Library liblayers.simrel.SimrelDefinition

Require Export compcert.lib.Coqlib.
Require Export compcert.lib.Integers.
Require Export compcert.common.AST.
Require Export compcert.common.Values.
Require Export compcert.common.AST.
Require Export compcert.common.Globalenvs.
Require Export compcert.common.Memdata.
Require Export compcertx.common.MemoryX. Require Export liblayers.lib.Decision.
Require Export liblayers.logic.Structures.
Require Export liblayers.logic.LayerData.
Require Export liblayers.compcertx.CompcertStructures.
Require Export liblayers.compcertx.InitMem.
Require Export AbstractData.
Require Export MemWithData.


Specialize rel_incr to use (≤).

Notation "'incr' p R" := (rel_incr (≤) (fun pR) p)
  (at level 100, p at level 0, R at level 0)
  : rel_scope.

Simulation relations blueprints

  Context `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}.
  Context {D1 D2: layerdata}.
  Local Opaque mwd_ops.


This is the most general definition of a simulation relation toolkit that we use. We are given two memory models, and a carrier type for the relation (which generalizes meminj). We also have two basic relation components, indexed by elements of the carrier type: match_mem specifies how memory states should be related, whereas match_block specifies how block identifiers should be related. From these two components, it is possible to build up ways to relate more complex states such as Clight.state or Asm.state. The carrier type ensures that the constituent memory state, values, pointers, etc. are related in a consistent way.
We also specify a preorder on the carrier type (which generalizes inject_incr), which match_block (and derived relations) should be consistent with. This is because the simulation diagram of some memory operations (namely Mem.alloc) use a final parameter p' : param different from the initial parameter p : param. To ensure that other components of the state remain related, in such cases we require that p p'.
Finally, the relations on Compcert values (val, memval) are built from match_block in nearly the same way for all of our simulation relations (identical values are related, as well as pointers with related block identifiers and identical offsets). But there is one aspect that differs between different simulation relations: with some relations we want Vundef and Undef on the left to be related to any values on the right (ie. be bottom elements), whereas for other relations we only want them to be related to themselves. The obvious solution is to specify for each relation a flag indicating which case we're in. However this is incompatible with composition. Consider a relation R1 which relates Vundef to anything (flag set), and a relation R2 which only relates it to itself (flag cleared). The composite relation R1;R2 will relate Vundef to most values, but there may be a block b' on the right such that there is no b related to it on the left by R2 (∀ b, ¬ b R2 b'). In this case Vundef on the left will not be related by R1;R2 to Vptr b' 0 on the right, because there is no intermediate value for the composition to use. Because of these contradictory situations, there is no setting for the flag that describes the composite relation appropriately.
To address this, we generalize from there and split the flag into two part: the proposition simrel_undef_matches_values determines whether Vundef matches all non-pointer values, and the predicate simrel_undef_matches_pointer indicates which pointer values Vundef additionnaly matches. If some pointer are related to Vundef, then non-pointer values should all be related to Vundef as well. Conversely, if simrel_undef_matches_values is set, then any block b2 related to some block b1 on the left by match_block should be related to Vundef as well.

  Record simrel_components :=
      simrel_world: Type;
      simrel_acc :> Le simrel_world;
      simrel_undef_matches_values_bool: bool;
      simrel_undef_matches_block: simrel_world block Prop;
      simrel_new_glbl: list (ident × list AST.init_data);
      simrel_meminj: simrel_world meminj;
      match_mem: simrel_world rel (mwd D1) (mwd D2)

  Global Existing Instance simrel_acc.

In what follows we declare many typeclass instances with a simrel_undef_matches_× premise. To make sure they work as expected, we declare them as typeclasses. We also show that simrel_undef_matches_values is decidable, since it is defined from a boolean.

  Existing Class simrel_undef_matches_block.

  Class simrel_undef_matches_values (R: simrel_components) :=
      simrel_undef_matches_values_bool R = true.

  Global Instance simrel_undef_matches_values_dec R:
    Decision (simrel_undef_matches_values R) :=
      decide_booleq _ _.

Relations derived from simrel_meminj

Compcert usually passes pointers around as separate block and offset arguments. Since we can't relate those independently (because the offset shift is specific to each block), we instead relate (block, offset) pairs and use rel_curry to construct our Monotonicity} relations. Relating pointers is complicated because of the interaction between the abstract [Z] offsets that are used by the memory model and the [ptrofs] concrete machine representations that are used to build [val]ues. The basic relation [match_ptr] relates abstract pointers in the obvious way, while [match_ptrbits] relates concrete pointers as is done in [Val.inject].

  Inductive match_ptr R p: relation (block × Z)%type :=
    match_ptr_intro b1 ofs1 b2 delta:
      simrel_meminj R p b1 = Some (b2, delta)
      match_ptr R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs1 + delta)%Z.

