Library compcert.cfrontend.Cop
Arithmetic and logical operators for the Compcert C and Clight languages
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import Ctypes.
Require Archi.
Inductive unary_operation : Type :=
| Onotbool : unary_operation
| Onotint : unary_operation
| Oneg : unary_operation
| Oabsfloat : unary_operation.
Inductive binary_operation : Type :=
| Oadd : binary_operation
| Osub : binary_operation
| Omul : binary_operation
| Odiv : binary_operation
| Omod : binary_operation
| Oand : binary_operation
| Oor : binary_operation
| Oxor : binary_operation
| Oshl : binary_operation
| Oshr : binary_operation
| Oeq: binary_operation
| One: binary_operation
| Olt: binary_operation
| Ogt: binary_operation
| Ole: binary_operation
| Oge: binary_operation.
Inductive incr_or_decr : Type := Incr | Decr.
Type classification and semantics of operators.
Casts and truth values
Inductive classify_cast_cases : Type :=
| cast_case_pointer
| cast_case_i2i (sz2:intsize) (si2:signedness)
| cast_case_f2f
| cast_case_s2s
| cast_case_f2s
| cast_case_s2f
| cast_case_i2f (si1: signedness)
| cast_case_i2s (si1: signedness)
| cast_case_f2i (sz2:intsize) (si2:signedness)
| cast_case_s2i (sz2:intsize) (si2:signedness)
| cast_case_l2l
| cast_case_i2l (si1: signedness)
| cast_case_l2i (sz2: intsize) (si2: signedness)
| cast_case_l2f (si1: signedness)
| cast_case_l2s (si1: signedness)
| cast_case_f2l (si2:signedness)
| cast_case_s2l (si2:signedness)
| cast_case_i2bool
| cast_case_l2bool
| cast_case_f2bool
| cast_case_s2bool
| cast_case_struct (id1 id2: ident)
| cast_case_union (id1 id2: ident)
| cast_case_void
| cast_case_default.
Definition classify_cast (tfrom tto: type) : classify_cast_cases :=
match tto, tfrom with
| Tvoid, _ ⇒ cast_case_void
| Tint IBool _ _, Tint _ _ _ ⇒ cast_case_i2bool
| Tint IBool _ _, Tlong _ _ ⇒ cast_case_l2bool
| Tint IBool _ _, Tfloat F64 _ ⇒ cast_case_f2bool
| Tint IBool _ _, Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ cast_case_s2bool
| Tint IBool _ _, (Tpointer _ _ | Tarray _ _ _ | Tfunction _ _ _) ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then cast_case_l2bool else cast_case_i2bool
| Tint sz2 si2 _, Tint _ _ _ ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then cast_case_i2i sz2 si2
else if intsize_eq sz2 I32 then cast_case_pointer
else cast_case_i2i sz2 si2
| Tint sz2 si2 _, Tlong _ _ ⇒ cast_case_l2i sz2 si2
| Tint sz2 si2 _, Tfloat F64 _ ⇒ cast_case_f2i sz2 si2
| Tint sz2 si2 _, Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ cast_case_s2i sz2 si2
| Tint sz2 si2 _, (Tpointer _ _ | Tarray _ _ _ | Tfunction _ _ _) ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then cast_case_l2i sz2 si2
else if intsize_eq sz2 I32 then cast_case_pointer
else cast_case_i2i sz2 si2
| Tlong _ _, Tlong _ _ ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then cast_case_pointer else cast_case_l2l
| Tlong _ _, Tint sz1 si1 _ ⇒ cast_case_i2l si1
| Tlong si2 _, Tfloat F64 _ ⇒ cast_case_f2l si2
| Tlong si2 _, Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ cast_case_s2l si2
| Tlong si2 _, (Tpointer _ _ | Tarray _ _ _ | Tfunction _ _ _) ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then cast_case_pointer else cast_case_i2l si2
| Tfloat F64 _, Tint sz1 si1 _ ⇒ cast_case_i2f si1
| Tfloat F32 _, Tint sz1 si1 _ ⇒ cast_case_i2s si1
| Tfloat F64 _, Tlong si1 _ ⇒ cast_case_l2f si1
| Tfloat F32 _, Tlong si1 _ ⇒ cast_case_l2s si1
| Tfloat F64 _, Tfloat F64 _ ⇒ cast_case_f2f
| Tfloat F32 _, Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ cast_case_s2s
| Tfloat F64 _, Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ cast_case_s2f
| Tfloat F32 _, Tfloat F64 _ ⇒ cast_case_f2s
| Tpointer _ _, Tint _ _ _ ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then cast_case_i2l Unsigned else cast_case_pointer
| Tpointer _ _, Tlong _ _ ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then cast_case_pointer else cast_case_l2i I32 Unsigned
| Tpointer _ _, (Tpointer _ _ | Tarray _ _ _ | Tfunction _ _ _) ⇒ cast_case_pointer
| Tstruct id2 _, Tstruct id1 _ ⇒ cast_case_struct id1 id2
| Tunion id2 _, Tunion id1 _ ⇒ cast_case_union id1 id2
| _, _ ⇒ cast_case_default
Semantics of casts. sem_cast v1 t1 t2 m = Some v2 if value v1,
viewed with static type t1, can be converted to type t2,
resulting in value v2.
Definition cast_int_int (sz: intsize) (sg: signedness) (i: int) : int :=
match sz, sg with
| I8, Signed ⇒ Int.sign_ext 8 i
| I8, Unsigned ⇒ Int.zero_ext 8 i
| I16, Signed ⇒ Int.sign_ext 16 i
| I16, Unsigned ⇒ Int.zero_ext 16 i
| I32, _ ⇒ i
| IBool, _ ⇒ if Int.eq i then else
Definition cast_int_float (si: signedness) (i: int) : float :=
match si with
| Signed ⇒ Float.of_int i
| Unsigned ⇒ Float.of_intu i
Definition cast_float_int (si : signedness) (f: float) : option int :=
match si with
| Signed ⇒ Float.to_int f
| Unsigned ⇒ Float.to_intu f
Definition cast_int_single (si: signedness) (i: int) : float32 :=
match si with
| Signed ⇒ Float32.of_int i
| Unsigned ⇒ Float32.of_intu i
Definition cast_single_int (si : signedness) (f: float32) : option int :=
match si with
| Signed ⇒ Float32.to_int f
| Unsigned ⇒ Float32.to_intu f
Definition cast_int_long (si: signedness) (i: int) : int64 :=
match si with
| Signed ⇒ Int64.repr (Int.signed i)
| Unsigned ⇒ Int64.repr (Int.unsigned i)
Definition cast_long_float (si: signedness) (i: int64) : float :=
match si with
| Signed ⇒ Float.of_long i
| Unsigned ⇒ Float.of_longu i
Definition cast_long_single (si: signedness) (i: int64) : float32 :=
match si with
| Signed ⇒ Float32.of_long i
| Unsigned ⇒ Float32.of_longu i
Definition cast_float_long (si : signedness) (f: float) : option int64 :=
match si with
| Signed ⇒ Float.to_long f
| Unsigned ⇒ Float.to_longu f
Definition cast_single_long (si : signedness) (f: float32) : option int64 :=
match si with
| Signed ⇒ Float32.to_long f
| Unsigned ⇒ Float32.to_longu f
Class SemCast {T: Type} (valid_pointer: T → block → Z → bool): Prop :=
weak_valid_pointer m b o :=
valid_pointer m b o || valid_pointer m b (o - 1)
Context `{sem_cast_prf: SemCast}.
