Library tutorial.container.ContainerIntro
Compcert types and semantics
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Clight.
Require Import Ctypes.
Require Import Cop.
Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Clight.
Require Import Ctypes.
Require Import Cop.
Require Import Smallstep.
CertiKOS layer library
Require Import Semantics.
Require Import Structures.
Require Import GenSem.
Require Import CGenSem.
Require Import CPrimitives.
Require Import SimulationRelation.
Require Import SimrelInvariant.
Require Import LayerLogicImpl.
Require Import ClightModules.
Require Import ClightXSemantics.
Require Import AbstractData.
Require Import AbstractionRelation.
Require Import TutoLib.
Require Import ContainerType.
Require Import Structures.
Require Import GenSem.
Require Import CGenSem.
Require Import CPrimitives.
Require Import SimulationRelation.
Require Import SimrelInvariant.
Require Import LayerLogicImpl.
Require Import ClightModules.
Require Import ClightXSemantics.
Require Import AbstractData.
Require Import AbstractionRelation.
Require Import TutoLib.
Require Import ContainerType.
In this file we will build a layer that implements the getters and setters
for a 'container' object. See ContainerType for an explanation of what a
container is. We implement ony 4 getters, and 2 setters because the remaining
fields are not modified after initialization.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Definition boot_init : ident := 1%positive.
Definition container_node_init : ident := 2%positive.
Definition container_get_quota : ident := 3%positive.
Definition container_get_usage : ident := 4%positive.
Definition container_get_parent : ident := 5%positive.
Definition container_get_nchildren : ident := 6%positive.
Definition container_set_usage : ident := 7%positive.
Definition container_set_nchildren : ident := 8%positive.
Definition CONTAINER_POOL : ident := 9%positive.
Section ContainerIntro.
Context `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}.
Context `{MakeProgramSpec.MakeProgram}.
Instance boot_data_ops : AbstractDataOps container_data :=
init_data := container_data_init;
data_inv := fun _ ⇒ True;
data_inject := fun _ _ _ ⇒ True
Instance boot_data_data : AbstractData container_data.
Proof. repeat constructor. Qed.
Definition boot_layerdata : layerdata :=
ldata_type := container_data;
ldata_ops := boot_data_ops;
ldata_prf := boot_data_data
Definition boot_init_high_spec (abs: container_data) : container_data :=
init_flag := true;
cpool := cpool abs
Definition boot_init_high_sem : cprimitive boot_layerdata :=
cgensem boot_layerdata boot_init_high_spec.
Definition boot_L : clayer boot_layerdata := boot_init ↦ boot_init_high_sem.
Record container_intro_data_inv (d: container_data) : Prop := {
preinit_inv: init_flag d = false → cpool d = ZMap.init container_unused
Instance container_intro_data_ops : AbstractDataOps container_data :=
init_data := {| init_flag := false;
cpool := ZMap.init container_unused |};
data_inv := container_intro_data_inv;
data_inject := fun _ _ _ ⇒ True
Instance container_intro_data_data : AbstractData container_data.
Proof. repeat constructor. Qed.
Definition container_intro_layerdata : layerdata :=
ldata_type := container_data;
ldata_ops := container_intro_data_ops;
ldata_prf := container_intro_data_data
End AbsData.
preinit_inv: init_flag d = false → cpool d = ZMap.init container_unused
Instance container_intro_data_ops : AbstractDataOps container_data :=
init_data := {| init_flag := false;
cpool := ZMap.init container_unused |};
data_inv := container_intro_data_inv;
data_inject := fun _ _ _ ⇒ True
Instance container_intro_data_data : AbstractData container_data.
Proof. repeat constructor. Qed.
Definition container_intro_layerdata : layerdata :=
ldata_type := container_data;
ldata_ops := container_intro_data_ops;
ldata_prf := container_intro_data_data
End AbsData.
node_init initializes a particular container with a given quota and
Definition container_node_init_high_spec (id: Z) (quota: Z) (parent: Z)
(abs: container_intro_layerdata)
: option container_intro_layerdata :=
if init_flag abs
then if decide (0 ≤ id < NUM_ID)
then let c := mkContainer quota 0 parent nil true in
Some {| init_flag := (init_flag abs); cpool := ZMap.set id c (cpool abs) |}
else None
else None.
Definition container_node_init_high_sem : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata container_node_init_high_spec.
Definition container_node_init_layer : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_node_init ↦ container_node_init_high_sem.
Global Instance container_node_init_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata container_node_init_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
unfold container_node_init_high_spec in H3.
repeat destr_in H3; try discriminate. inv H3.
constructor; cbn. discriminate.
Definition container_get_quota_high_spec (id: Z) (abs: container_intro_layerdata)
: option Z :=
if decide (0 ≤ id < NUM_ID)
then let c := ZMap.get id (cpool abs) in
if cused c
then Some (cquota c)
else None
else None.
Definition container_get_quota_high_sem : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata container_get_quota_high_spec.
Definition container_get_quota_layer : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_get_quota ↦ container_get_quota_high_sem.
Global Instance container_get_quota_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata container_get_quota_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
Definition container_get_usage_high_spec (id: Z) (abs: container_intro_layerdata)
: option Z :=
if decide (0 ≤ id < NUM_ID)
then let c := ZMap.get id (cpool abs) in
if cused c
then Some (cusage c)
else None
else None.
Definition container_get_usage_high_sem : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata container_get_usage_high_spec.
Definition container_get_usage_layer : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_get_usage ↦ container_get_usage_high_sem.
Global Instance container_get_usage_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata container_get_usage_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
Definition container_get_parent_high_spec (id: Z) (abs: container_intro_layerdata)
: option Z :=
if decide (0 ≤ id < NUM_ID)
then let c := ZMap.get id (cpool abs) in
if cused c
then Some (cparent c)
else None
else None.
Definition container_get_parent_high_sem : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata container_get_parent_high_spec.
Definition container_get_parent_layer : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_get_parent ↦ container_get_parent_high_sem.
Global Instance container_get_parent_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata container_get_parent_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
Definition container_get_nchildren_high_spec (id: Z) (abs: container_intro_layerdata)
: option Z :=
if decide (0 ≤ id < NUM_ID)
then let c := ZMap.get id (cpool abs) in
if cused c
then Some (Z.of_nat (length (cchildren c)))
else None
else None.
Definition container_get_nchildren_high_sem : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata container_get_nchildren_high_spec.
Definition container_get_nchildren_layer : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_get_nchildren ↦ container_get_nchildren_high_sem.
Global Instance container_get_nchildren_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata container_get_nchildren_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
Definition container_set_usage_high_spec (id: Z) (usage: Z)
(abs: container_intro_layerdata)
: option container_intro_layerdata :=
if decide (0 ≤ id < NUM_ID)
then let c := ZMap.get id (cpool abs) in
if decide (0 ≤ usage ≤ cquota c)
then match init_flag abs, cused c with
| true, true ⇒
let c' := mkContainer (cquota c) usage (cparent c) (cchildren c) (cused c) in
Some {| init_flag := init_flag abs; cpool := ZMap.set id c' (cpool abs) |}
| _, _ ⇒ None
else None
else None.
Definition container_set_usage_high_sem : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata container_set_usage_high_spec.
Definition container_set_usage_layer : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_set_usage ↦ container_set_usage_high_sem.
Global Instance container_set_usage_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata container_set_usage_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
unfold container_set_usage_high_spec in H3.
repeat destr_in H3; try discriminate.
inv H3.
constructor; cbn. discriminate.
Definition container_set_nchildren_high_spec (id: Z) (next_child: Z)
(abs: container_intro_layerdata)
: option container_intro_layerdata :=
if decide (0 ≤ id < NUM_ID)
then let c := ZMap.get id (cpool abs) in
if decide (Z.of_nat (length (cchildren c)) ≤ MAX_CHILDREN)
then match init_flag abs, cused c with
| true, true ⇒
let c' := mkContainer (cquota c) (cusage c) (cparent c)
(next_child :: cchildren c) (cused c) in
Some {| init_flag := init_flag abs; cpool := ZMap.set id c' (cpool abs) |}
| _, _ ⇒ None
else None
else None.
Definition container_set_nchildren_high_sem : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata container_set_nchildren_high_spec.
Definition container_set_nchildren_layer : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_set_nchildren ↦ container_set_nchildren_high_sem.
