_eq (cparent c) i'; [rewrite Heq |]; zmap_simpl; eauto.
        specialize (cvalid_parents_child0 _ Hused Hneq0); subst c.
        rewrite Heq in cvalid_parents_child0; auto.
      + destr_eq (cparent (ZMap.get i' cp)) i; zmap_simpl; eauto.
      rewrite Forall_forall. intros Hused' i'' Hin.
      destr_eq i i''; zmap_simpl.
      + destr_eq i' i''; cbn;
        zmap_simpl_in Hin; zmap_simpl_in Hused';
        specialize (cvalid_childrens_parent0 _ Hused');
        rewrite Forall_forall in cvalid_childrens_parent0; subst c; auto.
      + destr_eq i i'; cbn;
        zmap_simpl_in Hin; zmap_simpl_in Hused';
        specialize (cvalid_childrens_parent0 _ Hused');
        rewrite Forall_forall in cvalid_childrens_parent0; subst c; auto.
      intros Hused'. apply cqb_weaken.
      + specialize (cvalid_usage0 _ Hused); subst c; cbn; omega.
      + destr_eq i i'; zmap_simpl; cbn; [| zmap_simpl_in Hused']; auto.
        apply cqb_bound with (n := cusage c); try omega.
        subst c; auto.
      destr_eq i i'; zmap_simpl; auto.
      cbn; subst c; auto.

  Lemma container_split_valid : cp id q,
    let c := ZMap.get id cp in
    let chid := id × MAX_CHILDREN + 1 + Z.of_nat (length (cchildren c)) in
    let child := {| cquota := q;
                    cusage := 0;
                    cparent := id;
                    cchildren := nil;
                    cused := true |} in
    let c' := {| cquota := cquota c;
                 cusage := cusage c + q;
                 cparent := cparent c;
                 cchildren := chid :: cchildren c;
                 cused := cused c |} in
    0 < chid < NUM_ID
    cused (ZMap.get chid cp) = false
    cused c = true
    0 q (cquota c - cusage c)
    container_valid cp
    container_valid (ZMap.set id c' (ZMap.set chid child cp)).
    intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hchid Hchused Hused Hq Hvalid.
    pose proof Hvalid as Hvalid'; destruct Hvalid'.
    assert (Hquo: cquota (ZMap.get id cp) Int.max_unsigned) by auto.
    assert (Husg: 0 cusage (ZMap.get id cp)) by (apply cvalid_usage0; auto).
    constructor; cbn; intros id'.
      destr_eq id id'; zmap_simpl; auto.
      destr_eq chid id'; zmap_simpl; (auto || omega).
      subst c; destr_eq chid id'; repeat zmap_simpl; cbn.
      + intros Hused'; split; intros Heq.
        × rewrite <- Heq in Hused. rewrite Hused in Hchused; discriminate.
        × rewrite Heq in Hchid. omega.
      + destr_eq id id'; repeat zmap_simpl; intros Hused'; subst c'; eauto.
      destr_eq id id'; zmap_simpl; cbn; auto.
      destr_eq chid id'; zmap_simpl; cbn; auto.
      intros _. cbn in Hquo; subst c; omega.
      destr_eq id id'; zmap_simpl; cbn.
      + intros Hused'. subst c; omega.
      + destr_eq chid id'; zmap_simpl; cbn; (auto || omega).
      destr_eq id id'; zmap_simpl; cbn.
      + destr_eq id' (cparent (ZMap.get id' cp)); [rewrite Heq | subst c];
          repeat zmap_simpl; auto.
        intros Hused'.
        destr_eq chid (cparent (ZMap.get id' cp)); [rewrite Heq |]; zmap_simpl; auto.
      + destr_eq id' chid; repeat zmap_simpl; auto.
        destr_eq id (cparent (ZMap.get id' cp)); repeat zmap_simpl; auto.
        destr_eq chid (cparent (ZMap.get id' cp)); [rewrite Heq |];
          repeat zmap_simpl; auto.
      rewrite Forall_forall. intros Hused' id'' Hin.
      destr_eq id id''; zmap_simpl; auto.
      destr_eq chid id''; zmap_simpl; auto.
      destr_eq id id'; zmap_simpl_in Hin; zmap_simpl_in Hused'.
      + specialize (cvalid_children_used0 _ Hused').
        rewrite Forall_forall in cvalid_children_used0.
        apply cvalid_children_used0.
        inv Hin; [contradiction | auto].
      + destr_eq chid id'; zmap_simpl_in Hin; repeat zmap_simpl_in Hused'.
        × contradiction.
        × specialize (cvalid_children_used0 _ Hused').
          rewrite Forall_forall in cvalid_children_used0; auto.
      destr_eq id id'; zmap_simpl.
      + intros Hused' Hid'.
        destr_eq id' (cparent c'); [rewrite Heq |]; zmap_simpl.
        × subst c c'; right; cbn; cbn in Heq.
          rewrite <- Heq.
          replace (ZMap.get id' cp) with
                  (ZMap.get (cparent (ZMap.get id' cp)) cp) by congruence.
          apply cvalid_parents_child0; auto.
        × destr_eq chid (cparent c'); [rewrite Heq |]; zmap_simpl; cbn; eauto.
          subst c; cbn in Heq. rewrite Heq in Hchused.
          apply cvalid_parent_used0 in Hused'. congruence.
      + destr_eq chid id'; repeat zmap_simpl; intros Hused' Hid'; cbn; auto.
        destr_eq id (cparent (ZMap.get id' cp)); zmap_simpl; cbn.
        × subst c; auto.
        × destr_eq chid (cparent (ZMap.get id' cp)); [rewrite Heq |];
            zmap_simpl; auto.
          rewrite Heq in Hchused. apply cvalid_parent_used0 in Hused'.
      rewrite Forall_forall.
      destr_eq id id'; zmap_simpl.
      + intros Hused' id'' Hin.
        specialize (cvalid_childrens_parent0 _ Hused).
        rewrite Forall_forall in cvalid_childrens_parent0.
        destr_eq id' id''; zmap_simpl; subst c c'; cbn in ×.
        × destruct Hin as [Heq | Hin]; [congruence | auto].
        × destr_eq chid id''; zmap_simpl; auto.
          destruct Hin as [Heq | Hin]; [congruence | auto].
      + destr_eq chid id'; zmap_simpl; intros Hused' id'' Hin; [contradiction |].
        specialize (cvalid_childrens_parent0 _ Hused').
        rewrite Forall_forall in cvalid_childrens_parent0.
        destr_eq id id''; zmap_simpl; try solve [subst c c'; cbn in *; auto].
        destr_eq chid id''; zmap_simpl; auto.
        specialize (cvalid_children_used0 _ Hused').
        rewrite Forall_forall in cvalid_children_used0.
        specialize (cvalid_children_used0 _ Hin).
      destr_eq id id'; zmap_simpl.
      + intros Hused'.
        destr_eq chid id'.
        × rewrite Heq in Hchused. subst c; cbn in Hused'. congruence.
        × constructor; repeat zmap_simpl; cbn; [omega |].
          apply cqb_reorder; auto.
          subst c c'; cbn in ×.
          apply cqb_notin.
          -- specialize (cvalid_children_used0 _ Hused').
             rewrite Forall_forall in cvalid_children_used0.
             intros Hin; specialize (cvalid_children_used0 _ Hin).
          -- apply cqb_weaken; [cbn; omega | eauto].
      + destr_eq chid id'; zmap_simpl; cbn; intros Hused'.
        constructor; reflexivity.
        destr_eq id chid; [rewrite Heq; zmap_simpl |].
        × apply cqb_notin; auto.
          specialize (cvalid_children_used0 _ Hused').
          rewrite Forall_forall in cvalid_children_used0.
          intros Hin. specialize (cvalid_children_used0 _ Hin).
        × apply cqb_reorder; auto.
          subst c c'; cbn in ×.
          apply cqb_notin.
          -- specialize (cvalid_children_used0 _ Hused').
             rewrite Forall_forall in cvalid_children_used0.
             intros Hin. specialize (cvalid_children_used0 _ Hin).
          -- apply cqb_weaken; [cbn; omega | auto].
      destr_eq id id'; zmap_simpl.
      + intros Hused'. constructor; eauto.
        specialize (cvalid_children_used0 _ Hused).
        rewrite Forall_forall in cvalid_children_used0.
        intros Hin. specialize (cvalid_children_used0 _ Hin).
      + destr_eq chid id'; zmap_simpl; [constructor | auto].