Definition sem_cast (v: val) (t1 t2: type) (m: T): option val :=
match classify_cast t1 t2 with
| cast_case_pointer ⇒
match v with
| Vptr _ _ ⇒ Some v
| Vint _ ⇒ if Archi.ptr64 then None else Some v
| Vlong _ ⇒ if Archi.ptr64 then Some v else None
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_i2i sz2 si2 ⇒
match v with
| Vint i ⇒ Some (Vint (cast_int_int sz2 si2 i))
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_f2f ⇒
match v with
| Vfloat f ⇒ Some (Vfloat f)
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_s2s ⇒
match v with
| Vsingle f ⇒ Some (Vsingle f)
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_s2f ⇒
match v with
| Vsingle f ⇒ Some (Vfloat (Float.of_single f))
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_f2s ⇒
match v with
| Vfloat f ⇒ Some (Vsingle (Float.to_single f))
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_i2f si1 ⇒
match v with
| Vint i ⇒ Some (Vfloat (cast_int_float si1 i))
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_i2s si1 ⇒
match v with
| Vint i ⇒ Some (Vsingle (cast_int_single si1 i))
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_f2i sz2 si2 ⇒
match v with
| Vfloat f ⇒
match cast_float_int si2 f with
| Some i ⇒ Some (Vint (cast_int_int sz2 si2 i))
| None ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_s2i sz2 si2 ⇒
match v with
| Vsingle f ⇒
match cast_single_int si2 f with
| Some i ⇒ Some (Vint (cast_int_int sz2 si2 i))
| None ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_i2bool ⇒
match v with
| Vint n ⇒
Some(Vint(if Int.eq n then else
| Vptr b ofs ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then None else
if weak_valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs) then Some Vone else None
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_l2bool ⇒
match v with
| Vlong n ⇒
Some(Vint(if Int64.eq n then else
| Vptr b ofs ⇒
if negb Archi.ptr64 then None else
if weak_valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs) then Some Vone else None
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_f2bool ⇒
match v with
| Vfloat f ⇒
Some(Vint(if Float.cmp Ceq f then else
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_s2bool ⇒
match v with
| Vsingle f ⇒
Some(Vint(if Float32.cmp Ceq f then else
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_l2l ⇒
match v with
| Vlong n ⇒ Some (Vlong n)
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_i2l si ⇒
match v with
| Vint n ⇒ Some(Vlong (cast_int_long si n))
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_l2i sz si ⇒
match v with
| Vlong n ⇒ Some(Vint (cast_int_int sz si (Int.repr (Int64.unsigned n))))
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_l2f si1 ⇒
match v with
| Vlong i ⇒ Some (Vfloat (cast_long_float si1 i))
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_l2s si1 ⇒
match v with
| Vlong i ⇒ Some (Vsingle (cast_long_single si1 i))
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_f2l si2 ⇒
match v with
| Vfloat f ⇒
match cast_float_long si2 f with
| Some i ⇒ Some (Vlong i)
| None ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_s2l si2 ⇒
match v with
| Vsingle f ⇒
match cast_single_long si2 f with
| Some i ⇒ Some (Vlong i)
| None ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_struct id1 id2 ⇒
match v with
| Vptr b ofs ⇒
if ident_eq id1 id2 then Some v else None
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_union id1 id2 ⇒
match v with
| Vptr b ofs ⇒
if ident_eq id1 id2 then Some v else None
| _ ⇒ None
| cast_case_void ⇒
Some v
| cast_case_default ⇒
The following describes types that can be interpreted as a boolean:
integers, floats, pointers. It is used for the semantics of
the ! and ? operators, as well as the if, while,
and for statements.
Inductive classify_bool_cases : Type :=
| bool_case_i
| bool_case_l
| bool_case_f
| bool_case_s
| bool_default.
Definition classify_bool (ty: type) : classify_bool_cases :=
match typeconv ty with
| Tint _ _ _ ⇒ bool_case_i
| Tpointer _ _ ⇒ if Archi.ptr64 then bool_case_l else bool_case_i
| Tfloat F64 _ ⇒ bool_case_f
| Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ bool_case_s
| Tlong _ _ ⇒ bool_case_l
| _ ⇒ bool_default
Interpretation of values as truth values.
Non-zero integers, non-zero floats and non-null pointers are
considered as true. The integer zero (which also represents
the null pointer) and the float 0.0 are false.
Definition bool_val (v: val) (t: type) (m: T) : option bool :=
match classify_bool t with
| bool_case_i ⇒
match v with
| Vint n ⇒ Some (negb (Int.eq n
| Vptr b ofs ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then None else
if weak_valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs) then Some true else None
| _ ⇒ None
| bool_case_l ⇒
match v with
| Vlong n ⇒ Some (negb (Int64.eq n
| Vptr b ofs ⇒
if negb Archi.ptr64 then None else
if weak_valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs) then Some true else None
| _ ⇒ None
| bool_case_f ⇒
match v with
| Vfloat f ⇒ Some (negb (Float.cmp Ceq f
| _ ⇒ None
| bool_case_s ⇒
match v with
| Vsingle f ⇒ Some (negb (Float32.cmp Ceq f
| _ ⇒ None
| bool_default ⇒ None
Definition sem_notbool (v: val) (ty: type) (m: T): option val :=
option_map (fun b ⇒ Val.of_bool (negb b)) (bool_val v ty m).
Inductive classify_neg_cases : Type :=
| neg_case_i(s: signedness)
| neg_case_f
| neg_case_s
| neg_case_l(s: signedness)
| neg_default.
Definition classify_neg (ty: type) : classify_neg_cases :=
match ty with
| Tint I32 Unsigned _ ⇒ neg_case_i Unsigned
| Tint _ _ _ ⇒ neg_case_i Signed
| Tfloat F64 _ ⇒ neg_case_f
| Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ neg_case_s
| Tlong si _ ⇒ neg_case_l si
| _ ⇒ neg_default
Definition sem_neg (v: val) (ty: type) : option val :=
match classify_neg ty with
| neg_case_i sg ⇒
match v with
| Vint n ⇒ Some (Vint (Int.neg n))
| _ ⇒ None
| neg_case_f ⇒
match v with
| Vfloat f ⇒ Some (Vfloat (Float.neg f))
| _ ⇒ None
| neg_case_s ⇒
match v with
| Vsingle f ⇒ Some (Vsingle (Float32.neg f))
| _ ⇒ None
| neg_case_l sg ⇒
match v with
| Vlong n ⇒ Some (Vlong (Int64.neg n))
| _ ⇒ None
| neg_default ⇒ None
Definition sem_absfloat (v: val) (ty: type) : option val :=
match classify_neg ty with
| neg_case_i sg ⇒
match v with
| Vint n ⇒ Some (Vfloat (Float.abs (cast_int_float sg n)))
| _ ⇒ None
| neg_case_f ⇒
match v with
| Vfloat f ⇒ Some (Vfloat (Float.abs f))
| _ ⇒ None
| neg_case_s ⇒
match v with
| Vsingle f ⇒ Some (Vfloat (Float.abs (Float.of_single f)))
| _ ⇒ None
| neg_case_l sg ⇒
match v with
| Vlong n ⇒ Some (Vfloat (Float.abs (cast_long_float sg n)))
| _ ⇒ None
| neg_default ⇒ None
Inductive classify_notint_cases : Type :=
| notint_case_i(s: signedness)
| notint_case_l(s: signedness)
| notint_default.
Definition classify_notint (ty: type) : classify_notint_cases :=
match ty with
| Tint I32 Unsigned _ ⇒ notint_case_i Unsigned
| Tint _ _ _ ⇒ notint_case_i Signed
| Tlong si _ ⇒ notint_case_l si
| _ ⇒ notint_default
Definition sem_notint (v: val) (ty: type): option val :=
match classify_notint ty with
| notint_case_i sg ⇒
match v with
| Vint n ⇒ Some (Vint (Int.not n))
| _ ⇒ None
| notint_case_l sg ⇒
match v with
| Vlong n ⇒ Some (Vlong (Int64.not n))
| _ ⇒ None
| notint_default ⇒ None
Binary operators
- determining the type at which the operation is to be performed (a form of least upper bound of the types of the two arguments);
- casting the two arguments to this common type;
- performing the operation at that type.
Inductive binarith_cases: Type :=
| bin_case_i (s: signedness)
| bin_case_l (s: signedness)
| bin_case_f
| bin_case_s
| bin_default.
Definition classify_binarith (ty1: type) (ty2: type) : binarith_cases :=
match ty1, ty2 with
| Tint I32 Unsigned _, Tint _ _ _ ⇒ bin_case_i Unsigned
| Tint _ _ _, Tint I32 Unsigned _ ⇒ bin_case_i Unsigned
| Tint _ _ _, Tint _ _ _ ⇒ bin_case_i Signed
| Tlong Signed _, Tlong Signed _ ⇒ bin_case_l Signed
| Tlong _ _, Tlong _ _ ⇒ bin_case_l Unsigned
| Tlong sg _, Tint _ _ _ ⇒ bin_case_l sg
| Tint _ _ _, Tlong sg _ ⇒ bin_case_l sg
| Tfloat F32 _, Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ bin_case_s
| Tfloat _ _, Tfloat _ _ ⇒ bin_case_f
| Tfloat F64 _, (Tint _ _ _ | Tlong _ _) ⇒ bin_case_f
| (Tint _ _ _ | Tlong _ _), Tfloat F64 _ ⇒ bin_case_f
| Tfloat F32 _, (Tint _ _ _ | Tlong _ _) ⇒ bin_case_s
| (Tint _ _ _ | Tlong _ _), Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ bin_case_s
| _, _ ⇒ bin_default
The static type of the result. Both arguments are converted to this type
before the actual computation.