Global Instance container_set_nchildren_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata container_set_nchildren_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
unfold container_set_nchildren_high_spec in H3.
repeat destr_in H3; try discriminate.
inv H3.
constructor; cbn. discriminate.
End HighSpec.
(abs: container_intro_layerdata)
: option container_intro_layerdata :=
if init_flag abs
then if decide (0 ≤ id < NUM_ID)
then let c := mkContainer quota 0 parent nil true in
Some {| init_flag := (init_flag abs); cpool := ZMap.set id c (cpool abs) |}
else None
else None.
Definition container_node_init_high_sem : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata container_node_init_high_spec.
Definition container_node_init_layer : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_node_init ↦ container_node_init_high_sem.
Global Instance container_node_init_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata container_node_init_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
unfold container_node_init_high_spec in H3.
repeat destr_in H3; try discriminate. inv H3.
constructor; cbn. discriminate.
Definition container_get_quota_high_spec (id: Z) (abs: container_intro_layerdata)
: option Z :=
if decide (0 ≤ id < NUM_ID)
then let c := ZMap.get id (cpool abs) in
if cused c
then Some (cquota c)
else None
else None.
Definition container_get_quota_high_sem : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata container_get_quota_high_spec.
Definition container_get_quota_layer : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_get_quota ↦ container_get_quota_high_sem.
Global Instance container_get_quota_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata container_get_quota_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
Definition container_get_usage_high_spec (id: Z) (abs: container_intro_layerdata)
: option Z :=
if decide (0 ≤ id < NUM_ID)
then let c := ZMap.get id (cpool abs) in
if cused c
then Some (cusage c)
else None
else None.
Definition container_get_usage_high_sem : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata container_get_usage_high_spec.
Definition container_get_usage_layer : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_get_usage ↦ container_get_usage_high_sem.
Global Instance container_get_usage_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata container_get_usage_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
Definition container_get_parent_high_spec (id: Z) (abs: container_intro_layerdata)
: option Z :=
if decide (0 ≤ id < NUM_ID)
then let c := ZMap.get id (cpool abs) in
if cused c
then Some (cparent c)
else None
else None.
Definition container_get_parent_high_sem : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata container_get_parent_high_spec.
Definition container_get_parent_layer : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_get_parent ↦ container_get_parent_high_sem.
Global Instance container_get_parent_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata container_get_parent_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
Definition container_get_nchildren_high_spec (id: Z) (abs: container_intro_layerdata)
: option Z :=
if decide (0 ≤ id < NUM_ID)
then let c := ZMap.get id (cpool abs) in
if cused c
then Some (Z.of_nat (length (cchildren c)))
else None
else None.
Definition container_get_nchildren_high_sem : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata container_get_nchildren_high_spec.
Definition container_get_nchildren_layer : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_get_nchildren ↦ container_get_nchildren_high_sem.
Global Instance container_get_nchildren_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata container_get_nchildren_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
Definition container_set_usage_high_spec (id: Z) (usage: Z)
(abs: container_intro_layerdata)
: option container_intro_layerdata :=
if decide (0 ≤ id < NUM_ID)
then let c := ZMap.get id (cpool abs) in
if decide (0 ≤ usage ≤ cquota c)
then match init_flag abs, cused c with
| true, true ⇒
let c' := mkContainer (cquota c) usage (cparent c) (cchildren c) (cused c) in
Some {| init_flag := init_flag abs; cpool := ZMap.set id c' (cpool abs) |}
| _, _ ⇒ None
else None
else None.
Definition container_set_usage_high_sem : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata container_set_usage_high_spec.
Definition container_set_usage_layer : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_set_usage ↦ container_set_usage_high_sem.
Global Instance container_set_usage_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata container_set_usage_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
unfold container_set_usage_high_spec in H3.
repeat destr_in H3; try discriminate.
inv H3.
constructor; cbn. discriminate.
Definition container_set_nchildren_high_spec (id: Z) (next_child: Z)
(abs: container_intro_layerdata)
: option container_intro_layerdata :=
if decide (0 ≤ id < NUM_ID)
then let c := ZMap.get id (cpool abs) in
if decide (Z.of_nat (length (cchildren c)) ≤ MAX_CHILDREN)
then match init_flag abs, cused c with
| true, true ⇒
let c' := mkContainer (cquota c) (cusage c) (cparent c)
(next_child :: cchildren c) (cused c) in
Some {| init_flag := init_flag abs; cpool := ZMap.set id c' (cpool abs) |}
| _, _ ⇒ None
else None
else None.
Definition container_set_nchildren_high_sem : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata container_set_nchildren_high_spec.
Definition container_set_nchildren_layer : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_set_nchildren ↦ container_set_nchildren_high_sem.
Global Instance container_set_nchildren_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata container_set_nchildren_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
unfold container_set_nchildren_high_spec in H3.
repeat destr_in H3; try discriminate.
inv H3.
constructor; cbn. discriminate.
End HighSpec.
Information about structs and unions are stored in Composite
types in Compcert.
Definition t_container : ident := 9%positive.
Definition t_container_quota : ident := 10%positive.
Definition t_container_usage : ident := 11%positive.
Definition t_container_parent : ident := 12%positive.
Definition t_container_nchildren : ident := 13%positive.
Definition t_container_used : ident := 14%positive.
Notation t_container_struct := (Tstruct t_container noattr).
Definition t_container_comp : composite_definition :=
Composite t_container Struct
((t_container_quota, tuint) ::
(t_container_usage, tuint) ::
(t_container_parent, tuint) ::
(t_container_nchildren, tuint) ::
(t_container_used, tuint) :: nil)
Definition cni_id : ident := 15%positive.
Definition cni_quota : ident := 16%positive.
Definition cni_parent : ident := 17%positive.
Definition f_container_node_init :=
fn_return := tvoid;
fn_callconv := cc_default;
fn_params := (cni_id, tuint) :: (cni_quota, tuint) :: (cni_parent, tuint) :: nil;
fn_vars := nil;
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cni_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_quota tuint)
(Etempvar cni_quota tuint))
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cni_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_usage tuint)
(Econst_int (Int.repr 0) tint))
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cni_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_parent tuint)
(Etempvar cni_parent tuint))
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cni_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_nchildren tuint)
(Econst_int (Int.repr 0) tint))
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cni_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_used tuint)
(Econst_int (Int.repr 1) tint)))))
Program Definition inlinable_f_container_node_init : function :=
inline f_container_node_init _.
Definition cgq_id : ident := 18%positive.
Definition f_container_get_quota :=
fn_return := tuint;
fn_callconv := cc_default;
fn_params := ((cgq_id, tuint) :: nil);
fn_vars := nil;
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Sreturn (Some (Efield
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cgq_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_quota tuint)))
Program Definition inlinable_f_container_get_quota : function :=
inline f_container_get_quota _.
Definition cgu_id : ident := 19%positive.
Definition f_container_get_usage :=
fn_return := tuint;
fn_callconv := cc_default;
fn_params := ((cgu_id, tuint) :: nil);
fn_vars := nil;
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Sreturn (Some (Efield
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cgu_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_usage tuint)))
Program Definition inlinable_f_container_get_usage : function :=
inline f_container_get_usage _.
Definition cgp_id := 20%positive.
Definition f_container_get_parent :=
fn_return := tuint;
fn_callconv := cc_default;
fn_params := ((cgp_id, tuint) :: nil);
fn_vars := nil;
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Sreturn (Some (Efield
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cgp_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_parent tuint)))
Program Definition inlinable_f_container_get_parent : function :=
inline f_container_get_parent _.
Definition cgn_id := 21%positive.
Definition f_container_get_nchildren :=
fn_return := tuint;
fn_callconv := cc_default;
fn_params := ((cgn_id, tuint) :: nil);
fn_vars := nil;
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Sreturn (Some (Efield
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cgn_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_nchildren tuint)))
Program Definition inlinable_f_container_get_nchildren : function :=
inline f_container_get_nchildren _.
Definition csu_id := 22%positive.
Definition csu_usage := 23%positive.
Definition f_container_set_usage :=
fn_return := tvoid;
fn_callconv := cc_default;
fn_params := ((csu_id, tuint) :: (csu_usage, tuint) :: nil);
fn_vars := nil;
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar csu_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_usage tuint)
(Etempvar csu_usage tuint))
Program Definition inlinable_f_container_set_usage : function :=
inline f_container_set_usage _.
Definition csn_id : ident := 24%positive.
Definition csn_next_child : ident := 25%positive.
