Library liblayers.simrel.MemOpv

Require Export compcert.lib.Coqlib.
Require Export compcert.lib.Integers.
Require Export compcert.common.Values.
Require Export compcertx.common.MemoryX.
Require Import ExtensionalityAxioms.
Require Import SimrelDefinition.

Memory operation helpers

Define some more int-based operations in the flavour of Mem.loadv, Mem.storev, etc.

Module Mem.
  Export MemoryX.Mem.

    Context `{memory_model_ops: MemoryModelOps}.

    Definition loadbytesv m v sz :=
      match v with
        | Vptr b oloadbytes m b (Ptrofs.unsigned o) sz
        | _None

    Definition storebytesv m v v' :=
      match v with
        | Vptr b ostorebytes m b (Ptrofs.unsigned o) v'
        | _None

    Definition permv m v p :=
      match v with
        | Vptr b operm m b (Ptrofs.unsigned o) Cur p
        | _False

    Definition range_permv m v sz p :=
      match v with
        | Vptr b o
          range_perm m b (Ptrofs.unsigned o) (Ptrofs.unsigned o + sz) Cur p
        | _

    Definition disjoint_or_equal sz m (b1: block) ofs1 b2 ofs2 :=
      sz 0
      Mem.range_perm m b1 ofs1 (ofs1 + sz) Cur Nonempty
      Mem.range_perm m b2 ofs2 (ofs2 + sz) Cur Nonempty
      (b1 b2 ofs1 = ofs2 ofs1 + sz ofs2 ofs2 + sz ofs1).

    Definition disjoint_or_equalv sz m v1 v2 :=
      match v1 with
        | Vptr b1 o1
          match v2 with
            | Vptr b2 o2
              disjoint_or_equal sz m b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned o1) b2 (Ptrofs.unsigned o2)
            | _False
        | _False

    Definition aligned_area al sz m b o :=
      (al = 1 al = 2 al = 4 al = 8)
      (sz > 0 (al | sz))
      Mem.range_perm m b o (o + sz) Cur Nonempty
      (sz > 0 (al | o)).

    Definition aligned_areav al sz m v :=
      match v with
        | Vptr b oaligned_area al sz m b (Ptrofs.unsigned o)
        | _False

    Definition freev m v sz :=
      match v with
        | Vptr b ofree m b (Ptrofs.unsigned o) (Ptrofs.unsigned o + sz)
        | _None

    Definition valid_pointerv m v :=
      match v with
        | Vptr b oMem.valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned o)
        | _false

    Definition weak_valid_pointerv m v :=
      match v with
        | Vptr b oMem.weak_valid_pointer m b (Ptrofs.unsigned o)
        | _false


    Context `{memory_model_x: MemoryModelX}.

    Lemma storebytes_nil m b o l:
      length l = 0%nat
      Mem.storebytes m b o l = Some m.
      intros H.
      destruct l; try discriminate.
      edestruct (Mem.range_perm_storebytes m b o nil) as [? MEM].
      generalize (storebytes_empty _ _ _ _ MEM).
End Mem.

Monotonicity properties

Section SIMREL.
  Context `{HR: SimulationRelation}.
  Local Opaque mwd_ops.

  Global Instance simrel_permv p:
      (match_mem R p ++> match_val R p ++> - ==> impl).
    repeat red.
    unfold Mem.permv.
    intros x y H x0 y0 H0 a H1.
    inversion H0; subst; try tauto.
    generalize H1.
    repeat rstep.
    eapply match_ptrbits_ptr; eauto.

  Global Instance simrel_loadbytesv p:
      (match_mem R p ++> match_val R p ++> - ==>
       option_le (list_rel (match_memval R p))).
    repeat red. unfold Mem.loadbytesv.
    intros x y H x0 y0 H0 a.
    inversion H0; subst; try now constructor.
    destruct (Z_le_dec a 0) as [ LE | ] .
      repeat erewrite Mem.loadbytes_empty by assumption.
      apply option_le_some_def.
      repeat constructor.
    destruct (Mem.loadbytes x _ (Ptrofs.unsigned _) a) eqn:EQ; try now constructor.
    rewrite <- EQ.
    repeat rstep.
    eapply match_ptrbits_ptr; eauto.
    eapply Mem.loadbytes_range_perm; eauto.