Definition binarith_type (c: binarith_cases) : type :=
match c with
| bin_case_i sg ⇒ Tint I32 sg noattr
| bin_case_l sg ⇒ Tlong sg noattr
| bin_case_f ⇒ Tfloat F64 noattr
| bin_case_s ⇒ Tfloat F32 noattr
| bin_default ⇒ Tvoid
Definition sem_binarith
(sem_int: signedness → int → int → option val)
(sem_long: signedness → int64 → int64 → option val)
(sem_float: float → float → option val)
(sem_single: float32 → float32 → option val)
(v1: val) (t1: type) (v2: val) (t2: type) (m: T): option val :=
let c := classify_binarith t1 t2 in
let t := binarith_type c in
match sem_cast v1 t1 t m with
| None ⇒ None
| Some v1' ⇒
match sem_cast v2 t2 t m with
| None ⇒ None
| Some v2' ⇒
match c with
| bin_case_i sg ⇒
match v1', v2' with
| Vint n1, Vint n2 ⇒ sem_int sg n1 n2
| _, _ ⇒ None
| bin_case_f ⇒
match v1', v2' with
| Vfloat n1, Vfloat n2 ⇒ sem_float n1 n2
| _, _ ⇒ None
| bin_case_s ⇒
match v1', v2' with
| Vsingle n1, Vsingle n2 ⇒ sem_single n1 n2
| _, _ ⇒ None
| bin_case_l sg ⇒
match v1', v2' with
| Vlong n1, Vlong n2 ⇒ sem_long sg n1 n2
| _, _ ⇒ None
| bin_default ⇒ None
end end end.
Inductive classify_add_cases : Type :=
| add_case_pi (ty: type) (si: signedness)
| add_case_pl (ty: type)
| add_case_ip (si: signedness) (ty: type)
| add_case_lp (ty: type)
| add_default.
Definition classify_add (ty1: type) (ty2: type) :=
match typeconv ty1, typeconv ty2 with
| Tpointer ty _, Tint _ si _ ⇒ add_case_pi ty si
| Tpointer ty _, Tlong _ _ ⇒ add_case_pl ty
| Tint _ si _, Tpointer ty _ ⇒ add_case_ip si ty
| Tlong _ _, Tpointer ty _ ⇒ add_case_lp ty
| _, _ ⇒ add_default
Definition ptrofs_of_int (si: signedness) (n: int) : ptrofs :=
match si with
| Signed ⇒ Ptrofs.of_ints n
| Unsigned ⇒ Ptrofs.of_intu n
Definition sem_add_ptr_int (cenv: composite_env) (ty: type) (si: signedness) (v1 v2: val): option val :=
match v1, v2 with
| Vptr b1 ofs1, Vint n2 ⇒
let n2 := ptrofs_of_int si n2 in
Some (Vptr b1 (Ptrofs.add ofs1 (Ptrofs.mul (Ptrofs.repr (sizeof cenv ty)) n2)))
| Vint n1, Vint n2 ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then None else Some (Vint (Int.add n1 (Int.mul (Int.repr (sizeof cenv ty)) n2)))
| Vlong n1, Vint n2 ⇒
let n2 := cast_int_long si n2 in
if Archi.ptr64 then Some (Vlong (Int64.add n1 (Int64.mul (Int64.repr (sizeof cenv ty)) n2))) else None
| _, _ ⇒ None
Definition sem_add_ptr_long (cenv: composite_env) (ty: type) (v1 v2: val): option val :=
match v1, v2 with
| Vptr b1 ofs1, Vlong n2 ⇒
let n2 := Ptrofs.of_int64 n2 in
Some (Vptr b1 (Ptrofs.add ofs1 (Ptrofs.mul (Ptrofs.repr (sizeof cenv ty)) n2)))
| Vint n1, Vlong n2 ⇒
let n2 := Int.repr (Int64.unsigned n2) in
if Archi.ptr64 then None else Some (Vint (Int.add n1 (Int.mul (Int.repr (sizeof cenv ty)) n2)))
| Vlong n1, Vlong n2 ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then Some (Vlong (Int64.add n1 (Int64.mul (Int64.repr (sizeof cenv ty)) n2))) else None
| _, _ ⇒ None
Definition sem_add (cenv: composite_env) (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) (m: T): option val :=
match classify_add t1 t2 with
| add_case_pi ty si ⇒
sem_add_ptr_int cenv ty si v1 v2
| add_case_pl ty ⇒
sem_add_ptr_long cenv ty v1 v2
| add_case_ip si ty ⇒
sem_add_ptr_int cenv ty si v2 v1
| add_case_lp ty ⇒
sem_add_ptr_long cenv ty v2 v1
| add_default ⇒
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vint(Int.add n1 n2)))
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vlong(Int64.add n1 n2)))
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vfloat(Float.add n1 n2)))
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vsingle(Float32.add n1 n2)))
v1 t1 v2 t2 m
Inductive classify_sub_cases : Type :=
| sub_case_pi (ty: type) (si: signedness)
| sub_case_pp (ty: type)
| sub_case_pl (ty: type)
| sub_default.
Definition classify_sub (ty1: type) (ty2: type) :=
match typeconv ty1, typeconv ty2 with
| Tpointer ty _, Tint _ si _ ⇒ sub_case_pi ty si
| Tpointer ty _ , Tpointer _ _ ⇒ sub_case_pp ty
| Tpointer ty _, Tlong _ _ ⇒ sub_case_pl ty
| _, _ ⇒ sub_default
Definition sem_sub (cenv: composite_env) (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) (m:T): option val :=
match classify_sub t1 t2 with
| sub_case_pi ty si ⇒
match v1, v2 with
| Vptr b1 ofs1, Vint n2 ⇒
let n2 := ptrofs_of_int si n2 in
Some (Vptr b1 (Ptrofs.sub ofs1 (Ptrofs.mul (Ptrofs.repr (sizeof cenv ty)) n2)))
| Vint n1, Vint n2 ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then None else Some (Vint (Int.sub n1 (Int.mul (Int.repr (sizeof cenv ty)) n2)))
| Vlong n1, Vint n2 ⇒
let n2 := cast_int_long si n2 in
if Archi.ptr64 then Some (Vlong (Int64.sub n1 (Int64.mul (Int64.repr (sizeof cenv ty)) n2))) else None
| _, _ ⇒ None
| sub_case_pl ty ⇒
match v1, v2 with
| Vptr b1 ofs1, Vlong n2 ⇒
let n2 := Ptrofs.of_int64 n2 in
Some (Vptr b1 (Ptrofs.sub ofs1 (Ptrofs.mul (Ptrofs.repr (sizeof cenv ty)) n2)))
| Vint n1, Vlong n2 ⇒
let n2 := Int.repr (Int64.unsigned n2) in
if Archi.ptr64 then None else Some (Vint (Int.sub n1 (Int.mul (Int.repr (sizeof cenv ty)) n2)))
| Vlong n1, Vlong n2 ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then Some (Vlong (Int64.sub n1 (Int64.mul (Int64.repr (sizeof cenv ty)) n2))) else None
| _, _ ⇒ None
| sub_case_pp ty ⇒
match v1,v2 with
| Vptr b1 ofs1, Vptr b2 ofs2 ⇒
if eq_block b1 b2 then
let sz := sizeof cenv ty in
if zlt 0 sz && zle sz Ptrofs.max_signed
then Some (Vptrofs (Ptrofs.divs (Ptrofs.sub ofs1 ofs2) (Ptrofs.repr sz)))
else None
else None
| _, _ ⇒ None
| sub_default ⇒
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vint(Int.sub n1 n2)))
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vlong(Int64.sub n1 n2)))
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vfloat(Float.sub n1 n2)))
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vsingle(Float32.sub n1 n2)))
v1 t1 v2 t2 m
Definition sem_mul (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) (m:T) : option val :=
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vint(Int.mul n1 n2)))
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vlong(Int64.mul n1 n2)))
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vfloat(Float.mul n1 n2)))
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vsingle(Float32.mul n1 n2)))
v1 t1 v2 t2 m.
Definition sem_div (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) (m:T) : option val :=
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒
match sg with
| Signed ⇒
if Int.eq n2
|| Int.eq n1 (Int.repr Int.min_signed) && Int.eq n2 Int.mone
then None else Some(Vint(Int.divs n1 n2))
| Unsigned ⇒
if Int.eq n2
then None else Some(Vint(Int.divu n1 n2))
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒
match sg with
| Signed ⇒
if Int64.eq n2
|| Int64.eq n1 (Int64.repr Int64.min_signed) && Int64.eq n2 Int64.mone
then None else Some(Vlong(Int64.divs n1 n2))
| Unsigned ⇒
if Int64.eq n2
then None else Some(Vlong(Int64.divu n1 n2))
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vfloat(Float.div n1 n2)))
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vsingle(Float32.div n1 n2)))
v1 t1 v2 t2 m.
Definition sem_mod (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) (m:T) : option val :=
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒
match sg with
| Signed ⇒
if Int.eq n2
|| Int.eq n1 (Int.repr Int.min_signed) && Int.eq n2 Int.mone
then None else Some(Vint(Int.mods n1 n2))
| Unsigned ⇒
if Int.eq n2
then None else Some(Vint(Int.modu n1 n2))
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒
match sg with
| Signed ⇒
if Int64.eq n2
|| Int64.eq n1 (Int64.repr Int64.min_signed) && Int64.eq n2 Int64.mone
then None else Some(Vlong(Int64.mods n1 n2))
| Unsigned ⇒
if Int64.eq n2
then None else Some(Vlong(Int64.modu n1 n2))
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ None)
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ None)
v1 t1 v2 t2 m.
