Library tutorial.common.TutoLib



A library of tactics and lemmas used in the layer tutorial.

Compcert helper lib
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Compcert types and semantics
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Clight.
Require Import Ctypes.
Require Import Cop.
Require Import Smallstep.
CertiKOS layer library
Require Import Semantics.
Require Import Structures.
Require Import PTreeLayers.
Require Import PTreeSemantics.
Require Import GenSem.
Require Import CGenSem.
Require Import CPrimitives.
Require Import SimulationRelation.
Require Import SimrelInvariant.
Require Import LayerLogicImpl.
Require Import PseudoJoinReflection.
Require Import ClightModules.
Require Import ClightXSemantics.
Require Import AbstractData.
Require Import AbstractionRelation.

Notations for some Compcert types
Notation tint := (Tint I32 Signed noattr).
Notation tuint := (Tint I32 Unsigned noattr).
Notation tvoid := (Tvoid).
Notation tptr := (fun (t: type) ⇒ Tpointer t noattr).
Notation tarray := (fun (t: type) (sz: Z) ⇒ Tarray t sz noattr).

Helper tactics

Code and Refinement Proof Helpers

Ltac cprimitive_sim_tac :=
  match goal with
  | |- cprimitive_sim _ _ _ _ _
      [intros w sg (xargs, xmem) (yargs, ymem) (ArgsRel & MemRel) xres CStep |
       try now apply incl_refl]
  | |- _fail

Ltac find_prim gv :=
  match goal with
  | [H: MakeProgramSpec.make_globalenv _ _ = _ |- _] ⇒
      pose proof H as H';
      eapply MakeProgramFacts.make_globalenv_get_layer_primitive with (i := gv) in H';
      try reflexivity;
      match goal with
      | [H1: _,
          Genv.find_symbol _ gv = Some _
          Genv.find_funct_ptr _ _ = Some _ |- _] ⇒
            let b := fresh "b_" gv in
            let Hb := fresh "Hb_" gv in
            let Hfp := fresh "Hfp_" gv in
            destruct H1 as (b & Hb & Hfp)
      | _idtac

Ltac eval_expr_tac :=
  repeat lazymatch goal with
  | |- Genv.find_funct _ _ = _
      rewrite Genv.find_funct_find_funct_ptr; eassumption
  | |- external_call ?ef ?t ?vs ?m ?tr ?v ?m'
      constructor; [eapply MakeProgramFacts.make_globalenv_stencil_matches; eauto |];
      repeat (esplit; cbn); auto
  | |- eval_lvalue ?t ?env ?le ?ml ?ty ?ml' ?ofs
      match ty with
      | Evar ?gc ?typeapply eval_Evar_global;
                         [try now apply PTree.gempty |
                          (eassumption ||
                           rewrite stencil_matches_symbols; eauto;
                           eapply MakeProgramFacts.make_globalenv_stencil_matches; eauto)]
      | Ederef ?e1 ?typeapply eval_Ederef
      | Efield ?e1 ?fid ?ftyeapply eval_Efield_struct;
                                [eval_expr_tac |
                                 reflexivity |
                                 idtac |
  | |- eval_expr ?t ?env ?le ?ml (Ebinop ?op ?e1 ?e2 ?type) ?v
      eapply eval_Ebinop; [eval_expr_tac | eval_expr_tac | try reflexivity]
  | |- eval_expr ?t ?env ?le ?ml (Etempvar ?id ?typ) ?v
      eapply eval_Etempvar; try reflexivity
  | |- eval_expr ?t ?env ?le ?ml (Ecast ?e ?typ) ?v
      eapply eval_Ecast; [eval_expr_tac | try reflexivity]
  | |- eval_expr ?t ?env ?le ?ml ?ty ?v
      match ty with
      | Evar ?gv ?typeapply eval_Elvalue
      | Ederef ?e1 ?typeapply eval_Elvalue
      | Efield ?e ?id ?typeapply eval_Elvalue
      | Econst_int ?i ?typeconstructor
      | Econst_long ?l ?typeconstructor
      | Econst_single ?f ?typeconstructor
      | Econst_float ?f ?typeconstructor
      | Esizeof ?typ ?ty'econstructor
      | Ealignof ?typ ?ty'econstructor
  | |- eval_exprlist ?t ?env ?le ?m nil ?ts ?vs
  | |- eval_exprlist ?t ?env ?le ?m ?es ?ts ?vs
      econstructor; [eval_expr_tac | try reflexivity | eval_expr_tac]
  | |- deref_loc ?ty ?m ?b ?ofs ?v
      match goal with
      | |- deref_loc (Tarray _ _ _) _ _ _ _now eapply deref_loc_reference
      | |- deref_loc (Tfunction _ _ _) _ _ _ _now eapply deref_loc_reference
      | |- deref_loc (Tstruct _ _) _ _ _ _now eapply deref_loc_copy
      | |- deref_loc (Tunion _ _) _ _ _ _now eapply deref_loc_copy
      | |- deref_loc (typeof _) _ _ _ _progress cbn
      | |- deref_loc _ _ _ _ _eapply deref_loc_value; [easy |]
  | |- assign_loc ?ge ?ty ?m ?b ?ofs ?v ?m'
      match ty with
      | Vptr ?b' ?ofs'eapply assign_loc_copy
      | _econstructor; cbn; try (reflexivity || now eauto)