Definition f_container_set_nchildren :=
fn_return := tvoid;
fn_callconv := cc_default;
fn_params := ((csn_id, tuint) :: (csn_next_child, tuint) :: nil);
fn_vars := nil;
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar csn_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_nchildren tuint)
(Ebinop Oadd
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar csn_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_nchildren tuint)
(Econst_int (Int.repr 1) tint) tuint))
Program Definition inlinable_f_container_set_nchildren : function :=
inline f_container_set_nchildren _.
Definition Minit : cmodule := container_node_init ↦ inlinable_f_container_node_init.
Definition Mgquota : cmodule := container_get_quota ↦ inlinable_f_container_get_quota.
Definition Mgusage : cmodule := container_get_usage ↦ inlinable_f_container_get_usage.
Definition Mgparent : cmodule := container_get_parent ↦ inlinable_f_container_get_parent.
Definition Mgnchild : cmodule := container_get_nchildren ↦ inlinable_f_container_get_nchildren.
Definition Msusage : cmodule := container_set_usage ↦ inlinable_f_container_set_usage.
Definition Msnchild : cmodule := container_set_nchildren ↦ inlinable_f_container_set_nchildren.
End Code.
Definition t_container_quota : ident := 10%positive.
Definition t_container_usage : ident := 11%positive.
Definition t_container_parent : ident := 12%positive.
Definition t_container_nchildren : ident := 13%positive.
Definition t_container_used : ident := 14%positive.
Notation t_container_struct := (Tstruct t_container noattr).
Definition t_container_comp : composite_definition :=
Composite t_container Struct
((t_container_quota, tuint) ::
(t_container_usage, tuint) ::
(t_container_parent, tuint) ::
(t_container_nchildren, tuint) ::
(t_container_used, tuint) :: nil)
Definition cni_id : ident := 15%positive.
Definition cni_quota : ident := 16%positive.
Definition cni_parent : ident := 17%positive.
Definition f_container_node_init :=
fn_return := tvoid;
fn_callconv := cc_default;
fn_params := (cni_id, tuint) :: (cni_quota, tuint) :: (cni_parent, tuint) :: nil;
fn_vars := nil;
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cni_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_quota tuint)
(Etempvar cni_quota tuint))
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cni_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_usage tuint)
(Econst_int (Int.repr 0) tint))
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cni_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_parent tuint)
(Etempvar cni_parent tuint))
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cni_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_nchildren tuint)
(Econst_int (Int.repr 0) tint))
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cni_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_used tuint)
(Econst_int (Int.repr 1) tint)))))
Program Definition inlinable_f_container_node_init : function :=
inline f_container_node_init _.
Definition cgq_id : ident := 18%positive.
Definition f_container_get_quota :=
fn_return := tuint;
fn_callconv := cc_default;
fn_params := ((cgq_id, tuint) :: nil);
fn_vars := nil;
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Sreturn (Some (Efield
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cgq_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_quota tuint)))
Program Definition inlinable_f_container_get_quota : function :=
inline f_container_get_quota _.
Definition cgu_id : ident := 19%positive.
Definition f_container_get_usage :=
fn_return := tuint;
fn_callconv := cc_default;
fn_params := ((cgu_id, tuint) :: nil);
fn_vars := nil;
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Sreturn (Some (Efield
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cgu_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_usage tuint)))
Program Definition inlinable_f_container_get_usage : function :=
inline f_container_get_usage _.
Definition cgp_id := 20%positive.
Definition f_container_get_parent :=
fn_return := tuint;
fn_callconv := cc_default;
fn_params := ((cgp_id, tuint) :: nil);
fn_vars := nil;
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Sreturn (Some (Efield
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cgp_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_parent tuint)))
Program Definition inlinable_f_container_get_parent : function :=
inline f_container_get_parent _.
Definition cgn_id := 21%positive.
Definition f_container_get_nchildren :=
fn_return := tuint;
fn_callconv := cc_default;
fn_params := ((cgn_id, tuint) :: nil);
fn_vars := nil;
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Sreturn (Some (Efield
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar cgn_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_nchildren tuint)))
Program Definition inlinable_f_container_get_nchildren : function :=
inline f_container_get_nchildren _.
Definition csu_id := 22%positive.
Definition csu_usage := 23%positive.
Definition f_container_set_usage :=
fn_return := tvoid;
fn_callconv := cc_default;
fn_params := ((csu_id, tuint) :: (csu_usage, tuint) :: nil);
fn_vars := nil;
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar csu_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_usage tuint)
(Etempvar csu_usage tuint))
Program Definition inlinable_f_container_set_usage : function :=
inline f_container_set_usage _.
Definition csn_id : ident := 24%positive.
Definition csn_next_child : ident := 25%positive.
Definition f_container_set_nchildren :=
fn_return := tvoid;
fn_callconv := cc_default;
fn_params := ((csn_id, tuint) :: (csn_next_child, tuint) :: nil);
fn_vars := nil;
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar csn_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_nchildren tuint)
(Ebinop Oadd
(Ebinop Oadd
(Evar CONTAINER_POOL (tarray t_container_struct NUM_ID))
(Etempvar csn_id tuint) (tptr t_container_struct))
t_container_struct) t_container_nchildren tuint)
(Econst_int (Int.repr 1) tint) tuint))
Program Definition inlinable_f_container_set_nchildren : function :=
inline f_container_set_nchildren _.
Definition Minit : cmodule := container_node_init ↦ inlinable_f_container_node_init.
Definition Mgquota : cmodule := container_get_quota ↦ inlinable_f_container_get_quota.
Definition Mgusage : cmodule := container_get_usage ↦ inlinable_f_container_get_usage.
Definition Mgparent : cmodule := container_get_parent ↦ inlinable_f_container_get_parent.
Definition Mgnchild : cmodule := container_get_nchildren ↦ inlinable_f_container_get_nchildren.
Definition Msusage : cmodule := container_set_usage ↦ inlinable_f_container_set_usage.
Definition Msnchild : cmodule := container_set_nchildren ↦ inlinable_f_container_set_nchildren.
End Code.
Section LowSpec.
Definition container_node_init_csig :=
mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: tuint :: tuint :: nil)) tvoid.
Inductive container_node_init_step :
csignature → list val × mwd boot_layerdata → val × mwd boot_layerdata → Prop :=
| container_node_init_step_into m d cpb i q p m1 m2 m3 m4 m':
∀ (Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
0 ≤ Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID → Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + quo_off) (Vint q) = Some m1 → Mint32 m1 cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + usg_off) (Vint = Some m2 → Mint32 m2 cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + par_off) (Vint p) = Some m3 → Mint32 m3 cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + nch_off) (Vint = Some m4 → Mint32 m4 cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + use_off) (Vint = Some m' →
container_node_init_step container_node_init_csig
(Vint i :: Vint q :: Vint p :: nil, (m, d))
(Vundef, (m', d)).
Definition container_get_quota_csig := mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: nil)) tuint.
Inductive container_get_quota_step :
csignature → list val × mwd boot_layerdata → val × mwd boot_layerdata → Prop :=
| container_get_quota_step_into m d cpb i q:
∀ (Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
0 ≤ Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID →
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + quo_off) = Some (Vint q) →
container_get_quota_step container_get_quota_csig
(Vint i :: nil, (m, d))
(Vint q, (m, d)).
Definition container_get_usage_csig := mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: nil)) tuint.
Inductive container_get_usage_step :
csignature → list val × mwd boot_layerdata → val × mwd boot_layerdata → Prop :=
| container_get_usage_step_into m d cpb i u:
∀ (Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
0 ≤ Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID →
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + usg_off) = Some (Vint u) →
container_get_usage_step container_get_usage_csig
(Vint i :: nil, (m, d))
(Vint u, (m, d)).
Definition container_get_parent_csig := mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: nil)) tuint.
Inductive container_get_parent_step :
csignature → list val × mwd boot_layerdata → val × mwd boot_layerdata → Prop :=
| container_get_parent_step_into m d cpb i p:
∀ (Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
0 ≤ Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID →
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + par_off) = Some (Vint p) →
container_get_parent_step container_get_parent_csig
(Vint i :: nil, (m, d))
(Vint p, (m, d)).
Definition container_get_nchildren_csig := mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: nil)) tuint.