Definition sem_and (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) (m:T) : option val :=
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vint(Int.and n1 n2)))
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vlong(Int64.and n1 n2)))
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ None)
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ None)
v1 t1 v2 t2 m.
Definition sem_or (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) (m:T) : option val :=
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vint(Int.or n1 n2)))
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vlong(Int64.or n1 n2)))
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ None)
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ None)
v1 t1 v2 t2 m.
Definition sem_xor (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) (m:T) : option val :=
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vint(Int.xor n1 n2)))
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ Some(Vlong(Int64.xor n1 n2)))
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ None)
(fun n1 n2 ⇒ None)
v1 t1 v2 t2 m.
Inductive classify_shift_cases : Type:=
| shift_case_ii(s: signedness)
| shift_case_ll(s: signedness)
| shift_case_il(s: signedness)
| shift_case_li(s: signedness)
| shift_default.
Definition classify_shift (ty1: type) (ty2: type) :=
match typeconv ty1, typeconv ty2 with
| Tint I32 Unsigned _, Tint _ _ _ ⇒ shift_case_ii Unsigned
| Tint _ _ _, Tint _ _ _ ⇒ shift_case_ii Signed
| Tint I32 Unsigned _, Tlong _ _ ⇒ shift_case_il Unsigned
| Tint _ _ _, Tlong _ _ ⇒ shift_case_il Signed
| Tlong s _, Tint _ _ _ ⇒ shift_case_li s
| Tlong s _, Tlong _ _ ⇒ shift_case_ll s
| _,_ ⇒ shift_default
Definition sem_shift
(sem_int: signedness → int → int → int)
(sem_long: signedness → int64 → int64 → int64)
(v1: val) (t1: type) (v2: val) (t2: type) : option val :=
match classify_shift t1 t2 with
| shift_case_ii sg ⇒
match v1, v2 with
| Vint n1, Vint n2 ⇒
if Int.ltu n2 Int.iwordsize
then Some(Vint(sem_int sg n1 n2)) else None
| _, _ ⇒ None
| shift_case_il sg ⇒
match v1, v2 with
| Vint n1, Vlong n2 ⇒
if Int64.ltu n2 (Int64.repr 32)
then Some(Vint(sem_int sg n1 (Int64.loword n2))) else None
| _, _ ⇒ None
| shift_case_li sg ⇒
match v1, v2 with
| Vlong n1, Vint n2 ⇒
if Int.ltu n2 Int64.iwordsize'
then Some(Vlong(sem_long sg n1 (Int64.repr (Int.unsigned n2)))) else None
| _, _ ⇒ None
| shift_case_ll sg ⇒
match v1, v2 with
| Vlong n1, Vlong n2 ⇒
if Int64.ltu n2 Int64.iwordsize
then Some(Vlong(sem_long sg n1 n2)) else None
| _, _ ⇒ None
| shift_default ⇒ None
Definition sem_shl (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) : option val :=
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ Int.shl n1 n2)
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ Int64.shl n1 n2)
v1 t1 v2 t2.
Definition sem_shr (v1:val) (t1:type) (v2: val) (t2:type) : option val :=
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ match sg with Signed ⇒ Int.shr n1 n2 | Unsigned ⇒ Int.shru n1 n2 end)
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒ match sg with Signed ⇒ Int64.shr n1 n2 | Unsigned ⇒ Int64.shru n1 n2 end)
v1 t1 v2 t2.
Inductive classify_cmp_cases : Type :=
| cmp_case_pp
| cmp_case_pi (si: signedness)
| cmp_case_ip (si: signedness)
| cmp_case_pl
| cmp_case_lp
| cmp_default.
Definition classify_cmp (ty1: type) (ty2: type) :=
match typeconv ty1, typeconv ty2 with
| Tpointer _ _ , Tpointer _ _ ⇒ cmp_case_pp
| Tpointer _ _ , Tint _ si _ ⇒ cmp_case_pi si
| Tint _ si _, Tpointer _ _ ⇒ cmp_case_ip si
| Tpointer _ _ , Tlong _ _ ⇒ cmp_case_pl
| Tlong _ _ , Tpointer _ _ ⇒ cmp_case_lp
| _, _ ⇒ cmp_default
Definition cmp_ptr (m: T) (c: comparison) (v1 v2: val): option val :=
option_map Val.of_bool
(if Archi.ptr64
then Val.cmplu_bool (valid_pointer m) c v1 v2
else Val.cmpu_bool (valid_pointer m) c v1 v2).
Definition sem_cmp (c:comparison)
(v1: val) (t1: type) (v2: val) (t2: type)
(m: T): option val :=
match classify_cmp t1 t2 with
| cmp_case_pp ⇒
cmp_ptr m c v1 v2
| cmp_case_pi si ⇒
match v2 with
| Vint n2 ⇒
let v2' := Vptrofs (ptrofs_of_int si n2) in
cmp_ptr m c v1 v2'
| Vptr b ofs ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then None else cmp_ptr m c v1 v2
| _ ⇒
| cmp_case_ip si ⇒
match v1 with
| Vint n1 ⇒
let v1' := Vptrofs (ptrofs_of_int si n1) in
cmp_ptr m c v1' v2
| Vptr b ofs ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then None else cmp_ptr m c v1 v2
| _ ⇒
| cmp_case_pl ⇒
match v2 with
| Vlong n2 ⇒
let v2' := Vptrofs (Ptrofs.of_int64 n2) in
cmp_ptr m c v1 v2'
| Vptr b ofs ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then cmp_ptr m c v1 v2 else None
| _ ⇒
| cmp_case_lp ⇒
match v1 with
| Vlong n1 ⇒
let v1' := Vptrofs (Ptrofs.of_int64 n1) in
cmp_ptr m c v1' v2
| Vptr b ofs ⇒
if Archi.ptr64 then cmp_ptr m c v1 v2 else None
| _ ⇒
| cmp_default ⇒
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒
Some(Val.of_bool(match sg with Signed ⇒ Int.cmp c n1 n2 | Unsigned ⇒ Int.cmpu c n1 n2 end)))
(fun sg n1 n2 ⇒
Some(Val.of_bool(match sg with Signed ⇒ Int64.cmp c n1 n2 | Unsigned ⇒ Int64.cmpu c n1 n2 end)))
(fun n1 n2 ⇒
Some(Val.of_bool(Float.cmp c n1 n2)))
(fun n1 n2 ⇒
Some(Val.of_bool(Float32.cmp c n1 n2)))
v1 t1 v2 t2 m
Inductive classify_fun_cases : Type :=
| fun_case_f (targs: typelist) (tres: type) (cc: calling_convention)
| fun_default.
Definition classify_fun (ty: type) :=
match ty with
| Tfunction args res cc ⇒ fun_case_f args res cc
| Tpointer (Tfunction args res cc) _ ⇒ fun_case_f args res cc
| _ ⇒ fun_default
Inductive classify_switch_cases : Type :=
| switch_case_i
| switch_case_l
| switch_default.
Definition classify_switch (ty: type) :=
match ty with
| Tint _ _ _ ⇒ switch_case_i
| Tlong _ _ ⇒ switch_case_l
| _ ⇒ switch_default
Definition sem_switch_arg (v: val) (ty: type): option Z :=
match classify_switch ty with
| switch_case_i ⇒
match v with Vint n ⇒ Some(Int.unsigned n) | _ ⇒ None end
| switch_case_l ⇒
match v with Vlong n ⇒ Some(Int64.unsigned n) | _ ⇒ None end
| switch_default ⇒
Definition sem_unary_operation
(op: unary_operation) (v: val) (ty: type) (m: T): option val :=
match op with
| Onotbool ⇒ sem_notbool v ty m
| Onotint ⇒ sem_notint v ty
| Oneg ⇒ sem_neg v ty
| Oabsfloat ⇒ sem_absfloat v ty
Definition sem_binary_operation
(cenv: composite_env)
(op: binary_operation)
(v1: val) (t1: type) (v2: val) (t2:type)
(m: T): option val :=
match op with
| Oadd ⇒ sem_add cenv v1 t1 v2 t2 m
| Osub ⇒ sem_sub cenv v1 t1 v2 t2 m
| Omul ⇒ sem_mul v1 t1 v2 t2 m
| Omod ⇒ sem_mod v1 t1 v2 t2 m
| Odiv ⇒ sem_div v1 t1 v2 t2 m
| Oand ⇒ sem_and v1 t1 v2 t2 m
| Oor ⇒ sem_or v1 t1 v2 t2 m
| Oxor ⇒ sem_xor v1 t1 v2 t2 m
| Oshl ⇒ sem_shl v1 t1 v2 t2
| Oshr ⇒ sem_shr v1 t1 v2 t2
| Oeq ⇒ sem_cmp Ceq v1 t1 v2 t2 m
| One ⇒ sem_cmp Cne v1 t1 v2 t2 m
| Olt ⇒ sem_cmp Clt v1 t1 v2 t2 m
| Ogt ⇒ sem_cmp Cgt v1 t1 v2 t2 m
| Ole ⇒ sem_cmp Cle v1 t1 v2 t2 m
| Oge ⇒ sem_cmp Cge v1 t1 v2 t2 m
Definition sem_incrdecr (cenv: composite_env) (id: incr_or_decr) (v: val) (ty: type) (m: T) :=
match id with
| Incr ⇒ sem_add cenv v ty (Vint type_int32s m
| Decr ⇒ sem_sub cenv v ty (Vint type_int32s m
Definition incrdecr_type (ty: type) :=
match typeconv ty with
| Tpointer ty a ⇒ Tpointer ty a
| Tint sz sg a ⇒ Tint sz sg noattr
| Tlong sg a ⇒ Tlong sg noattr
| Tfloat sz a ⇒ Tfloat sz noattr
| _ ⇒ Tvoid
Global Instance sem_cast_unit: SemCast (fun (_: unit) _ _ ⇒ false) := {}.