Ltac step_tac :=
  match goal with
  | |- star _ ?t (Returnstate _ _ _) _ (Returnstate _ _ _) ⇒ apply star_refl
  | |- star _ _ _ _ _
      eapply star_left; [econstructor; (reflexivity || eval_expr_tac; cbn; try now eauto || idtac) |
                         idtac |

Ltac cprim_step :=
  constructor; [auto | eapply plus_left];
  [repeat econstructor; try decision |
   idtac |

Ltac mkcprim_tac step sg :=
  refine (mkcprimitive _ step sg _);
  intros ? ? ? ? Hstep; inv Hstep; easy.

Ltac inv_abrel_init_props :=
  repeat match goal with
  | AIP : abrel_init_props ?m ?glbl |- _
      destruct AIP as ((?b & ?aip_find_symbol & ?aip_load & ?aip_perm) & ?AIP')
  | AIP : abrel_init_props ?m nil |- _clear AIP

General Helpers

Ltac destr :=
  match goal with
  | |- context [match ?A with __ end] ⇒ destruct A eqn:?; cbn in ×
  | |- context [if ?A then _ else _] ⇒ destruct A eqn:?; cbn in ×

Ltac destr_in H :=
  match type of H with
  | context [match ?A with __ end] ⇒ destruct A eqn:?; cbn in ×
  | context [if ?A then _ else _] ⇒ destruct A eqn:?; cbn in ×

Ltac destr_eq x y :=
  let Heq := fresh "Heq" in
  let Hneq := fresh "Hneq" in
  destruct (decide (x = y)) as [Heq | Hneq].

Section LayerLemmas.

  Context `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}.
  Context `{MakeProgramSpec.MakeProgram}.
  Context `{ce: ClightCompositeEnv}.

Lemmas about lifting simulations from cprimitive to clayer
  Lemma cprimitive_sim_union:
     D R cprim c1 c2,
      cprimitive_sim D D R cprim c1
      cprimitive_sim D D R cprim (cprimitive_union D c1 c2).
    intros D R cprim c1 c2 CS.
    inv CS.
    - repeat red; simpl; intros.
      specialize (cprimitive_sim_step p a x y H0 a0 H1).
      destruct cprimitive_sim_step as (b & STEP & REL).
       b; split; auto.
    - simpl.
      apply incl_appl. auto.

  Theorem cprimitive_correct :
     (D: layerdata) i (cprim : cprimitive D) (cimpl : function) (L: clayer D) R
      (CSIM: t,
          MakeProgramSpec.make_globalenv D (i cimpl, L) = OK t
          cprimitive_sim D D R cprim (clight_cprimitive D L (Build_genv t ce) cimpl)),
      sim R (i cprim) ( i cimpl L).
    apply ptree_layer_pointwise_sim.
    - intros.
      destruct (ident_eq i0 i); subst.
        assert (res_le (option_le (sim R))
                       (get_layer_primitive i (i cprim))
                       (semof_function D (i cimpl, L) i (get_module_function i (i cimpl)) get_layer_primitive i L)).
          unfold semof_function.
          destruct (MakeProgramSpec.make_globalenv D (i cimpl, L)) eqn:?;
                   simpl; monad_norm; try constructor.
          destruct (get_layer_primitive i L); try constructor.
          destruct o; try constructor; constructor; auto.
          apply cprimitive_sim_union. auto.
        setoid_rewrite <- ptree_get_semof_primitive in H0. auto.
        assert (res_le (option_le (sim R))
                       (get_layer_primitive i0 (i cprim))
                       (semof_function D (i cimpl, L) i0 (get_module_function i0 (i cimpl)) get_layer_primitive i0 L)).
          get_module_normalize; get_layer_normalize.
          destruct (get_layer_primitive i0 L) eqn:?; try constructor.
          destruct o; repeat constructor.
        setoid_rewrite <- ptree_get_semof_primitive in H0. auto.
    - intros.
      assert (res_le (option_le eq)
                     (OK None)
                     (get_module_variable i0 (i cimpl) get_layer_globalvar i0 L)).
        get_module_normalize; get_layer_normalize.
        destruct (get_layer_globalvar i0 L); simpl; try constructor.
        destruct o; simpl; repeat constructor.
      setoid_rewrite <- (ptree_get_semof_globalvar) in H0. auto.