Inductive container_get_nchildren_step :
csignature → list val × mwd boot_layerdata → val × mwd boot_layerdata → Prop :=
| container_get_nchildren_step_into m d cpb i n:
∀ (Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
0 ≤ Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID →
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + nch_off) = Some (Vint n) →
container_get_nchildren_step container_get_nchildren_csig
(Vint i :: nil, (m, d))
(Vint n, (m, d)).
Definition container_set_usage_csig :=
mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: tuint :: nil)) tvoid.
Inductive container_set_usage_step :
csignature → list val × mwd boot_layerdata → val × mwd boot_layerdata → Prop :=
| container_set_usage_step_into m d cpb i u m':
∀ (Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
0 ≤ Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID → Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + usg_off) (Vint u) = Some m' →
container_set_usage_step container_set_usage_csig
(Vint i :: Vint u :: nil, (m, d))
(Vundef, (m', d)).
Definition container_set_nchildren_csig :=
mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: tuint :: nil)) tvoid.
Inductive container_set_nchildren_step :
csignature → list val × mwd boot_layerdata → val × mwd boot_layerdata → Prop :=
| container_set_nchildren_step_into m d cpb i cur nxt m':
∀ (Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
0 ≤ Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID →
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + nch_off) = Some (Vint cur) → Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + nch_off) (Vint (Int.add cur = Some m' →
container_set_nchildren_step container_set_nchildren_csig
(Vint i :: Vint nxt :: nil, (m, d))
(Vundef, (m', d)).
Definition container_node_init_cprimitive : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
Proof. mkcprim_tac container_node_init_step container_node_init_csig. Defined.
Definition container_get_quota_cprimitive : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
Proof. mkcprim_tac container_get_quota_step container_get_quota_csig. Defined.
Definition container_get_usage_cprimitive : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
Proof. mkcprim_tac container_get_usage_step container_get_usage_csig. Defined.
Definition container_get_parent_cprimitive : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
Proof. mkcprim_tac container_get_parent_step container_get_parent_csig. Defined.
Definition container_get_nchildren_cprimitive : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
Proof. mkcprim_tac container_get_nchildren_step container_get_nchildren_csig. Defined.
Definition container_set_usage_cprimitive : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
Proof. mkcprim_tac container_set_usage_step container_set_usage_csig. Defined.
Definition container_set_nchildren_cprimitive : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
Proof. mkcprim_tac container_set_nchildren_step container_set_nchildren_csig. Defined.
End LowSpec.
Definition container_node_init_csig :=
mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: tuint :: tuint :: nil)) tvoid.
Inductive container_node_init_step :
csignature → list val × mwd boot_layerdata → val × mwd boot_layerdata → Prop :=
| container_node_init_step_into m d cpb i q p m1 m2 m3 m4 m':
∀ (Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
0 ≤ Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID → Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + quo_off) (Vint q) = Some m1 → Mint32 m1 cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + usg_off) (Vint = Some m2 → Mint32 m2 cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + par_off) (Vint p) = Some m3 → Mint32 m3 cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + nch_off) (Vint = Some m4 → Mint32 m4 cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + use_off) (Vint = Some m' →
container_node_init_step container_node_init_csig
(Vint i :: Vint q :: Vint p :: nil, (m, d))
(Vundef, (m', d)).
Definition container_get_quota_csig := mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: nil)) tuint.
Inductive container_get_quota_step :
csignature → list val × mwd boot_layerdata → val × mwd boot_layerdata → Prop :=
| container_get_quota_step_into m d cpb i q:
∀ (Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
0 ≤ Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID →
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + quo_off) = Some (Vint q) →
container_get_quota_step container_get_quota_csig
(Vint i :: nil, (m, d))
(Vint q, (m, d)).
Definition container_get_usage_csig := mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: nil)) tuint.
Inductive container_get_usage_step :
csignature → list val × mwd boot_layerdata → val × mwd boot_layerdata → Prop :=
| container_get_usage_step_into m d cpb i u:
∀ (Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
0 ≤ Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID →
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + usg_off) = Some (Vint u) →
container_get_usage_step container_get_usage_csig
(Vint i :: nil, (m, d))
(Vint u, (m, d)).
Definition container_get_parent_csig := mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: nil)) tuint.
Inductive container_get_parent_step :
csignature → list val × mwd boot_layerdata → val × mwd boot_layerdata → Prop :=
| container_get_parent_step_into m d cpb i p:
∀ (Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
0 ≤ Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID →
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + par_off) = Some (Vint p) →
container_get_parent_step container_get_parent_csig
(Vint i :: nil, (m, d))
(Vint p, (m, d)).
Definition container_get_nchildren_csig := mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: nil)) tuint.
Inductive container_get_nchildren_step :
csignature → list val × mwd boot_layerdata → val × mwd boot_layerdata → Prop :=
| container_get_nchildren_step_into m d cpb i n:
∀ (Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
0 ≤ Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID →
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + nch_off) = Some (Vint n) →
container_get_nchildren_step container_get_nchildren_csig
(Vint i :: nil, (m, d))
(Vint n, (m, d)).
Definition container_set_usage_csig :=
mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: tuint :: nil)) tvoid.
Inductive container_set_usage_step :
csignature → list val × mwd boot_layerdata → val × mwd boot_layerdata → Prop :=
| container_set_usage_step_into m d cpb i u m':
∀ (Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
0 ≤ Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID → Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + usg_off) (Vint u) = Some m' →
container_set_usage_step container_set_usage_csig
(Vint i :: Vint u :: nil, (m, d))
(Vundef, (m', d)).
Definition container_set_nchildren_csig :=
mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: tuint :: nil)) tvoid.
Inductive container_set_nchildren_step :
csignature → list val × mwd boot_layerdata → val × mwd boot_layerdata → Prop :=
| container_set_nchildren_step_into m d cpb i cur nxt m':
∀ (Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
0 ≤ Int.unsigned i < NUM_ID →
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + nch_off) = Some (Vint cur) → Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × Int.unsigned i + nch_off) (Vint (Int.add cur = Some m' →
container_set_nchildren_step container_set_nchildren_csig
(Vint i :: Vint nxt :: nil, (m, d))
(Vundef, (m', d)).
Definition container_node_init_cprimitive : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
Proof. mkcprim_tac container_node_init_step container_node_init_csig. Defined.
Definition container_get_quota_cprimitive : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
Proof. mkcprim_tac container_get_quota_step container_get_quota_csig. Defined.
Definition container_get_usage_cprimitive : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
Proof. mkcprim_tac container_get_usage_step container_get_usage_csig. Defined.
Definition container_get_parent_cprimitive : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
Proof. mkcprim_tac container_get_parent_step container_get_parent_csig. Defined.
Definition container_get_nchildren_cprimitive : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
Proof. mkcprim_tac container_get_nchildren_step container_get_nchildren_csig. Defined.
Definition container_set_usage_cprimitive : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
Proof. mkcprim_tac container_set_usage_step container_set_usage_csig. Defined.
Definition container_set_nchildren_cprimitive : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
Proof. mkcprim_tac container_set_nchildren_step container_set_nchildren_csig. Defined.
End LowSpec.
Get our struct definition into the context.
Context `{ce: ClightCompositeEnv}.
Hypothesis Hce : build_composite_env (t_container_comp :: nil) = OK ce.
Hypothesis Hce : build_composite_env (t_container_comp :: nil) = OK ce.
The code proofs are made fairly short by using the
container_fields_(store|load)_ok lemmas from ContainerType.
Lemma container_node_init_code :
boot_L ⊢ (id, Minit) : (container_node_init ↦ container_node_init_cprimitive).
inv CStep.
inv Hce.
repeat step_tac; unfold lift; cbn;
erewrite container_fields_store_ok; unfold_fields; try omega; eauto.
Lemma container_get_quota_code :
boot_L ⊢ (id, Mgquota) : (container_get_quota ↦ container_get_quota_cprimitive).
inv CStep.
inv Hce.
cprim_step. repeat step_tac.
- unfold lift; cbn.
erewrite container_fields_load_ok; unfold_fields; try omega; eauto.
- reflexivity.
Lemma container_get_usage_code :
boot_L ⊢ (id, Mgusage) : (container_get_usage ↦ container_get_usage_cprimitive).
inv CStep.
inv Hce.
cprim_step. repeat step_tac.
- unfold lift; cbn.
erewrite container_fields_load_ok; unfold_fields; try omega; eauto.
- reflexivity.
Lemma container_get_parent_code :
boot_L ⊢ (id, Mgparent) : (container_get_parent ↦ container_get_parent_cprimitive).
inv CStep.
inv Hce.
cprim_step. repeat step_tac.