  Global Instance simrel_storebytesv p:
      (match_mem R p ++> match_val R p ++> list_rel (match_memval R p) ++>
       option_le (incr p (match_mem R p))).
    intros x y H x0 y0 H0 x1 y1 H1.
    inversion H0; subst; try now solve_monotonic.
    inversion H1; subst.
      repeat rewrite Mem.storebytes_nil by reflexivity.
    destruct (Mem.storebytes x _ (Ptrofs.unsigned _) _) eqn:EQ; try now solve_monotonic.
    rewrite <- EQ.
    repeat rstep.
    eapply match_ptrbits_ptr; eauto.
    eapply Mem.storebytes_range_perm; eauto.
    simpl length. rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ. omega.

  Global Instance simrel_range_perm p:
      (match_mem R p ++>
       rel_curry (rel_curry (match_ptrrange R p ++> - ==> - ==> impl))).
    repeat red.
    intros x y H.
    intros [[b0 lo0] hi0] [[b1 lo1] hi1] MATCH.
    intros a a0.
    inversion MATCH; subst.
    unfold Mem.range_perm.
    intros H0 ofs H2.
    inversion H1; subst.
    match goal with
        _: simrel_meminj _ _ _ = Some (_, ?d) |- _
        replace ofs with (ofs - d + d)%Z by omega;
        specialize (H0 (ofs - d)%Z)
    match type of H0 with
        ?Z _
        assert Z as U by omega;
          generalize (H0 U);
          clear H0 U
    constructor; eauto.

  Global Instance simrel_range_permv p:
      (match_mem R p ++> match_val R p ++> - ==> - ==> impl).
    intros x y H x0 y0 H0 a a0 H1.
    inversion H0; subst; try contradiction.
    destruct (Z_le_dec a 0).
      red. intros ofs H3. omega.
    generalize H1.
    eapply (fun q Ksimrel_range_perm q _ _ K ((_, _), _) ((_, _), _)); eauto.
    eapply match_ptrbits_ptr; eauto.
    eapply H1.

  Global Instance simrel_disjoint_or_equal p:
      (- ==>
       match_mem R p ++>
         (match_ptr R p ++>
            (match_ptr R p ++>
    repeat red.
    intros a x y H [b0 o0] [b0' o0'] H0 [b1 o1] [b1' o1'] H1.
    unfold Mem.disjoint_or_equal.
    intros (NONNEG & PERM0 & PERM1 & DISJ_OR_EQ).
    split; auto.
      revert PERM0.
      eapply (fun q Ksimrel_range_perm q _ _ K ((_, _), _) ((_, _), _)); eauto.
      revert PERM1.
      eapply (fun q Ksimrel_range_perm q _ _ K ((_, _), _) ((_, _), _)); eauto.
    destruct (Z_eq_dec a 0); try intuition omega.
    inversion H0; subst.
    inversion H1; subst.
    eapply (simrel_disjoint_or_equal_inject p); eauto.
    - eapply Mem.range_perm_max; eauto.
    - eapply Mem.range_perm_max; eauto.
    - omega.

  Global Instance simrel_disjoint_or_equalv p:
      (- ==> match_mem R p ++> match_val R p ++> match_val R p ++> impl).
    unfold Mem.disjoint_or_equalv.
    repeat red.
    intros a x y H x0 y0 H0 x1 y1 H1 H2.
    inversion H0; subst; try contradiction.
    inversion H1; subst; try contradiction.
    generalize H2.
    destruct H2 as (NONNEG & PERM0 & PERM1 & DISJ_OR_EQ).
    destruct (Z.eq_dec a 0).
      intros _.
      split; auto with zarith.
      { red. intros; omega. }
      { red. intros; omega. }
      right; omega.
    assert (Params (@Mem.disjoint_or_equal) 6) by constructor.
    repeat rstep.
      eapply match_ptrbits_ptr; eauto.
      eapply PERM0. omega.
      eapply match_ptrbits_ptr; eauto.
      eapply PERM1. omega.