  Theorem layer_sim :
     D1 D2 (HSpec: cprimitive D1) (CPrim: cprimitive D2) (i: ident)
      (R: simrel D1 D2)
      (SIM: sim R HSpec CPrim),
      sim R
          ((i HSpec) : clayer D1)
          ((i CPrim) : clayer D2).
    apply ptree_layer_pointwise_sim.
    - intros.
      destruct (ident_eq i0 i); subst.
      + get_layer_normalize. constructor. constructor.
      + get_layer_normalize. constructor. constructor.
    - intros; get_layer_normalize.
      constructor. constructor.

  Lemma layer_pres_inv : D σ M (L: clayer D),
    ForallPrimitive D (CPrimitivePreservesInvariant D) L
    L (id, M) : σ
    L (inv, M) : σ.
    intros ? ? ? ? Hinv Hsim.
    apply cprimitive_invariant_inv in Hinv.
    apply logic_intro. apply logic_elim in Hsim.
    ehtransitivity; eauto.

Needed in function_entry2 to show the lists of parameters and temps are disjoint
  Global Instance decide_disjoint `{Heq: EqDec} : (xs ys: list A),
    Decision (list_disjoint xs ys) := list_disjoint_dec Heq.

Needed to use pjr in linking
  Global Instance pj_clayer {D} : PseudoJoin (clayer D) .
  Proof. constructor; typeclasses eauto. Qed.

Clight functions preserve the layer invariant if all primitives at that layer preserve it.
  Lemma clight_prim_inv : D (L: clayer D) i impl t,
    MakeProgramSpec.make_globalenv D (i impl, L) = OK t
    let spec := clight_cprimitive D L {| genv_genv := t; genv_cenv := ce |} impl in
    get_layer_primitive i L = OK None
    sim inv ( i impl L) ( i impl L)
    cprimitive_sim D D inv spec spec.
    intros until t; intros Hge ? Hnin Hsim; subst spec.
    pose proof Hge as Hge'.
    unfold MakeProgramSpec.make_globalenv in Hge'.
    inv_monad Hge'; subst.
    rename H1 into Hprog.
    apply ptree_layer_sim_pointwise in Hsim.
    destruct Hsim as (Hle & _).
    specialize Hle with i.
    rewrite get_semof_primitive in Hle.
    get_module_normalize_in Hle.
    inv_monad Hle.
    - rewrite <- H0 in H1; inv H1.
      destruct (get_layer_primitive i L); inv Hnin.
      destruct (semof_function D (_, L) i _) eqn:?; inv H0.
      cbn in Heqr.
      rewrite Hprog in Heqr.
      inv_monad Heqr.
      inv H3. inv H2.
    - destruct (get_layer_primitive i L); inv Hnin.
      destruct (semof_function D (_, L) i _) eqn:?; inv H2.
      + destruct o; inv H1.
      + cbn in Heqr.
        rewrite Hprog in Heqr.
        inv_monad Heqr.

  Lemma clight_prim_pres_inv : D prim impl L t,
    get_layer_primitive prim L = OK None
    MakeProgramSpec.make_globalenv D (prim impl, L) = OK t
    ForallPrimitive D (CPrimitivePreservesInvariant D) L
    CPrimitivePreservesInvariant D
      (clight_cprimitive D L {| genv_genv := t; genv_cenv := ce |} impl).
    intros until t; intros Hnin Hge Hpres_inv.
    apply inv_cprimitive_inv.
    apply clight_prim_inv with prim; auto.
    apply cprimitive_invariant_inv in Hpres_inv.
    cut (sim inv L L); auto; intros.
    repeat rstep.