- unfold lift; cbn.
erewrite container_fields_load_ok; unfold_fields; try omega; eauto.
- reflexivity.
Lemma container_get_nchildren_code :
boot_L ⊢ (id, Mgnchild) : (container_get_nchildren ↦ container_get_nchildren_cprimitive).
inv CStep.
inv Hce.
cprim_step. repeat step_tac.
- unfold lift; cbn.
erewrite container_fields_load_ok; unfold_fields; try omega; eauto.
- reflexivity.
Lemma container_set_usage_code :
boot_L ⊢ (id, Msusage) : (container_set_usage ↦ container_set_usage_cprimitive).
inv CStep.
inv Hce.
cprim_step. repeat step_tac.
unfold lift; cbn.
erewrite container_fields_store_ok; unfold_fields; try omega; eauto.
Lemma container_set_nchildren_code :
boot_L ⊢ (id, Msnchild) : (container_set_nchildren ↦ container_set_nchildren_cprimitive).
Opaque Z.mul.
inv CStep.
inv Hce.
cprim_step. repeat step_tac.
- unfold lift; cbn.
erewrite container_fields_load_ok; unfold_fields; try omega; eauto.
change (align 0 4) with 0; cbn.
change (align 4 4) with 4; cbn.
change (align 8 4) with 8; cbn.
change (align 12 4) with 12; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
- unfold lift; cbn.
erewrite container_fields_store_ok; unfold_fields; try omega; eauto.
change (align 0 4) with 0; cbn.
change (align 4 4) with 4; cbn.
change (align 8 4) with 8; cbn.
change (align 12 4) with 12; cbn.
End CodeLowSpecSim.
We say our high level abstract data matches a memory state if every
field of every container is writable, and if the values stored there
match the values in the abstract container_abs representation.
Inductive match_container : container_abs → val → val → val → val → val → Prop :=
| match_container_unused: ∀ q u p c qv uv pv cv,
match_container (mkContainer q u p c false) qv uv pv cv Vfalse
| match_container_used: ∀ q u p c qv uv pv cv,
qv = Vint (Int.repr q) →
uv = Vint (Int.repr u) →
pv = Vint (Int.repr p) →
cv = Vint (Int.repr (Z.of_nat (length c))) →
match_container (mkContainer q u p c true) qv uv pv cv Vtrue.
Inductive match_data : container_intro_layerdata → mem → Prop :=
| match_data_intro:
∀ m (abs: container_intro_layerdata) cpb
(Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
(∀ i, 0 ≤ i < NUM_ID →
(∃ quo usg par nch use,
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × i + quo_off) = Some (Vint quo) ∧
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × i + usg_off) = Some (Vint usg) ∧
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × i + par_off) = Some (Vint par) ∧
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × i + nch_off) = Some (Vint nch) ∧
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × i + use_off) = Some (Vint use) ∧
Mem.valid_access m Mint32 cpb (con_sz × i + quo_off) Writable ∧
Mem.valid_access m Mint32 cpb (con_sz × i + usg_off) Writable ∧
Mem.valid_access m Mint32 cpb (con_sz × i + par_off) Writable ∧
Mem.valid_access m Mint32 cpb (con_sz × i + nch_off) Writable ∧
Mem.valid_access m Mint32 cpb (con_sz × i + use_off) Writable ∧
match_container (ZMap.get i (cpool abs))
(Vint quo) (Vint usg) (Vint par) (Vint nch) (Vint use))) →
match_data abs m.
Record relate_data (hadt: container_intro_layerdata) (ladt: boot_layerdata) :=
mkrelate_data {
init_rel: init_flag hadt = init_flag ladt
Definition abrel_components_container_intro_boot :
abrel_components container_intro_layerdata boot_layerdata :=
abrel_relate := relate_data;
abrel_match := match_data;
abrel_new_glbl :=
(CONTAINER_POOL, Init_space (NUM_ID × con_sz) :: nil) ::
Global Instance rel_ops :
AbstractionRelation _ _ abrel_components_container_intro_boot.
- constructor; reflexivity.
- intros.
econstructor; eauto.
Opaque Z.mul.
pose NUM_ID_range as nid_range; destruct nid_range as [nid_lo nid_hi].
cbn in ×.
rewrite Zmax_left in aip_perm by omega.
destruct aip_load as [aip_load ?].
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _ ⇒
apply aip_load; [omega | apply container_fields_align; auto | try omega]
| |- (4 | ?x × 20) ⇒ ∃ (5×x); omega
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ (20 × i + ?off) _ ⇒
split; cbn;
[red; intros; apply aip_perm; omega |
apply container_fields_align; auto]
- repeat red; cbn. intros d m1 m2 Hunchange Hmatch1.
inv Hmatch1; econstructor; eauto.
intros i Hi; specialize (H0 i Hi).
destruct H0 as (quo & usg & par & nch & use & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? &
? & ? & ? & ? & ?).
repeat match goal with
| [H: Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ |- _] ⇒ destruct H; red in H
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _ ⇒
eapply Mem.load_unchanged_on; eauto; red; cbn; eauto
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ ⇒
[red; intros; eapply Mem.perm_unchanged_on; eauto; red; cbn; eauto |
- decision.
Definition abrel_container_intro_boot :
abrel container_intro_layerdata boot_layerdata :=
abrel_ops := abrel_components_container_intro_boot;
abrel_prf := rel_ops
Definition container_intro_R : simrel _ _ :=
abrel_simrel _ _ abrel_container_intro_boot.
End LowHighSpecRel.
| match_container_unused: ∀ q u p c qv uv pv cv,
match_container (mkContainer q u p c false) qv uv pv cv Vfalse
| match_container_used: ∀ q u p c qv uv pv cv,
qv = Vint (Int.repr q) →
uv = Vint (Int.repr u) →
pv = Vint (Int.repr p) →
cv = Vint (Int.repr (Z.of_nat (length c))) →
match_container (mkContainer q u p c true) qv uv pv cv Vtrue.
Inductive match_data : container_intro_layerdata → mem → Prop :=
| match_data_intro:
∀ m (abs: container_intro_layerdata) cpb
(Hcpb: find_symbol CONTAINER_POOL = Some cpb),
(∀ i, 0 ≤ i < NUM_ID →
(∃ quo usg par nch use,
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × i + quo_off) = Some (Vint quo) ∧
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × i + usg_off) = Some (Vint usg) ∧
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × i + par_off) = Some (Vint par) ∧
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × i + nch_off) = Some (Vint nch) ∧
Mem.load Mint32 m cpb (con_sz × i + use_off) = Some (Vint use) ∧
Mem.valid_access m Mint32 cpb (con_sz × i + quo_off) Writable ∧
Mem.valid_access m Mint32 cpb (con_sz × i + usg_off) Writable ∧
Mem.valid_access m Mint32 cpb (con_sz × i + par_off) Writable ∧
Mem.valid_access m Mint32 cpb (con_sz × i + nch_off) Writable ∧
Mem.valid_access m Mint32 cpb (con_sz × i + use_off) Writable ∧
match_container (ZMap.get i (cpool abs))
(Vint quo) (Vint usg) (Vint par) (Vint nch) (Vint use))) →
match_data abs m.
Record relate_data (hadt: container_intro_layerdata) (ladt: boot_layerdata) :=
mkrelate_data {
init_rel: init_flag hadt = init_flag ladt
Definition abrel_components_container_intro_boot :
abrel_components container_intro_layerdata boot_layerdata :=
abrel_relate := relate_data;
abrel_match := match_data;
abrel_new_glbl :=
(CONTAINER_POOL, Init_space (NUM_ID × con_sz) :: nil) ::
Global Instance rel_ops :
AbstractionRelation _ _ abrel_components_container_intro_boot.
- constructor; reflexivity.
- intros.
econstructor; eauto.
Opaque Z.mul.
pose NUM_ID_range as nid_range; destruct nid_range as [nid_lo nid_hi].
cbn in ×.
rewrite Zmax_left in aip_perm by omega.
destruct aip_load as [aip_load ?].