  Inductive match_ptrbits R p: relation (block × ptrofs)%type :=
    match_ptrbits_intro b1 ofs1 b2 delta:
      simrel_meminj R p b1 = Some (b2, delta)
      match_ptrbits R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, Ptrofs.add ofs1 (Ptrofs.repr delta)).

For we need to relate a whole range of abstract pointers in the form of an (ofs, lo, hi) triple.

  Inductive match_ptrrange R p: relation (block × Z × Z)%type :=
    match_ptrrange_intro b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2 sz:
        (match_ptr R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2))
        (match_ptrrange R p) (b1, ofs1, ofs1+sz)%Z (b2, ofs2, ofs2+sz)%Z.

  Global Existing Instance match_ptrrange_intro.

For operations that manipulate blocks, we can use the two relations below: the weaker match_block relates two blocks according to simrel_meminj, no matter what the offset shift is. The stronger match_block_sameofs only relates blocks that correspond to one another with no shift in offset.

  Definition match_block R p b1 b2 :=
     delta, simrel_meminj R p b1 = Some (b2, delta).

  Definition match_block_sameofs R p b1 b2 :=
    simrel_meminj R p b1 = Some (b2, 0%Z).

  Lemma match_block_sameofs_match_ptr R p b1 b2 o:
    match_block_sameofs R p b1 b2
    match_ptr R p (b1, o) (b2, o).
    intros H.
    replace o with (o + 0)%Z at 2 by omega.

  Lemma match_block_sameofs_match_ptrbits R p b1 b2 o:
    match_block_sameofs R p b1 b2
    match_ptrbits R p (b1, o) (b2, o).
    intros H.
    replace o with (Ptrofs.add o at 2
      by (rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero; reflexivity).

From match_ptr and simrel_undef_matches_×, we can derive relation for val and memval.

  Inductive match_val R (p: simrel_world R): rel val val :=
    | match_val_int:
        Monotonic (@Vint) (- ==> match_val R p)
    | match_val_long:
        Monotonic (@Vlong) (- ==> match_val R p)
    | match_val_float:
        Monotonic (@Vfloat) (- ==> match_val R p)
    | match_val_single:
        Monotonic (@Vsingle) (- ==> match_val R p)
    | match_val_ptr_def b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2:
        match_ptrbits R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2)
        match_val R p (Vptr b1 ofs1) (Vptr b2 ofs2)
    | match_val_undef:
        Monotonic (@Vundef) (match_val R p)
    | match_val_undef_int i:
        simrel_undef_matches_values R
        Related (@Vundef) (Vint i) (match_val R p)
    | match_val_undef_long i:
        simrel_undef_matches_values R
        Related (@Vundef) (Vlong i) (match_val R p)
    | match_val_undef_float f:
        simrel_undef_matches_values R
        Related (@Vundef) (Vfloat f) (match_val R p)
    | match_val_undef_single f:
        simrel_undef_matches_values R
        Related (@Vundef) (Vsingle f) (match_val R p)
    | match_val_undef_ptr b ofs:
        simrel_undef_matches_block R p b
        Related (@Vundef) (Vptr b ofs) (match_val R p).

  Global Instance match_val_ptr R p:
    Monotonic (@Vptr) (rel_curry (match_ptrbits R p ++> match_val R p)).
    intros [b1 ofs1] [b2 ofs2].
    apply match_val_ptr_def.

  Global Existing Instance match_val_int.
  Global Existing Instance match_val_long.
  Global Existing Instance match_val_float.
  Global Existing Instance match_val_single.
  Global Existing Instance match_val_ptr.
  Global Existing Instance match_val_undef.
  Global Existing Instance match_val_undef_int.
  Global Existing Instance match_val_undef_long.
  Global Existing Instance match_val_undef_float.
  Global Existing Instance match_val_undef_single.
  Global Existing Instance match_val_undef_ptr.

Note that in the Undef case, even though we use match_val we still need a simrel_undef_matches_values guard. This is because we want to exclude match_memval Undef (Fragment Vundef _ _) when the guard is not satisfied, otherwise for example we lose the fact that match_memval id = eq.

  Inductive match_memval R (p: simrel_world R): rel memval memval :=
    | match_memval_byte:
        Monotonic (@Byte) (- ==> match_memval R p)
    | match_memval_fragment:
        Monotonic (@Fragment) (match_val R p ++> - ==> - ==> match_memval R p)
    | match_memval_undef:
        Monotonic (@Undef) (match_memval R p)
    | match_memval_undef_byte b:
        simrel_undef_matches_values R
        Related (@Undef) (@Byte b) (match_memval R p)
    | match_memval_undef_fragment v q n:
        simrel_undef_matches_values R
          (match_val R p Vundef v)
          (match_memval R p) Undef (Fragment v q n).