Convenience lemmas to change goals of the form L1 ⊢ (R, M) : L2 to an explicit simulation diagram
  Lemma link_to_diag_code_id : D (L: clayer D) prim spec (impl: function)
      (Hdiag: (t: Genv.t Clight.fundef type)
                     (Hge: MakeProgramSpec.make_globalenv D (prim impl, L) = OK t)
                     (sg: csignature) (args: list val) (m: mem) (d: D)
                     (res: val) (m': mem) (d': D)
         (CStep: cprimitive_step D spec sg (args, (m, d)) (res, (m', d'))),
         cprimitive_step D
           (clight_cprimitive D L {| genv_genv := t; genv_cenv := ce |} impl)
           sg (args, (m, d)) (res, (m', d')))
      (Hincl: incl (cprimitive_csig D spec) (clight_cprimitive_csig impl :: nil)),
    L (id, prim impl) : (prim spec).
    apply logic_intro. apply cprimitive_correct; intros ? Hge.
    apply cprimitive_sim_id_intro; auto.
    intros sg (args & m & d) (res & m' & d') step.

  Lemma link_to_diag_code_inv : D (L: clayer D) prim spec (impl: function)
      (Hlayer_inv: ForallPrimitive D (CPrimitivePreservesInvariant D) L)
      (Hprim_not_in: get_layer_primitive prim L = OK None)
      (Hdiag: (t: Genv.t Clight.fundef type)
                     (Hge: MakeProgramSpec.make_globalenv D (prim impl, L) = OK t)
                     (sg: csignature) (args: list val) (m: mem) (d: D)
                     (res: val) (m': mem) (d': D)
                (Hmatch: cprimitive_inv_init_state D args m d)
                (CStep: cprimitive_step D spec sg (args, (m, d)) (res, (m', d'))),
                cprimitive_step D
                  (clight_cprimitive D L {| genv_genv := t; genv_cenv := ce |} impl)
                  sg (args, (m, d)) (res, (m', d')))
      (Hincl: incl (cprimitive_csig D spec) (clight_cprimitive_csig impl :: nil)),
    L (inv, prim impl) : (prim spec).
    apply logic_intro. apply cprimitive_correct; intros ? Hge.
    apply cprimitive_sim_inv_intro; auto.
    eapply clight_prim_pres_inv; eauto.
    intros sg args mem data (res & mem' & data') xmatch step.

  Lemma link_to_diag_refine_R : (Dlow Dhigh: layerdata) R prim lspec hspec
      (Hdiag: (sg: csignature) (xargs yargs: list val) (xm ym: mem)
                     (xd: Dhigh) (yd: Dlow) (xres: val)
                     (xm': mem) (xd': Dhigh)
         (ArgsRel: list_rel (match_val (abrel_simrel Dhigh Dlow R) tt) xargs yargs)
         (MemExtends: Mem.extends xm ym)
         (MemRel: abrel_match_mem Dhigh Dlow R xm xd ym yd)
         (CStep: cprimitive_step Dhigh hspec sg (xargs, (xm, xd)) (xres, (xm', xd'))),
          yres ym' yd',
           cprimitive_step Dlow lspec sg (yargs, (ym, yd)) (yres, (ym', yd'))
           cprimitive_match_final_state _ _ (abrel_simrel Dhigh Dlow R)
                                        tt (xres, (xm', xd')) (yres, (ym', yd')))
      (Hincl: incl (cprimitive_csig Dhigh hspec) (cprimitive_csig Dlow lspec)),
    (prim lspec) (abrel_simrel Dhigh Dlow R, ) : (prim hspec).
    eapply conseq_le_sim; [constructor | apply empty_rule | reflexivity | apply layer_sim].
    constructor; auto.
    repeat red.
    intros w sg (xargs & xmem & xdata) (yargs & ymem & ydata)
           xmatch (res & xmem' & xdata') step.
    destruct w. destruct xmatch as (ArgsMatch & MemExtend & MemMatch).
    cbn in ArgsMatch, MemExtend, MemMatch.
    eapply Hdiag in step; eauto.
    destruct step as (yres & ymem' & ydata' & ystep & ymatch).
     (yres, (ymem', ydata')); split; eauto.
     tt. split; repeat rstep.