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _ ⇒
apply aip_load; [omega | apply container_fields_align; auto | try omega]
| |- (4 | ?x × 20) ⇒ ∃ (5×x); omega
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ (20 × i + ?off) _ ⇒
split; cbn;
[red; intros; apply aip_perm; omega |
apply container_fields_align; auto]
- repeat red; cbn. intros d m1 m2 Hunchange Hmatch1.
inv Hmatch1; econstructor; eauto.
intros i Hi; specialize (H0 i Hi).
destruct H0 as (quo & usg & par & nch & use & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? &
? & ? & ? & ? & ?).
repeat match goal with
| [H: Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ |- _] ⇒ destruct H; red in H
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _ ⇒
eapply Mem.load_unchanged_on; eauto; red; cbn; eauto
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ ⇒
[red; intros; eapply Mem.perm_unchanged_on; eauto; red; cbn; eauto |
- decision.
Definition abrel_container_intro_boot :
abrel container_intro_layerdata boot_layerdata :=
abrel_ops := abrel_components_container_intro_boot;
abrel_prf := rel_ops
Definition container_intro_R : simrel _ _ :=
abrel_simrel _ _ abrel_container_intro_boot.
End LowHighSpecRel.
Section LowHighSpecSim.
Context `{ce: ClightCompositeEnv}.
Hypothesis Hce : build_composite_env (t_container_comp :: nil) = OK ce.
Local Ltac destr_match H :=
destruct H as (?quo & ?usg & ?par & ?nch & ?use &
?HLquo & ?HLusg & ?HLpar & ?HLnch & ?HLuse &
?HVquo & ?HVusg & ?HVpar & ?HVnch & ?HVuse &
Context `{ce: ClightCompositeEnv}.
Hypothesis Hce : build_composite_env (t_container_comp :: nil) = OK ce.
Local Ltac destr_match H :=
destruct H as (?quo & ?usg & ?par & ?nch & ?use &
?HLquo & ?HLusg & ?HLpar & ?HLnch & ?HLuse &
?HVquo & ?HVusg & ?HVpar & ?HVnch & ?HVuse &
The proofs involving setting a field get fairly long because it
introduces more memory states to convert between. But after proving the
refinement here, higher layer primitives need not directly refer to
memory at all.
Lemma container_node_init_refine :
(container_node_init ↦ container_node_init_cprimitive) ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : container_node_init_layer.
Opaque Z.mul.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
unfold container_node_init_high_spec in H1.
repeat destr_in H1; inv H1.
pose proof H0 as Hmatch.
specialize (H0 (Int.unsigned i) a).
destr_match H0.
pose proof HVquo as HVquo'.
pose proof HVusg as HVusg'.
pose proof HVpar as HVpar'.
pose proof HVnch as HVnch'.
pose proof HVuse as HVuse'.
eapply Mem.valid_access_store in HVquo; destruct HVquo as (m1 & HSquo).
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1 in HVusg; eauto.
eapply Mem.valid_access_store in HVusg; destruct HVusg as (m2 & HSusg).
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1 in HVpar; eauto.
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1 in HVpar; eauto.
eapply Mem.valid_access_store in HVpar; destruct HVpar as (m3 & HSpar).
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1 in HVnch; eauto.
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1 in HVnch; eauto.
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1 in HVnch; eauto.
eapply Mem.valid_access_store in HVnch; destruct HVnch as (m4 & HSnch).
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1 in HVuse; eauto.
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1 in HVuse; eauto.
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1 in HVuse; eauto.
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1 in HVuse; eauto.
eapply Mem.valid_access_store in HVuse; destruct HVuse as (m5 & HSuse).
do 3 eexists; split.
- econstructor; eauto.
- split.
+ constructor.
+ cbn; split.
× assert (Mem.extends xm' m1).
{ eapply Mem.store_outside_extends; eauto.
intros ? Hperm; eapply abrel_match_mem_perms in Hperm; eauto.
assert (Mem.extends xm' m2).
{ eapply Mem.store_outside_extends; eauto.
intros ? Hperm; eapply abrel_match_mem_perms in Hperm; eauto.
assert (Mem.extends xm' m3).
{ eapply Mem.store_outside_extends; eauto.
intros ? Hperm; eapply abrel_match_mem_perms in Hperm; eauto.
assert (Mem.extends xm' m4).
{ eapply Mem.store_outside_extends; eauto.
intros ? Hperm; eapply abrel_match_mem_perms in Hperm; eauto.
eapply Mem.store_outside_extends; eauto.
intros ? Hperm; eapply abrel_match_mem_perms in Hperm; eauto.
× constructor.
-- constructor; auto.
-- econstructor; eauto.
intros ? Hi.
destr_eq i2 (Int.unsigned i).
++ subst.
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ ⇒
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSuse);
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch);
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSpar);
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg);
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSquo);
Load quota
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSuse).
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch).
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSpar).
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg).
apply (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSquo).
all: right; cbn; omega.
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch).
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSpar).
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg).
apply (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSquo).
all: right; cbn; omega.
Load usage
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSuse).
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch).
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSpar).
apply (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg).
all: right; cbn; omega.
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch).
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSpar).
apply (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg).
all: right; cbn; omega.
Load parent
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSuse).
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch).
apply (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSpar).
all: right; cbn; omega.
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch).
apply (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSpar).
all: right; cbn; omega.
Load nchildren
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSuse).
apply (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch).
right; cbn; omega.
apply (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch).
right; cbn; omega.
Load used
apply (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSuse).
cbn. rewrite ZMap.gss. unfold,
constructor; try rewrite Int.repr_unsigned; reflexivity.
++ specialize (Hmatch i2 Hi).
destr_match Hmatch.
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _ ⇒
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSuse);
[| right; cbn; omega];
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch);
[| right; cbn; omega];
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSpar);
[| right; cbn; omega];
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg);
[| right; cbn; omega];
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSquo);
[eassumption | right; cbn; omega]
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ ⇒
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSuse);
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch);
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSpar);
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg);
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSquo);
cbn. rewrite ZMap.gso; assumption.
-- cbn; intros.
specialize (abrel_match_mem_perms _ _ _ ofs k p H0 H1).
destruct abrel_match_mem_perms as (NP & P).
split; auto.
red; intros. repeat (eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto).
-- rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSuse).
rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch).
rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSpar).
rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg).
rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSquo).
Lemma container_get_quota_refine :
(container_get_quota ↦ container_get_quota_cprimitive) ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : container_get_quota_layer.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
unfold container_get_quota_high_spec in H2.
repeat destr_in H2; inv H2.
specialize (H0 (Int.unsigned i) a).
destr_match H0.
do 3 eexists; split.
- econstructor; eauto.
- split.
+ cbn.
inv Hcon_match.
× rewrite <- H1 in Heqb. discriminate.
× rewrite <- H0 in H3. cbn in H3; subst.
rewrite H2. rewrite Int.repr_unsigned. constructor.
+ split; eauto.
Lemma container_get_usage_refine :
(container_get_usage ↦ container_get_usage_cprimitive) ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : container_get_usage_layer.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
unfold container_get_usage_high_spec in H2.
repeat destr_in H2; inv H2.
specialize (H0 (Int.unsigned i) a).
destr_match H0.
do 3 eexists; split.
- econstructor; eauto.
- split.
+ cbn.
inv Hcon_match.
× rewrite <- H1 in Heqb. discriminate.
× rewrite <- H0 in H3. cbn in H3; subst.
rewrite H4. rewrite Int.repr_unsigned. constructor.
+ split; eauto.
Lemma container_get_parent_refine :
(container_get_parent ↦ container_get_parent_cprimitive) ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : container_get_parent_layer.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
unfold container_get_parent_high_spec in H2.
repeat destr_in H2; inv H2.
specialize (H0 (Int.unsigned i) a).
destr_match H0.
do 3 eexists; split.
- econstructor; eauto.
- split.
+ cbn.
inv Hcon_match.
× rewrite <- H1 in Heqb. discriminate.
× rewrite <- H0 in H3. cbn in H3; subst.
rewrite H5. rewrite Int.repr_unsigned. constructor.
+ split; eauto.
Lemma container_get_nchildren_refine :
(container_get_nchildren ↦ container_get_nchildren_cprimitive) ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : container_get_nchildren_layer.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
unfold container_get_nchildren_high_spec in H2.
repeat destr_in H2; inv H2.
specialize (H0 (Int.unsigned i) a).
destr_match H0.
do 3 eexists; split.
- econstructor; eauto.
- split.
+ cbn.
inv Hcon_match.
× rewrite <- H1 in Heqb. discriminate.
× rewrite <- H0 in H3. cbn in H3.
rewrite H10. rewrite H3. rewrite Int.repr_unsigned. constructor.
+ split; eauto.