  Global Instance simrel_aligned_area p:
      (- ==> - ==> match_mem R p ++> rel_curry (match_ptr R p ++> impl)).
    repeat red.
    intros a a0 x y H [b o] [b' o'] H0.
    unfold Mem.aligned_area.
    destruct 1 as (AL_EQ & ALIGN_SZ & PERM & ALIGN).
    split; auto.
    split; auto.
      revert PERM.
      eapply (fun q Ksimrel_range_perm q _ _ K ((_, _), _) ((_, _), _)); eauto.
    inversion H0; subst.
    intros H1.
    eapply (simrel_aligned_area_inject p); eauto.

  Global Instance simrel_aligned_areav p:
      (- ==> - ==> match_mem R p ++> match_val R p ++> impl).
    repeat red.
    unfold Mem.aligned_areav.
    intros a a0 x y H x0 y0 H0 H1.
    inversion H0; subst; try contradiction.
    destruct (Z_gt_dec a0 0).
      generalize H1.
      assert (Params (@Mem.aligned_area) 5) by constructor.
      repeat rstep.
      eapply match_ptrbits_ptr; eauto.
      eapply H1.
    unfold Mem.aligned_area in ×.
    unfold Mem.range_perm.
    intuition omega.

  Global Instance simrel_freev p:
      (match_mem R p ++> match_val R p ++> - ==>
       option_le (incr p (match_mem R p))).
    intros x y H x0 y0 H0 a.
    inversion H0; subst; try now solve_monotonic.
    destruct ( x _ _ _) eqn:FREE; try now solve_monotonic.
    destruct (Z_le_dec a 0).
      exploit (Mem.free_range x); eauto.
      destruct 1; subst; try omega.
      destruct (Mem.range_perm_free y b2 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs2) (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs2 + a)) as [? FREE2].
        red. intros ofs H2. omega.
      exploit (Mem.free_range y); eauto.
      destruct 1; subst; try omega.
      rewrite FREE2.
    rewrite <- FREE.
    apply (fun Ksimrel_free _ _ _ K ((_, _), _) ((_, _), _)); auto.
    eapply match_ptrbits_ptr; eauto.
    eapply Mem.free_range_perm; eauto.

  Global Instance mem_valid_pointerv_match p:
      (match_mem R p ++> match_val R p ++> Bool.leb).
    unfold Mem.valid_pointerv.
    intros m1 m2 Hm v1 v2 Hv.
    inversion Hv; subst; try now constructor.
    destruct (Mem.valid_pointer m1 _ _) eqn:VALID; try now constructor.
    rewrite <- VALID.
    repeat rstep.
    eapply match_ptrbits_ptr; eauto.
    eapply Mem.valid_pointer_nonempty_perm.

The following is NOT a consequence of other mem_valid_pointer_match, but rather follows from the weak_valid_pointer_inject_val requirement.

  Global Instance mem_weak_valid_pointerv_match p:
      (match_mem R p ++> match_val R p ++> Bool.leb).
    intros m1 m2 Hm v1 v2 Hv.
    destruct (Mem.weak_valid_pointerv m1 _) eqn:VALID; try reflexivity.
    inversion Hv; subst; try discriminate.
    eapply (simrel_weak_valid_pointer_inject_val p); eauto.

Global Instance: Params (@Mem.loadbytesv) 3.
Global Instance: Params (@Mem.storebytesv) 3.
Global Instance: Params (@Mem.permv) 3.
Global Instance: Params (@Mem.disjoint_or_equal) 6.
Global Instance: Params (@Mem.disjoint_or_equalv) 4.
Global Instance: Params (@Mem.aligned_area) 5.
Global Instance: Params (@Mem.aligned_areav) 4.
Global Instance: Params (@Mem.freev) 3.
Global Instance: Params (@Mem.valid_pointerv) 2.
Global Instance: Params (@Mem.weak_valid_pointerv) 2.
Global Instance: Params (@Mem.range_perm) 6.
Global Instance: Params (@Mem.range_permv) 4.