  Lemma link_to_diag_refine_inv : (Dlow Dhigh: layerdata) R prim lspec hspec
      (Hinv_high: CPrimitivePreservesInvariant Dhigh hspec)
      (Hinv_low: CPrimitivePreservesInvariant Dlow lspec)
      (Hdiag: (sg: csignature) (xargs yargs: list val) (xm ym: mem)
                     (xd: Dhigh) (yd: Dlow) (xres: val)
                     (xm': mem) (xd': Dhigh)
         (ArgsRel: list_rel (match_val (abrel_simrel Dhigh Dlow R) tt) xargs yargs)
         (MemExtends: Mem.extends xm ym)
         (MemRel: abrel_match_mem Dhigh Dlow R xm xd ym yd)
         (InvHi: cprimitive_inv_init_state Dhigh xargs xm xd)
         (InvLo: cprimitive_inv_init_state Dlow yargs ym yd)
         (CStep: cprimitive_step Dhigh hspec sg (xargs, (xm, xd)) (xres, (xm', xd'))),
          yres ym' yd',
           cprimitive_step Dlow lspec sg (yargs, (ym, yd)) (yres, (ym', yd'))
           cprimitive_match_final_state _ _ (abrel_simrel Dhigh Dlow R)
                                        tt (xres, (xm', xd')) (yres, (ym', yd')))
      (Hincl: incl (cprimitive_csig Dhigh hspec) (cprimitive_csig Dlow lspec)),
    (prim lspec) (inv abrel_simrel Dhigh Dlow R inv, ) : (prim hspec).
    eapply conseq_le_sim; [constructor | apply empty_rule | reflexivity | apply layer_sim].
    apply cprimitive_sim_wrapinv_intro; auto.
    repeat red.
    intros w sg ? ? xmatch (res & xmem' & xdata') step.
    destruct w. destruct xmatch. rename H0 into xinv, H1 into yinv, H2 into xmatch.
    destruct xmatch as (ArgsMatch & MemExtend & MemMatch).
    cbn in ArgsMatch, MemExtend, MemMatch.
    eapply Hdiag in step; eauto.
    destruct step as (yres & ymem' & ydata' & ystep & ymatch).
     (yres, (ymem', ydata')); split; eauto.
     tt. split; repeat rstep.

End LayerLemmas.

Tactics to apply the appropriate simulation diagram lemma

Ltac code_proof_id := apply link_to_diag_code_id; intros; [| try apply incl_refl].

Ltac code_proof_inv :=
  apply link_to_diag_code_inv; intros;
  [auto with linking | try decision | | try apply incl_refl].

Ltac code_proof_tac :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- ?L1 (id, ?M) : ?L2code_proof_id
  | |- ?L1 (inv, ?M) : ?L2code_proof_inv

Ltac refine_proof_R := apply link_to_diag_refine_R; intros; [| try apply incl_refl].

Ltac refine_proof_inv :=
  apply link_to_diag_refine_inv; intros; try (typeclasses eauto || apply incl_refl).

Ltac refine_proof_tac :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- ?L1 (inv ?R inv, ?M) : ?L2refine_proof_inv
  | |- ?L1 (?R, ?M) : ?L2refine_proof_R

Linking Helpers

Section LinkingLemmas.

  Context `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}.
  Context `{MakeProgramSpec.MakeProgram}.
  Context `{ce: ClightCompositeEnv}.

  Lemma link_id_R_vsplit : Dlow Dhigh M (Llow: clayer Dlow) (Lhigh: clayer Dhigh) R Σ,
    Llow (id, M): Σ
    Σ (R, ): Lhigh
    Llow (R, M) : Lhigh.
    apply (vdash_rel_equiv _ _ (id R)).
    apply cat_compose_id_left.
    apply (vdash_module_le _ _ _ _ _ (M )); [constructor | pjr |].
    apply (vcomp_rule _ _ _ _ _ _ Σ); [constructor | |]; auto.

  Lemma link_inv_R_vsplit : Dlow Dhigh M (Llow: clayer Dlow) (Lhigh: clayer Dhigh) R Σ,
    Llow (inv, M): Σ
    Σ (inv R inv, ): Lhigh
    Llow (inv R inv, M) : Lhigh.
    apply (vdash_rel_equiv _ _ (inv (inv R inv))).
    rewrite cat_compose_assoc; rewrite cat_compose_assoc.
    cbn. rewrite simrel_compose_inv_inv. reflexivity.
    apply (vdash_module_le _ _ _ _ _ (M )); [constructor | pjr |].
    apply (vcomp_rule _ _ _ _ _ _ Σ); [constructor | |]; auto.