Lemma container_set_usage_refine :
(container_set_usage ↦ container_set_usage_cprimitive) ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : container_set_usage_layer.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
unfold container_set_usage_high_spec in H1.
repeat destr_in H1; inv H1.
pose proof H0 as Hmatch.
specialize (H0 (Int.unsigned i) a).
destr_match H0.
inv Hcon_match; cbn.
rewrite <- H1 in Heqb0; discriminate.
pose proof HVusg as HVusg'.
eapply Mem.valid_access_store in HVusg; destruct HVusg as (m1 & HSusg).
do 3 eexists; split.
- econstructor; eauto.
- split.
+ constructor.
+ split; cbn.
× eapply Mem.store_outside_extends; eauto.
intros ? Hperm; eapply abrel_match_mem_perms in Hperm; eauto.
× constructor.
-- constructor. cbn; auto.
-- econstructor; eauto.
intros ? Hi.
destr_eq i1 (Int.unsigned i).
++ subst.
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _ ⇒
try (rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg);
[eassumption | right; cbn; omega])
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ ⇒
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto
rewrite (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg); reflexivity.
cbn. rewrite ZMap.gss.
constructor; auto.
rewrite Int.repr_unsigned; reflexivity.
++ specialize (Hmatch i1 Hi).
destr_match Hmatch.
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _ ⇒
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg);
[eassumption | right; cbn; omega]
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ ⇒
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto
cbn. rewrite ZMap.gso; assumption.
-- cbn; intros.
specialize (abrel_match_mem_perms _ _ _ ofs k p0 H1 H5).
destruct abrel_match_mem_perms as (NP & P).
split; auto.
red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto.
-- rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg); eauto.
Lemma container_set_nchildren_refine :
(container_set_nchildren ↦ container_set_nchildren_cprimitive) ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : container_set_nchildren_layer.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
unfold container_set_nchildren_high_spec in H1.
repeat destr_in H1; try discriminate.
inv H1.
pose proof H0 as Hmatch.
specialize (H0 (Int.unsigned i) a).
destr_match H0.
inv Hcon_match; cbn.
rewrite <- H1 in Heqb0; discriminate.
pose proof HVnch as HVnch'.
eapply Mem.valid_access_store in HVnch; destruct HVnch as (m1 & HSnch).
do 3 eexists; split.
- econstructor; eauto.
- split.
+ constructor.
+ split; cbn.
× eapply Mem.store_outside_extends; eauto.
intros ? Hperm; eapply abrel_match_mem_perms in Hperm; eauto.
× constructor.
-- constructor. cbn; auto.
-- econstructor; eauto.
intros ? Hi.
destr_eq i1 (Int.unsigned i).
++ subst.
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _ ⇒
try (rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch);
[eassumption | right; cbn; omega])
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ ⇒
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto
rewrite (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch); reflexivity.
cbn. rewrite ZMap.gss.
pose proof l as Hchild_range.
rewrite <- H0 in Hchild_range; cbn in Hchild_range.
pose MAX_CHILDREN_range as Hmaxchild_range.
constructor; auto.
inversion H9.
cbn; unfold Int.add.
rewrite Int.unsigned_one; rewrite Zpos_P_of_succ_nat.
rewrite <- Z.add_1_r.
repeat f_equal.
rewrite Int.unsigned_repr; [reflexivity | omega].
++ specialize (Hmatch i1 Hi).
destr_match Hmatch.
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _ ⇒
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch);
[eassumption | right; cbn; omega]
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ ⇒
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto
cbn. rewrite ZMap.gso; assumption.
-- cbn; intros.
specialize (abrel_match_mem_perms _ _ _ ofs k p0 H1 H5).
destruct abrel_match_mem_perms as (NP & P).
split; auto.
red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto.
-- rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch); eauto.
End LowHighSpecSim.
cbn. rewrite ZMap.gss. unfold,
constructor; try rewrite Int.repr_unsigned; reflexivity.
++ specialize (Hmatch i2 Hi).
destr_match Hmatch.
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _ ⇒
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSuse);
[| right; cbn; omega];
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch);
[| right; cbn; omega];
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSpar);
[| right; cbn; omega];
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg);
[| right; cbn; omega];
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSquo);
[eassumption | right; cbn; omega]
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ ⇒
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSuse);
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch);
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSpar);
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg);
eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSquo);
cbn. rewrite ZMap.gso; assumption.
-- cbn; intros.
specialize (abrel_match_mem_perms _ _ _ ofs k p H0 H1).
destruct abrel_match_mem_perms as (NP & P).
split; auto.
red; intros. repeat (eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto).
-- rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSuse).
rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch).
rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSpar).
rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg).
rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSquo).
Lemma container_get_quota_refine :
(container_get_quota ↦ container_get_quota_cprimitive) ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : container_get_quota_layer.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
unfold container_get_quota_high_spec in H2.
repeat destr_in H2; inv H2.
specialize (H0 (Int.unsigned i) a).
destr_match H0.
do 3 eexists; split.
- econstructor; eauto.
- split.
+ cbn.
inv Hcon_match.
× rewrite <- H1 in Heqb. discriminate.
× rewrite <- H0 in H3. cbn in H3; subst.
rewrite H2. rewrite Int.repr_unsigned. constructor.
+ split; eauto.
Lemma container_get_usage_refine :
(container_get_usage ↦ container_get_usage_cprimitive) ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : container_get_usage_layer.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
unfold container_get_usage_high_spec in H2.
repeat destr_in H2; inv H2.
specialize (H0 (Int.unsigned i) a).
destr_match H0.
do 3 eexists; split.
- econstructor; eauto.
- split.
+ cbn.
inv Hcon_match.
× rewrite <- H1 in Heqb. discriminate.
× rewrite <- H0 in H3. cbn in H3; subst.
rewrite H4. rewrite Int.repr_unsigned. constructor.
+ split; eauto.
Lemma container_get_parent_refine :
(container_get_parent ↦ container_get_parent_cprimitive) ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : container_get_parent_layer.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
unfold container_get_parent_high_spec in H2.
repeat destr_in H2; inv H2.
specialize (H0 (Int.unsigned i) a).
destr_match H0.
do 3 eexists; split.
- econstructor; eauto.
- split.
+ cbn.
inv Hcon_match.
× rewrite <- H1 in Heqb. discriminate.
× rewrite <- H0 in H3. cbn in H3; subst.
rewrite H5. rewrite Int.repr_unsigned. constructor.
+ split; eauto.
Lemma container_get_nchildren_refine :
(container_get_nchildren ↦ container_get_nchildren_cprimitive) ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : container_get_nchildren_layer.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
unfold container_get_nchildren_high_spec in H2.
repeat destr_in H2; inv H2.
specialize (H0 (Int.unsigned i) a).
destr_match H0.
do 3 eexists; split.
- econstructor; eauto.
- split.
+ cbn.
inv Hcon_match.
× rewrite <- H1 in Heqb. discriminate.
× rewrite <- H0 in H3. cbn in H3.
rewrite H10. rewrite H3. rewrite Int.repr_unsigned. constructor.
+ split; eauto.
Lemma container_set_usage_refine :
(container_set_usage ↦ container_set_usage_cprimitive) ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : container_set_usage_layer.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
unfold container_set_usage_high_spec in H1.
repeat destr_in H1; inv H1.
pose proof H0 as Hmatch.
specialize (H0 (Int.unsigned i) a).
destr_match H0.
inv Hcon_match; cbn.
rewrite <- H1 in Heqb0; discriminate.
pose proof HVusg as HVusg'.
eapply Mem.valid_access_store in HVusg; destruct HVusg as (m1 & HSusg).
do 3 eexists; split.
- econstructor; eauto.
- split.
+ constructor.
+ split; cbn.
× eapply Mem.store_outside_extends; eauto.
intros ? Hperm; eapply abrel_match_mem_perms in Hperm; eauto.
× constructor.
-- constructor. cbn; auto.
-- econstructor; eauto.
intros ? Hi.
destr_eq i1 (Int.unsigned i).
++ subst.
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _ ⇒
try (rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg);
[eassumption | right; cbn; omega])
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ ⇒
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto
rewrite (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg); reflexivity.
cbn. rewrite ZMap.gss.
constructor; auto.
rewrite Int.repr_unsigned; reflexivity.
++ specialize (Hmatch i1 Hi).
destr_match Hmatch.
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _ ⇒
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg);
[eassumption | right; cbn; omega]
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ ⇒
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto
cbn. rewrite ZMap.gso; assumption.