Global Instance sem_cast_mem `{memory_model_ops: Mem.MemoryModelOps}:
SemCast Mem.valid_pointer
:= {}.
Context `{memory_model_prf: Mem.MemoryModel}.
Lemma weak_valid_pointer_eq:
weak_valid_pointer = Mem.weak_valid_pointer.
Lemma sem_cast_unit_to_mem (m: mem) (u: unit) v t1 t2 v':
sem_cast v t1 t2 u = Some v' →
sem_cast v t1 t2 m = Some v'.
unfold sem_cast.
destruct (classify_cast t1 t2); auto.
destruct v; auto.
destruct Archi.ptr64; simpl;
Lemma bool_val_unit_to_mem (m: mem) (u: unit) v t v':
bool_val v t u = Some v' →
bool_val v t m = Some v'.
unfold bool_val.
destruct (classify_bool t); auto.
destruct v; auto.
destruct Archi.ptr64; simpl; discriminate.
Lemma sem_notbool_unit_to_mem (m: mem) (u: unit) v ty v':
sem_notbool v ty u = Some v' →
sem_notbool v ty m = Some v'.
unfold sem_notbool.
destruct (bool_val v ty u) eqn:?; simpl; try discriminate. intro A; inv A.
erewrite bool_val_unit_to_mem; simpl; eauto.
Lemma sem_binarith_unit_to_mem
(m: mem) (u: unit)
sem_int sem_long sem_float sem_single
v1 t1 v2 t2
sem_binarith sem_int sem_long sem_float sem_single v1 t1 v2 t2 u = Some v' →
sem_binarith sem_int sem_long sem_float sem_single v1 t1 v2 t2 m = Some v'.
unfold sem_binarith.
destruct (sem_cast v1 t1 _ u) eqn:CAST1; [ | discriminate ].
apply (sem_cast_unit_to_mem m) in CAST1.
rewrite CAST1; clear CAST1.
destruct (sem_cast v2 t2 _ u) eqn:CAST2; [ | discriminate ].
apply (sem_cast_unit_to_mem m) in CAST2.
rewrite CAST2; clear CAST2.
Lemma sem_add_unit_to_mem
(m: mem) (u: unit)
cenv v1 t1 v2 t2 v':
sem_add cenv v1 t1 v2 t2 u = Some v' →
sem_add cenv v1 t1 v2 t2 m = Some v'.
unfold sem_add.
destruct (classify_add t1 t2); auto.
apply sem_binarith_unit_to_mem.
Lemma sem_sub_unit_to_mem
(m: mem) (u: unit)
cenv v1 t1 v2 t2 v':
sem_sub cenv v1 t1 v2 t2 u = Some v' →
sem_sub cenv v1 t1 v2 t2 m = Some v'.
unfold sem_sub.
destruct (classify_sub t1 t2); auto.
apply sem_binarith_unit_to_mem.
Lemma sem_mul_unit_to_mem
(m: mem) (u: unit)
v1 t1 v2 t2 v':
sem_mul v1 t1 v2 t2 u = Some v' →
sem_mul v1 t1 v2 t2 m = Some v'.
apply sem_binarith_unit_to_mem.
Lemma sem_div_unit_to_mem
(m: mem) (u: unit)
v1 t1 v2 t2 v':
sem_div v1 t1 v2 t2 u = Some v' →
sem_div v1 t1 v2 t2 m = Some v'.
apply sem_binarith_unit_to_mem.
Lemma sem_mod_unit_to_mem
(m: mem) (u: unit)
v1 t1 v2 t2 v':
sem_mod v1 t1 v2 t2 u = Some v' →
sem_mod v1 t1 v2 t2 m = Some v'.
apply sem_binarith_unit_to_mem.
Lemma sem_and_unit_to_mem
(m: mem) (u: unit)
v1 t1 v2 t2 v':
sem_and v1 t1 v2 t2 u = Some v' →
sem_and v1 t1 v2 t2 m = Some v'.
apply sem_binarith_unit_to_mem.
Lemma sem_or_unit_to_mem
(m: mem) (u: unit)
v1 t1 v2 t2 v':
sem_or v1 t1 v2 t2 u = Some v' →
sem_or v1 t1 v2 t2 m = Some v'.
apply sem_binarith_unit_to_mem.
Lemma sem_xor_unit_to_mem
(m: mem) (u: unit)
v1 t1 v2 t2 v':
sem_xor v1 t1 v2 t2 u = Some v' →
sem_xor v1 t1 v2 t2 m = Some v'.
apply sem_binarith_unit_to_mem.
Lemma option_of_bool_cmpu_unit_to_mem
(m: mem)
c v1 v2 v':
option_map Val.of_bool
(Val.cmpu_bool (fun (_ : block) (_ : Z) ⇒ false) c v1 v2) =
Some v' →
option_map Val.of_bool (Val.cmpu_bool (Mem.valid_pointer m) c v1 v2) =
Some v'.
destruct c; destruct v1; destruct v2; simpl; try discriminate; auto;
rewrite andb_comm; simpl; try discriminate;
destruct (eq_block _ _); discriminate.
Lemma option_of_bool_cmplu_unit_to_mem
(m: mem)
c v1 v2 v':
option_map Val.of_bool
(Val.cmplu_bool (fun (_ : block) (_ : Z) ⇒ false) c v1 v2) =
Some v' →
option_map Val.of_bool (Val.cmplu_bool (Mem.valid_pointer m) c v1 v2) =
Some v'.
destruct c; destruct v1; destruct v2; simpl; try discriminate; auto;
rewrite andb_comm; simpl; try discriminate;
destruct (eq_block _ _); discriminate.
Lemma cmp_ptr_unit_to_mem:
∀ u m c v1 v2 v',
cmp_ptr (T := unit) (valid_pointer := fun _ _ _ ⇒ false) u c v1 v2 = Some v' →
cmp_ptr (T := mem) (valid_pointer := Mem.valid_pointer) m c v1 v2 = Some v'.
unfold cmp_ptr. intros u m c v1 v2 v'.
destruct Archi.ptr64.
apply option_of_bool_cmplu_unit_to_mem.
apply option_of_bool_cmpu_unit_to_mem.
Lemma sem_cmp_unit_to_mem
(m: mem) (u: unit)
v1 t1 v2 t2
sem_cmp c v1 t1 v2 t2 u = Some v' →
sem_cmp c v1 t1 v2 t2 m = Some v'.
unfold sem_cmp.
destruct (classify_cmp t1 t2).
+ apply cmp_ptr_unit_to_mem.
+ destruct v2; try congruence.
apply cmp_ptr_unit_to_mem.
destruct Archi.ptr64; auto; apply cmp_ptr_unit_to_mem.
+ destruct v1; auto; apply cmp_ptr_unit_to_mem.
+ destruct v2; auto; apply cmp_ptr_unit_to_mem.
+ destruct v1; auto; apply cmp_ptr_unit_to_mem.
+ apply sem_binarith_unit_to_mem.
Lemma sem_unary_operation_unit_to_mem
(m: mem) (u: unit)
op v ty v':
sem_unary_operation op v ty u = Some v' →
sem_unary_operation op v ty m = Some v'.
unfold sem_unary_operation.
destruct op; auto.
apply sem_notbool_unit_to_mem.
Lemma sem_binary_operation_unit_to_mem
(m: mem) (u: unit)
cenv op v1 t1 v2 t2 v':
sem_binary_operation cenv op v1 t1 v2 t2 u = Some v' →
sem_binary_operation cenv op v1 t1 v2 t2 m = Some v'.
unfold sem_binary_operation.
destruct op; eauto using sem_cmp_unit_to_mem.
+ apply sem_add_unit_to_mem.
+ apply sem_sub_unit_to_mem.
+ apply sem_mul_unit_to_mem.
+ apply sem_div_unit_to_mem.
+ apply sem_mod_unit_to_mem.
+ apply sem_and_unit_to_mem.
+ apply sem_or_unit_to_mem.
+ apply sem_xor_unit_to_mem.
Lemma sem_incrdecr_unit_to_mem
(m: mem) (u: unit)
cenv id v ty v':
sem_incrdecr cenv id v ty u = Some v' →
sem_incrdecr cenv id v ty m = Some v'.
destruct id.