Container Struct Field Offsets

In the code proofs of the getters and setters, the offset of a particular field of a container is represented as the following arithmetic expression using Compcert's Ptrofs type. This can be simplified to the expression on the right, but it is tedious to show this for each field individually, so we prove it for all fields here.

  Lemma container_fields_off_rewrite : foff i,
    0 Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID
    0 foff < con_sz
          (Ptrofs.mul (Ptrofs.repr con_sz) (Ptrofs.of_intu i)))
        (Ptrofs.repr foff))) = con_sz × Int.unsigned i + foff.
    intros ? ? Hi_range Hoff_range.
    pose proof NUM_ID_range as Hnid_range.
    pose proof int_ptrofs_max as Hint_ptr.
    rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l.
    unfold Ptrofs.add, Ptrofs.mul,, Ptrofs.of_intu, Ptrofs.of_int.
    assert (con_sz Int.max_unsigned) by auto.
    repeat rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr; omega.

  Corollary container_fields_store_ok : foff m m' b i v,
    0 Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID
    0 foff < con_sz Mint32 m b (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + foff) v = Some m' Mint32 m b
            (Ptrofs.mul (Ptrofs.repr con_sz) (Ptrofs.of_intu i)))
          (Ptrofs.repr foff))) v = Some m'.
  Proof. intros; rewrite container_fields_off_rewrite; auto. Qed.

  Corollary container_fields_load_ok : foff m b i v,
    0 Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID
    0 foff < con_sz
    Mem.load Mint32 m b (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + foff) = Some v
    Mem.load Mint32 m b
            (Ptrofs.mul (Ptrofs.repr con_sz) (Ptrofs.of_intu i)))
          (Ptrofs.repr foff))) = Some v.
  Proof. intros; rewrite container_fields_off_rewrite; auto. Qed.

We will also need to know that the field offsets are aligned on the size of an integer (4 bytes).
  Lemma container_fields_align : i off,
    (off = quo_off off = usg_off off = par_off off = nch_off off = use_off)
    (4 | 20 × i + off).
    replace (20 × i) with (4 × (5 × i)) by omega.
    apply Z.divide_add_r; [apply Z.divide_factor_l |].
    destruct H as [? | [? | [? | [? | ?]]]]; subst.
    - now 0.
    - now 1.
    - now 2.
    - now 3.
    - now 4.