  Lemma link_wrapinv : Dlow Dhigh M (Llow: clayer Dlow) (Lhigh: clayer Dhigh) R,
    ForallPrimitive _ (CPrimitivePreservesInvariant _) Llow
    ForallPrimitive _ (CPrimitivePreservesInvariant _) Lhigh
    Llow (R, M) : Lhigh
    Llow (inv R inv, M) : Lhigh.
    eapply conseq_rule; [constructor | | |];
    try apply cprimitive_invariant_inv; auto.

End LinkingLemmas.

Ltac extract_spec i Σ :=
  let H := fresh "H_" i in
  let spec := fresh i "_σ" in
  assert (H: lspec, get_layer_primitive i Σ = OK (Some lspec)) by
    (get_layer_normalize; eexists; reflexivity);
  destruct H as (spec & H);
  get_layer_normalize_in H;
  repeat (rewrite get_layer_primitive_mapsto_other_primitive in H; [| discriminate]);
  cbn in H;
  injection H; clear H; intro H.

Ltac link_solve_code :=
  repeat (apply hcomp_rule; [constructor | |]); eauto with linking.

Ltac link_solve_refine :=
  repeat lazymatch goal with
  | |- ?L1 ?L2 (?R, ?M ) : ?L3 ?L4
      apply hcomp_rule; [constructor | |]
  | |- ?L1 ?L2 (?R, ?M) : ?L3 ?L4
      apply (vdash_module_le _ _ _ _ _ ( )); [constructor | reflexivity |]
  | |- ?Σ (?R, ?M) : (?i ?spec)
      extract_spec i Σ;
      match goal with
      | spec: cprimitive ?D |- _
          apply conseq_le_left with (L1 := (i spec));
          subst spec;
          [constructor | | pjr]
  | |- ?Σ (?R, ?M) : ?Ltry unfold L
  end; eauto with linking.

Ltac link_id_R Σ R M L :=
  apply link_id_R_vsplit with Σ;
  try unfold Σ; try unfold L;
  [try link_solve_code | try link_solve_refine].

Ltac link_inv_R Σ R M L :=
  apply link_inv_R_vsplit with Σ;
  try unfold Σ; try unfold L;
  [try link_solve_code | try link_solve_refine].

Ltac link_tac Σ :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- ?Llow (inv ?R inv, ?M) : ?Lhighlink_inv_R Σ R M Lhigh
  | |- ?Llow (?R, ?M) : ?Lhighlink_id_R Σ R M Lhigh

Hints to help automate linking

Hint Resolve layer_pres_inv link_wrapinv : linking.
Hint Extern 1 (sim inv ?L ?L) ⇒ apply cprimitive_invariant_inv : linking.
Hint Extern 1 (layer_wf ?L) ⇒ constructor : linking.
Hint Extern 10 (?L1 (inv ?R inv, ): ?L2) ⇒
  apply link_wrapinv; solve [typeclasses eauto | eauto with linking].

Hint Extern 2 (ForallPrimitive _ _ (_ _)) ⇒
  eapply forallprim_oplus_disjoint; [decision | |] : typeclass_instances.

Section MathLemmas.

  Lemma ptrofs_max_val : Ptrofs.max_unsigned = (if Archi.ptr64 then 18446744073709551615 else 4294967295).
    unfold Ptrofs.max_unsigned, Ptrofs.modulus,
           Ptrofs.wordsize, Wordsize_Ptrofs.wordsize.
    destruct Archi.ptr64; reflexivity.

  Lemma int_ptrofs_max : Int.max_unsigned Ptrofs.max_unsigned.
    rewrite ptrofs_max_val; cbn.
    destruct Archi.ptr64; omega.

End MathLemmas.

Section HelperFunctions.

Copied from mCertiKOSType to reduce the number of dependencies in the tutorial
  Fixpoint type_of_list_type (params : list type) : typelist :=
    match params with
    | nilCtypes.Tnil
    | ty :: remCtypes.Tcons ty (type_of_list_type rem)

End HelperFunctions.