+ apply sem_add_unit_to_mem.
+ apply sem_sub_unit_to_mem.
Variable f: meminj.
Variables m m': mem.
Hypothesis valid_pointer_inj:
∀ b1 ofs b2 delta,
f b1 = Some(b2, delta) →
Mem.valid_pointer m b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs) = true →
Mem.valid_pointer m' b2 (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add ofs (Ptrofs.repr delta))) = true.
Hypothesis weak_valid_pointer_inj:
∀ b1 ofs b2 delta,
f b1 = Some(b2, delta) →
Mem.weak_valid_pointer m b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs) = true →
Mem.weak_valid_pointer m' b2 (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add ofs (Ptrofs.repr delta))) = true.
Hypothesis weak_valid_pointer_no_overflow:
∀ b1 ofs b2 delta,
f b1 = Some(b2, delta) →
Mem.weak_valid_pointer m b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs) = true →
0 ≤ Ptrofs.unsigned ofs + Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr delta) ≤ Ptrofs.max_unsigned.
Hypothesis valid_different_pointers_inj:
∀ b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2 b1' delta1 b2' delta2,
b1 ≠ b2 →
Mem.valid_pointer m b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1) = true →
Mem.valid_pointer m b2 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs2) = true →
f b1 = Some (b1', delta1) →
f b2 = Some (b2', delta2) →
b1' ≠ b2' ∨
Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add ofs1 (Ptrofs.repr delta1)) ≠ Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add ofs2 (Ptrofs.repr delta2)).
Remark val_inject_vtrue: ∀ f, Val.inject f Vtrue Vtrue.
Proof. unfold Vtrue; auto. Qed.
Remark val_inject_vfalse: ∀ f, Val.inject f Vfalse Vfalse.
Proof. unfold Vfalse; auto. Qed.
Remark val_inject_of_bool: ∀ f b, Val.inject f (Val.of_bool b) (Val.of_bool b).
Proof. intros. unfold Val.of_bool. destruct b; [apply val_inject_vtrue|apply val_inject_vfalse].
Remark val_inject_vptrofs: ∀ n, Val.inject f (Vptrofs n) (Vptrofs n).
Proof. intros. unfold Vptrofs. destruct Archi.ptr64; auto. Qed.
Hint Resolve val_inject_vtrue val_inject_vfalse val_inject_of_bool val_inject_vptrofs.
Ltac TrivialInject :=
match goal with
| [ H: None = Some _ |- _ ] ⇒ discriminate
| [ H: Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] ⇒ inv H; TrivialInject
| [ H: match ?x with Some _ ⇒ _ | None ⇒ _ end = Some _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct x; TrivialInject
| [ H: match ?x with true ⇒ _ | false ⇒ _ end = Some _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct x eqn:?; TrivialInject
| [ |- ∃ v', Some ?v = Some v' ∧ _ ] ⇒ ∃ v; split; auto
| _ ⇒ idtac
Lemma sem_cast_inj:
∀ v1 ty1 ty v tv1,
sem_cast v1 ty1 ty m = Some v →
Val.inject f v1 tv1 →
∃ tv, sem_cast tv1 ty1 ty m'= Some tv ∧ Val.inject f v tv.
unfold sem_cast; intros v1 ty1 ty v tv1 SC VINJ;
destruct (classify_cast ty1 ty); inv VINJ; TrivialInject.
- econstructor; eauto.
- rewrite weak_valid_pointer_eq in × |- ×.
erewrite weak_valid_pointer_inj by eauto. TrivialInject.
- rewrite weak_valid_pointer_eq in × |- ×.
erewrite weak_valid_pointer_inj by eauto. TrivialInject.
- destruct (ident_eq id1 id2); TrivialInject. econstructor; eauto.
- destruct (ident_eq id1 id2); TrivialInject. econstructor; eauto.
- econstructor; eauto.
Lemma bool_val_inj:
∀ v ty b tv,
bool_val v ty m = Some b →
Val.inject f v tv →
bool_val tv ty m' = Some b.
unfold bool_val; intros.
rewrite weak_valid_pointer_eq in × |- ×.
destruct (classify_bool ty); inv H0; try congruence.
destruct Archi.ptr64; try discriminate.
destruct (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1)) eqn:VP; inv H.
erewrite weak_valid_pointer_inj by eauto. auto.
destruct Archi.ptr64; try discriminate.
destruct (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1)) eqn:VP; inv H.
erewrite weak_valid_pointer_inj by eauto. auto.
Lemma sem_unary_operation_inj:
∀ op v1 ty v tv1,
sem_unary_operation op v1 ty m = Some v →
Val.inject f v1 tv1 →
∃ tv, sem_unary_operation op tv1 ty m' = Some tv ∧ Val.inject f v tv.
unfold sem_unary_operation; intros.
destruct op; try rewrite weak_valid_pointer_eq in × |- ×.
unfold sem_notbool in ×. destruct (bool_val v1 ty m) as [b|] eqn:BV; simpl in H; inv H.
erewrite bool_val_inj by eauto. simpl. TrivialInject.
unfold sem_notint in *; destruct (classify_notint ty); inv H0; inv H; TrivialInject.
unfold sem_neg in *; destruct (classify_neg ty); inv H0; inv H; TrivialInject.
unfold sem_absfloat in *; destruct (classify_neg ty); inv H0; inv H; TrivialInject.
Definition optval_self_injects (ov: option val) : Prop :=
match ov with
| Some (Vptr b ofs) ⇒ False
| _ ⇒ True
Remark sem_binarith_inject:
∀ sem_int sem_long sem_float sem_single v1 t1 v2 t2 v v1' v2',
sem_binarith sem_int sem_long sem_float sem_single v1 t1 v2 t2 m = Some v →
Val.inject f v1 v1' → Val.inject f v2 v2' →
(∀ sg n1 n2, optval_self_injects (sem_int sg n1 n2)) →
(∀ sg n1 n2, optval_self_injects (sem_long sg n1 n2)) →
(∀ n1 n2, optval_self_injects (sem_float n1 n2)) →
(∀ n1 n2, optval_self_injects (sem_single n1 n2)) →
∃ v', sem_binarith sem_int sem_long sem_float sem_single v1' t1 v2' t2 m' = Some v' ∧ Val.inject f v v'.
assert (SELF: ∀ ov v, ov = Some v → optval_self_injects ov → Val.inject f v v).
intros. subst ov; simpl in H7. destruct v0; contradiction || constructor.
unfold sem_binarith in ×.
set (c := classify_binarith t1 t2) in ×.
set (t := binarith_type c) in ×.
destruct (sem_cast v1 t1 t m) as [w1|] eqn:C1; try discriminate.
destruct (sem_cast v2 t2 t m) as [w2|] eqn:C2; try discriminate.
exploit (sem_cast_inj v1); eauto. intros (w1' & C1' & INJ1).
exploit (sem_cast_inj v2); eauto. intros (w2' & C2' & INJ2).
rewrite C1'; rewrite C2'.
destruct c; inv INJ1; inv INJ2; discriminate || eauto.
Remark sem_shift_inject:
∀ sem_int sem_long v1 t1 v2 t2 v v1' v2',
sem_shift sem_int sem_long v1 t1 v2 t2 = Some v →
Val.inject f v1 v1' → Val.inject f v2 v2' →
∃ v', sem_shift sem_int sem_long v1' t1 v2' t2 = Some v' ∧ Val.inject f v v'.
intros. ∃ v.
unfold sem_shift in *; destruct (classify_shift t1 t2); inv H0; inv H1; try discriminate.
destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int.iwordsize); inv H; auto.
destruct (Int64.ltu i0 Int64.iwordsize); inv H; auto.
destruct (Int64.ltu i0 (Int64.repr 32)); inv H; auto.
destruct (Int.ltu i0 Int64.iwordsize'); inv H; auto.
Remark sem_cmp_ptr_inj:
∀ c v1 v2 v tv1 tv2,
cmp_ptr (valid_pointer := Mem.valid_pointer) m c v1 v2 = Some v →
Val.inject f v1 tv1 →
Val.inject f v2 tv2 →
∃ tv, cmp_ptr (valid_pointer := Mem.valid_pointer) m' c tv1 tv2 = Some tv ∧ Val.inject f v tv.
unfold cmp_ptr; intros.
remember (if Archi.ptr64
then Val.cmplu_bool (Mem.valid_pointer m) c v1 v2
else Val.cmpu_bool (Mem.valid_pointer m) c v1 v2) as ob.
destruct ob as [b|]; simpl in H; inv H.
∃ (Val.of_bool b); split; auto.
destruct Archi.ptr64.
erewrite Val.cmplu_bool_inject by eauto. auto.
erewrite Val.cmpu_bool_inject by eauto. auto.