-- cbn; intros.
specialize (abrel_match_mem_perms _ _ _ ofs k p0 H1 H5).
destruct abrel_match_mem_perms as (NP & P).
split; auto.
red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto.
-- rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSusg); eauto.
Lemma container_set_nchildren_refine :
(container_set_nchildren ↦ container_set_nchildren_cprimitive) ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : container_set_nchildren_layer.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
unfold container_set_nchildren_high_spec in H1.
repeat destr_in H1; try discriminate.
inv H1.
pose proof H0 as Hmatch.
specialize (H0 (Int.unsigned i) a).
destr_match H0.
inv Hcon_match; cbn.
rewrite <- H1 in Heqb0; discriminate.
pose proof HVnch as HVnch'.
eapply Mem.valid_access_store in HVnch; destruct HVnch as (m1 & HSnch).
do 3 eexists; split.
- econstructor; eauto.
- split.
+ constructor.
+ split; cbn.
× eapply Mem.store_outside_extends; eauto.
intros ? Hperm; eapply abrel_match_mem_perms in Hperm; eauto.
× constructor.
-- constructor. cbn; auto.
-- econstructor; eauto.
intros ? Hi.
destr_eq i1 (Int.unsigned i).
++ subst.
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _ ⇒
try (rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch);
[eassumption | right; cbn; omega])
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ ⇒
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto
rewrite (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch); reflexivity.
cbn. rewrite ZMap.gss.
pose proof l as Hchild_range.
rewrite <- H0 in Hchild_range; cbn in Hchild_range.
pose MAX_CHILDREN_range as Hmaxchild_range.
constructor; auto.
inversion H9.
cbn; unfold Int.add.
rewrite Int.unsigned_one; rewrite Zpos_P_of_succ_nat.
rewrite <- Z.add_1_r.
repeat f_equal.
rewrite Int.unsigned_repr; [reflexivity | omega].
++ specialize (Hmatch i1 Hi).
destr_match Hmatch.
do 5 eexists.
repeat match goal with
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
| |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _ ⇒
rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch);
[eassumption | right; cbn; omega]
| |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ ⇒
eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto
cbn. rewrite ZMap.gso; assumption.
-- cbn; intros.
specialize (abrel_match_mem_perms _ _ _ ofs k p0 H1 H5).
destruct abrel_match_mem_perms as (NP & P).
split; auto.
red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto.
-- rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnch); eauto.
End LowHighSpecSim.
Section Linking.
Context `{ce: ClightCompositeEnv}.
Hypothesis Hce : build_composite_env (t_container_comp :: nil) = OK ce.
Definition container_intro_L' : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
⊕ container_get_quota_layer
⊕ container_get_usage_layer
⊕ container_get_parent_layer
⊕ container_get_nchildren_layer
⊕ container_set_usage_layer
⊕ container_set_nchildren_layer.
Definition container_intro_Σ : clayer boot_layerdata :=
container_node_init ↦ container_node_init_cprimitive
⊕ container_get_quota ↦ container_get_quota_cprimitive
⊕ container_get_usage ↦ container_get_usage_cprimitive
⊕ container_get_parent ↦ container_get_parent_cprimitive
⊕ container_get_nchildren ↦ container_get_nchildren_cprimitive
⊕ container_set_usage ↦ container_set_usage_cprimitive
⊕ container_set_nchildren ↦ container_set_nchildren_cprimitive.
Definition container_intro_M : cmodule :=
⊕ Mgquota
⊕ Mgusage
⊕ Mgparent
⊕ Mgnchild
⊕ Msusage
⊕ Msnchild.
Hint Resolve container_node_init_code container_node_init_refine
container_get_quota_code container_get_quota_refine
container_get_usage_code container_get_usage_refine
container_get_parent_code container_get_parent_refine
container_get_nchildren_code container_get_nchildren_refine
container_set_usage_code container_set_usage_refine
container_set_nchildren_code container_set_nchildren_refine : linking.
Theorem container_intro_link' :
boot_L ⊢ (container_intro_R, container_intro_M) : container_intro_L'.
Proof. link_tac container_intro_Σ. Qed.
Context `{ce: ClightCompositeEnv}.
Hypothesis Hce : build_composite_env (t_container_comp :: nil) = OK ce.
Definition container_intro_L' : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
⊕ container_get_quota_layer
⊕ container_get_usage_layer
⊕ container_get_parent_layer
⊕ container_get_nchildren_layer
⊕ container_set_usage_layer
⊕ container_set_nchildren_layer.
Definition container_intro_Σ : clayer boot_layerdata :=
container_node_init ↦ container_node_init_cprimitive
⊕ container_get_quota ↦ container_get_quota_cprimitive
⊕ container_get_usage ↦ container_get_usage_cprimitive
⊕ container_get_parent ↦ container_get_parent_cprimitive
⊕ container_get_nchildren ↦ container_get_nchildren_cprimitive
⊕ container_set_usage ↦ container_set_usage_cprimitive
⊕ container_set_nchildren ↦ container_set_nchildren_cprimitive.
Definition container_intro_M : cmodule :=
⊕ Mgquota
⊕ Mgusage
⊕ Mgparent
⊕ Mgnchild
⊕ Msusage
⊕ Msnchild.
Hint Resolve container_node_init_code container_node_init_refine
container_get_quota_code container_get_quota_refine
container_get_usage_code container_get_usage_refine
container_get_parent_code container_get_parent_refine
container_get_nchildren_code container_get_nchildren_refine
container_set_usage_code container_set_usage_refine
container_set_nchildren_code container_set_nchildren_refine : linking.
Theorem container_intro_link' :
boot_L ⊢ (container_intro_R, container_intro_M) : container_intro_L'.
Proof. link_tac container_intro_Σ. Qed.
The container_init primitive in the Container layer will need to call
boot_init, so in order to expose it, we redefine it here as part of the
ContainerIntro layer.
Definition boot_init_high_sem' : cprimitive container_intro_layerdata :=
cgensem container_intro_layerdata boot_init_high_spec.
Global Instance boot_init_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata boot_init_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
unfold boot_init_high_spec in H2.
inv H2.
constructor; cbn. discriminate.
Definition boot_L' : clayer container_intro_layerdata := boot_init ↦ boot_init_high_sem'.
Theorem boot_refine :
boot_L ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : boot_L'.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
unfold boot_init_high_spec in H0. inv H0.
do 3 eexists; split; repeat (econstructor; eauto).
Hint Resolve container_intro_link' boot_refine : linking.
Definition container_intro_L : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_intro_L' ⊕ boot_L'.
Theorem container_intro_link :
boot_L ⊢ (container_intro_R, container_intro_M) : container_intro_L.
apply (vdash_module_le _ _ _ _ _ (container_intro_M ⊕ ∅)); [constructor | reflexivity |].
apply hcomp_rule; auto with linking.
Lemma container_intro_pres_inv :
ForallPrimitive _ (CPrimitivePreservesInvariant _) container_intro_L.
unfold container_intro_L, container_intro_L', boot_L'. typeclasses eauto.
End Linking.
End ContainerIntro.
cgensem container_intro_layerdata boot_init_high_spec.
Global Instance boot_init_pres_inv :
GenSemPreservesInvariant container_intro_layerdata boot_init_high_spec.
split; auto.
intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? ?.
inv_generic_sem Hsem.
unfold boot_init_high_spec in H2.
inv H2.
constructor; cbn. discriminate.
Definition boot_L' : clayer container_intro_layerdata := boot_init ↦ boot_init_high_sem'.
Theorem boot_refine :
boot_L ⊢ (container_intro_R, ∅) : boot_L'.
inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
inversion MemRel.
inv abrel_match_mem_match.
unfold boot_init_high_spec in H0. inv H0.
do 3 eexists; split; repeat (econstructor; eauto).
Hint Resolve container_intro_link' boot_refine : linking.
Definition container_intro_L : clayer container_intro_layerdata :=
container_intro_L' ⊕ boot_L'.
Theorem container_intro_link :
boot_L ⊢ (container_intro_R, container_intro_M) : container_intro_L.
apply (vdash_module_le _ _ _ _ _ (container_intro_M ⊕ ∅)); [constructor | reflexivity |].
apply hcomp_rule; auto with linking.
Lemma container_intro_pres_inv :
ForallPrimitive _ (CPrimitivePreservesInvariant _) container_intro_L.
unfold container_intro_L, container_intro_L', boot_L'. typeclasses eauto.
End Linking.
End ContainerIntro.