Remark sem_cmp_inj:
∀ cmp v1 tv1 ty1 v2 tv2 ty2 v,
sem_cmp cmp v1 ty1 v2 ty2 m = Some v →
Val.inject f v1 tv1 →
Val.inject f v2 tv2 →
∃ tv, sem_cmp cmp tv1 ty1 tv2 ty2 m' = Some tv ∧ Val.inject f v tv.
unfold sem_cmp in *; destruct (classify_cmp ty1 ty2).
eapply sem_cmp_ptr_inj; eauto.
inversion H1; subst; TrivialInject; eapply sem_cmp_ptr_inj; eauto.
inversion H0; subst; TrivialInject; eapply sem_cmp_ptr_inj; eauto.
inversion H1; subst; TrivialInject; eapply sem_cmp_ptr_inj; eauto.
inversion H0; subst; TrivialInject; eapply sem_cmp_ptr_inj; eauto.
assert (SELF: ∀ b, optval_self_injects (Some (Val.of_bool b))).
destruct b; exact I.
eapply sem_binarith_inject; eauto.
Lemma sem_binary_operation_inj:
∀ cenv op v1 ty1 v2 ty2 v tv1 tv2,
sem_binary_operation cenv op v1 ty1 v2 ty2 m = Some v →
Val.inject f v1 tv1 → Val.inject f v2 tv2 →
∃ tv, sem_binary_operation cenv op tv1 ty1 tv2 ty2 m' = Some tv ∧ Val.inject f v tv.
unfold sem_binary_operation; intros; destruct op.
assert (A: ∀ cenv ty si v1' v2' tv1' tv2',
Val.inject f v1' tv1' → Val.inject f v2' tv2' →
sem_add_ptr_int cenv ty si v1' v2' = Some v →
∃ tv, sem_add_ptr_int cenv ty si tv1' tv2' = Some tv ∧ Val.inject f v tv).
{ intros. unfold sem_add_ptr_int in *; inv H2; inv H3; TrivialInject.
econstructor. eauto. repeat rewrite Ptrofs.add_assoc. decEq. apply Ptrofs.add_commut. }
assert (B: ∀ cenv ty v1' v2' tv1' tv2',
Val.inject f v1' tv1' → Val.inject f v2' tv2' →
sem_add_ptr_long cenv ty v1' v2' = Some v →
∃ tv, sem_add_ptr_long cenv ty tv1' tv2' = Some tv ∧ Val.inject f v tv).
{ intros. unfold sem_add_ptr_long in *; inv H2; inv H3; TrivialInject.
econstructor. eauto. repeat rewrite Ptrofs.add_assoc. decEq. apply Ptrofs.add_commut. }
unfold sem_add in *; destruct (classify_add ty1 ty2); eauto.
+ eapply sem_binarith_inject; eauto; intros; exact I.
unfold sem_sub in *; destruct (classify_sub ty1 ty2).
+ inv H0; inv H1; TrivialInject.
econstructor. eauto. rewrite Ptrofs.sub_add_l. auto.
+ inv H0; inv H1; TrivialInject.
destruct (eq_block b1 b0); try discriminate. subst b1.
rewrite H0 in H2; inv H2. rewrite dec_eq_true.
destruct (zlt 0 (sizeof cenv ty) && zle (sizeof cenv ty) Ptrofs.max_signed); inv H.
rewrite Ptrofs.sub_shifted. TrivialInject.
+ inv H0; inv H1; TrivialInject.
econstructor. eauto. rewrite Ptrofs.sub_add_l. auto.
+ eapply sem_binarith_inject; eauto; intros; exact I.
eapply sem_binarith_inject; eauto; intros; exact I.
eapply sem_binarith_inject; eauto; intros.
destruct sg.
destruct (Int.eq n2
|| Int.eq n1 (Int.repr Int.min_signed) && Int.eq n2 Int.mone); exact I.
destruct (Int.eq n2; exact I.
destruct sg.
destruct (Int64.eq n2
|| Int64.eq n1 (Int64.repr Int64.min_signed) && Int64.eq n2 Int64.mone); exact I.
destruct (Int64.eq n2; exact I.
exact I.
exact I.
eapply sem_binarith_inject; eauto; intros.
destruct sg.
destruct (Int.eq n2
|| Int.eq n1 (Int.repr Int.min_signed) && Int.eq n2 Int.mone); exact I.
destruct (Int.eq n2; exact I.
destruct sg.
destruct (Int64.eq n2
|| Int64.eq n1 (Int64.repr Int64.min_signed) && Int64.eq n2 Int64.mone); exact I.
destruct (Int64.eq n2; exact I.
exact I.
exact I.
eapply sem_binarith_inject; eauto; intros; exact I.
eapply sem_binarith_inject; eauto; intros; exact I.
eapply sem_binarith_inject; eauto; intros; exact I.
eapply sem_shift_inject; eauto.
eapply sem_shift_inject; eauto.
- eapply sem_cmp_inj; eauto.
- eapply sem_cmp_inj; eauto.
- eapply sem_cmp_inj; eauto.
- eapply sem_cmp_inj; eauto.
- eapply sem_cmp_inj; eauto.
- eapply sem_cmp_inj; eauto.
Lemma sem_cast_inject:
∀ f v1 ty1 ty m v tv1 tm,
sem_cast v1 ty1 ty m = Some v →
Val.inject f v1 tv1 →
Mem.inject f m tm →
∃ tv, sem_cast tv1 ty1 ty tm = Some tv ∧ Val.inject f v tv.
intros. eapply sem_cast_inj; eauto.
intros; eapply Mem.weak_valid_pointer_inject_val; eauto.
Lemma sem_unary_operation_inject:
∀ f m m' op v1 ty1 v tv1,
sem_unary_operation op v1 ty1 m = Some v →
Val.inject f v1 tv1 →
Mem.inject f m m' →
∃ tv, sem_unary_operation op tv1 ty1 m' = Some tv ∧ Val.inject f v tv.
intros. eapply sem_unary_operation_inj; eauto.
intros; eapply Mem.weak_valid_pointer_inject_val; eauto.
Lemma sem_binary_operation_inject:
∀ f m m' cenv op v1 ty1 v2 ty2 v tv1 tv2,
sem_binary_operation cenv op v1 ty1 v2 ty2 m = Some v →
Val.inject f v1 tv1 → Val.inject f v2 tv2 →
Mem.inject f m m' →
∃ tv, sem_binary_operation cenv op tv1 ty1 tv2 ty2 m' = Some tv ∧ Val.inject f v tv.
intros. eapply sem_binary_operation_inj; eauto.
intros; eapply Mem.valid_pointer_inject_val; eauto.
intros; eapply Mem.weak_valid_pointer_inject_val; eauto.
intros; eapply Mem.weak_valid_pointer_inject_no_overflow; eauto.
intros; eapply Mem.different_pointers_inject; eauto.
Lemma bool_val_inject:
∀ f m m' v ty b tv,
bool_val v ty m = Some b →
Val.inject f v tv →
Mem.inject f m m' →
bool_val tv ty m' = Some b.
intros. eapply bool_val_inj; eauto.
intros; eapply Mem.weak_valid_pointer_inject_val; eauto.
Some properties of operator semantics
Lemma cast_bool_bool_val:
∀ v t m,
sem_cast v t (Tint IBool Signed noattr) m =
match bool_val v t m with None ⇒ None | Some b ⇒ Some(Val.of_bool b) end.
assert (A: classify_bool t =
match t with
| Tint _ _ _ ⇒ bool_case_i
| Tpointer _ _ | Tarray _ _ _ | Tfunction _ _ _ ⇒ if Archi.ptr64 then bool_case_l else bool_case_i
| Tfloat F64 _ ⇒ bool_case_f
| Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ bool_case_s
| Tlong _ _ ⇒ bool_case_l
| _ ⇒ bool_default
unfold classify_bool; destruct t; simpl; auto. destruct i; auto.
unfold bool_val. rewrite A.
unfold sem_cast, classify_cast; remember Archi.ptr64 as ptr64; destruct t; simpl; auto; destruct v; auto;
try rewrite weak_valid_pointer_eq in × |- ×.
destruct (Int.eq i0; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto. destruct (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned i0)); auto.
destruct (Int64.eq i; auto.
destruct (negb ptr64); auto. destruct (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned i)); auto.
destruct f; auto.
destruct f; auto.
destruct f; auto.
destruct f; auto.
destruct (Float.cmp Ceq f0; auto.
destruct f; auto.
destruct (Float32.cmp Ceq f0; auto.
destruct f; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto.
destruct (Int.eq i; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto. destruct (Int64.eq i; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto. destruct (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned i)); auto.
destruct (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned i)); auto.
destruct ptr64; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto. destruct (Int.eq i; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto. destruct (Int64.eq i; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto. destruct (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned i)); auto.
destruct (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned i)); auto.
destruct ptr64; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto. destruct (Int.eq i; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto. destruct (Int64.eq i; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto.
destruct ptr64; auto. destruct (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned i)); auto.
destruct (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned i)); auto.
Relation between Boolean value and Boolean negation.
Lemma notbool_bool_val:
∀ v t m,
sem_notbool v t m =
match bool_val v t m with None ⇒ None | Some b ⇒ Some(Val.of_bool (negb b)) end.
intros. unfold sem_notbool. destruct (bool_val v t m) as [[] | ]; reflexivity.
Properties of values obtained by casting to a given type.
Inductive val_casted: val → type → Prop :=
| val_casted_int: ∀ sz si attr n,
cast_int_int sz si n = n →
val_casted (Vint n) (Tint sz si attr)
| val_casted_float: ∀ attr n,
val_casted (Vfloat n) (Tfloat F64 attr)
| val_casted_single: ∀ attr n,
val_casted (Vsingle n) (Tfloat F32 attr)
| val_casted_long: ∀ si attr n,
val_casted (Vlong n) (Tlong si attr)
| val_casted_ptr_ptr: ∀ b ofs ty attr,
val_casted (Vptr b ofs) (Tpointer ty attr)
| val_casted_int_ptr: ∀ n ty attr,
Archi.ptr64 = false → val_casted (Vint n) (Tpointer ty attr)
| val_casted_ptr_int: ∀ b ofs si attr,
Archi.ptr64 = false → val_casted (Vptr b ofs) (Tint I32 si attr)
| val_casted_long_ptr: ∀ n ty attr,
Archi.ptr64 = true → val_casted (Vlong n) (Tpointer ty attr)
| val_casted_ptr_long: ∀ b ofs si attr,
Archi.ptr64 = true → val_casted (Vptr b ofs) (Tlong si attr)
| val_casted_struct: ∀ id attr b ofs,
val_casted (Vptr b ofs) (Tstruct id attr)
| val_casted_union: ∀ id attr b ofs,
val_casted (Vptr b ofs) (Tunion id attr)
| val_casted_void: ∀ v,
val_casted v Tvoid.
Hint Constructors val_casted.
Remark cast_int_int_idem:
∀ sz sg i, cast_int_int sz sg (cast_int_int sz sg i) = cast_int_int sz sg i.
intros. destruct sz; simpl; auto.
destruct sg; [apply Int.sign_ext_idem|apply Int.zero_ext_idem]; compute; intuition congruence.
destruct sg; [apply Int.sign_ext_idem|apply Int.zero_ext_idem]; compute; intuition congruence.
destruct (Int.eq i; auto.
Ltac DestructCases :=
match goal with
| [H: match match ?x with _ ⇒ _ end with _ ⇒ _ end = Some _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct x eqn:?; DestructCases
| [H: match ?x with _ ⇒ _ end = Some _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct x eqn:?; DestructCases
| [H: Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] ⇒ inv H; DestructCases
| [H: None = Some _ |- _ ] ⇒ discriminate H
| [H: @eq intsize _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ discriminate H || (clear H; DestructCases)
| [ |- val_casted (Vint (if ?x then else _ ] ⇒
try (constructor; destruct x; reflexivity)
| [ |- val_casted (Vint _) (Tint ?sz ?sg _) ] ⇒
try (constructor; apply (cast_int_int_idem sz sg))
| _ ⇒ idtac
Lemma cast_val_is_casted:
∀ v ty ty' v' m, sem_cast v ty ty' m = Some v' → val_casted v' ty'.
unfold sem_cast; intros.
destruct ty, ty'; simpl in H; DestructCases; constructor; auto.
As a consequence, casting twice is equivalent to casting once.
Lemma cast_val_casted:
∀ v ty m, val_casted v ty → sem_cast v ty ty m = Some v.
intros. unfold sem_cast; inversion H; clear H; subst v ty; simpl.
- destruct Archi.ptr64; [ | destruct (intsize_eq sz I32)].
+ destruct sz; f_equal; f_equal; assumption.
+ subst sz; auto.
+ destruct sz; f_equal; f_equal; assumption.
- auto.
- auto.
- destruct Archi.ptr64; auto.
- auto.
- rewrite H0; auto.
- rewrite H0; auto.
- rewrite H0; auto.
- rewrite H0; auto.
- rewrite dec_eq_true; auto.
- rewrite dec_eq_true; auto.
- auto.
Lemma cast_idempotent:
∀ v ty ty' v' m, sem_cast v ty ty' m = Some v' → sem_cast v' ty' ty' m = Some v'.
intros. apply cast_val_casted. eapply cast_val_is_casted; eauto.
Relation with the arithmetic conversions of ISO C99, section 6.3.1
This is the ISO C algebra of arithmetic types, without qualifiers.
S stands for "signed" and U for "unsigned".
Inductive int_type : Type :=
| _Bool
| Char | SChar | UChar
| Short | UShort
| Int | UInt
| Long | ULong
| Longlong | ULonglong.
Inductive arith_type : Type :=
| I (it: int_type)
| Float
| Double
| Longdouble.
Definition eq_int_type: ∀ (x y: int_type), {x=y} + {x≠y}.
Proof. decide equality. Defined.
Definition is_unsigned (t: int_type) : bool :=
match t with
| _Bool ⇒ true
| Char ⇒ false
| SChar ⇒ false
| UChar ⇒ true
| Short ⇒ false
| UShort ⇒ true
| Int ⇒ false
| UInt ⇒ true
| Long ⇒ false
| ULong ⇒ true
| Longlong ⇒ false
| ULonglong ⇒ true
Definition unsigned_type (t: int_type) : int_type :=
match t with
| Char ⇒ UChar
| SChar ⇒ UChar
| Short ⇒ UShort
| Int ⇒ UInt
| Long ⇒ ULong
| Longlong ⇒ ULonglong
| _ ⇒ t
Definition int_sizeof (t: int_type) : Z :=
match t with
| _Bool | Char | SChar | UChar ⇒ 1
| Short | UShort ⇒ 2
| Int | UInt | Long | ULong ⇒ 4
| Longlong | ULonglong ⇒ 8
end. para 1: integer conversion rank
Definition rank (t: int_type) : Z :=
match t with
| _Bool ⇒ 1
| Char | SChar | UChar ⇒ 2
| Short | UShort ⇒ 3
| Int | UInt ⇒ 4
| Long | ULong ⇒ 5
| Longlong | ULonglong ⇒ 6
end. para 2: integer promotions, a.k.a. usual unary conversions
Definition integer_promotion (t: int_type) : int_type :=
if zlt (rank t) (rank Int) then Int else t. Usual arithmetic conversions, a.k.a. binary conversions.
This function returns the type to which the two operands must be
Definition usual_arithmetic_conversion (t1 t2: arith_type) : arith_type :=
match t1, t2 with
| Longdouble, _ | _, Longdouble ⇒ Longdouble
| Double, _ | _, Double ⇒ Double
| Float, _ | _, Float ⇒ Float
| I i1, I i2 ⇒
let j1 := integer_promotion i1 in
let j2 := integer_promotion i2 in
if eq_int_type j1 j2 then I j1 else
match is_unsigned j1, is_unsigned j2 with
| true, true | false, false ⇒
if zlt (rank j1) (rank j2) then I j2 else I j1
| true, false ⇒
if zle (rank j2) (rank j1) then I j1 else
if zlt (int_sizeof j1) (int_sizeof j2) then I j2 else
I (unsigned_type j2)
| false, true ⇒
if zle (rank j1) (rank j2) then I j2 else
if zlt (int_sizeof j2) (int_sizeof j1) then I j1 else
I (unsigned_type j1)
Mapping ISO arithmetic types to CompCert types
Definition proj_type (t: arith_type) : type :=
match t with
| I _Bool ⇒ Tint IBool Unsigned noattr
| I Char ⇒ Tint I8 Unsigned noattr
| I SChar ⇒ Tint I8 Signed noattr
| I UChar ⇒ Tint I8 Unsigned noattr
| I Short ⇒ Tint I16 Signed noattr
| I UShort ⇒ Tint I16 Unsigned noattr
| I Int ⇒ Tint I32 Signed noattr
| I UInt ⇒ Tint I32 Unsigned noattr
| I Long ⇒ Tint I32 Signed noattr
| I ULong ⇒ Tint I32 Unsigned noattr
| I Longlong ⇒ Tlong Signed noattr
| I ULonglong ⇒ Tlong Unsigned noattr
| Float ⇒ Tfloat F32 noattr
| Double ⇒ Tfloat F64 noattr
| Longdouble ⇒ Tfloat F64 noattr
Relation between typeconv and integer promotion.
Lemma typeconv_integer_promotion:
∀ i, typeconv (proj_type (I i)) = proj_type (I (integer_promotion i)).
destruct i; reflexivity.
Relation between classify_binarith and arithmetic conversion.
Lemma classify_binarith_arithmetic_conversion:
∀ t1 t2,
binarith_type (classify_binarith (proj_type t1) (proj_type t2)) =
proj_type (usual_arithmetic_conversion t1 t2).
destruct t1; destruct t2; try reflexivity.
- destruct it; destruct it0; reflexivity.
- destruct it; reflexivity.
- destruct it; reflexivity.
- destruct it; reflexivity.
- destruct it; reflexivity.
- destruct it; reflexivity.
- destruct it; reflexivity.
End ArithConv.