  Global Existing Instance match_memval_byte.
  Global Existing Instance match_memval_fragment.
  Global Existing Instance match_memval_undef.
  Global Existing Instance match_memval_undef_byte.
  Global Existing Instance match_memval_undef_fragment.


This is a version of option_le sensitive to the simrel_undef_matches_values component of a given simulation relation. It is particularly useful in the SimValues library.
Some operations are formulated in terms of intermediate option results. Often when some input is Vundef, these intermediate results are set to None. Then Val.of_optbool maps None back to Vundef. This means that whether we want None to act as a bottom element depend on whether Vundef does -- option_le is in general too weak and option_rel is too strong. To solve this problem we introduce this relator, which behaves like one or the other depending on simrel_undef_matches_values.
Note that it still might be too weak in some corner cases, because it does not take simrel_undef_matches_block into account. Fortunately, so far this has not been an issue because it seems in practice option val is never used with pointers. The one function that cannot be characterized is Val.make_total, fortunately it is only used in a few places where it can be worked around fairly easily.
To define simrel_option_le, we start with a more general flex_option_le parametrized with a proposition P which determines whether None is allowed as a bottom element.

  Inductive flex_option_le {A B} (P: Prop) RAB: rel (option A) (option B) :=
    | flex_option_le_some_def:
        Monotonic Some (RAB ++> flex_option_le P RAB)
    | flex_option_le_none_def:
        Monotonic None (flex_option_le P RAB)
    | flex_option_le_none_lb:
        LowerBound (flex_option_le P RAB) None.

  Global Instance option_rel_flex_option_le_subrel {A B} P (R: rel A B):
    Related (option_rel R) (flex_option_le P R) subrel.
    destruct 1; constructor; auto.

  Global Instance flex_option_le_option_le {A B} P (R: rel A B) :
    Related (flex_option_le P R) (option_le R) subrel.
    destruct 1; constructor; auto.

  Global Existing Instance flex_option_le_none_lb.

Assuming P is a known typeclass, flex_option_le_none_lb can be used when using lower_bound directly. However the path to RAuto through Related does not work. This is because in that context, the relation from the goal is not available during the LowerBound search; instead we search for a LowerBound instance for an arbitrary relation, which is lated connected to the relation in the goal through a subrel search. This works great with most relations, but in this case this means that at LowerBound resolution time, the value of P is unknown, and we cannot resolve the corresponding premise in flex_option_le_none_lb.
We can work around this issue with the following RIntro hint.

  Global Instance flex_option_le_none_lb_rintro {A B} (P: Prop) (RAB: rel A B) y:
    RIntro True (flex_option_le P RAB) None y.
    intros H _.
    apply flex_option_le_none_lb.

  Global Instance flex_option_le_refl {A} P (RA: relation A):
    Reflexive RA
    Reflexive (flex_option_le P RA).
    intros HRA x.
    destruct x; constructor.

  Global Instance flex_option_map_rel P:
      (forallr S, forallr T,
        (S ++> T) ++> flex_option_le P S ++> flex_option_le P T).
    unfold option_map.
    repeat rstep.
    constructor; eauto.

For similar reasons, we will also need a corresponding version of leb to relate the results of operations such as Mem.valid_pointer, which are involved in pointer comparisons.

  Inductive flex_leb (P: Prop) : rel bool bool :=
    | flex_leb_refl : Reflexive (flex_leb P)
    | flex_leb_false_true : P LowerBound (flex_leb P) false.

  Global Existing Instance flex_leb_refl.
  Global Existing Instance flex_leb_false_true.

  Instance flex_leb_leb P:
    Related (flex_leb P) leb subrel.
    destruct 1; reflexivity.

  Global Instance andb_flex_leb:
     P, Monotonic andb (flex_leb P ++> flex_leb P ++> flex_leb P).
    intros P x1 x2 Hx y1 y2 Hy.
    destruct Hx, Hy; simpl; try constructor; eauto.
    destruct x; constructor; eauto.

Then, we use simrel_undef_matches_values as the parameter in order to obtain the behavior we want for simrel_option_le. We use a notation so that the instances defined above for flex_option_le can apply directly.

  Notation simrel_option_le R :=
    (flex_option_le (simrel_undef_matches_values R)).

  Notation simrel_leb R :=
    (flex_leb (simrel_undef_matches_values R)).

Initial memory

The simrel_new_glbl field is enough to formulate a sufficient condition on programs for the initial memory states to be related. Here we use program_rel to express this condition.
Note that we're careful to define simrel_program_rel in such a way that, when applied to simrel_components which have the same simrel_new_glbl and simrel_undef_matches_values_bool, the results will be convertible. This is why the components are parametrized by those directly, rather than by the simrel_components under consideration.
The relation on function definitions is straightforward. If R permits Vundef as a bottom element, we also allow new function definitions to be introduced on the right-hand side. Otherwise, the function definitions should either both be None, or both use Some. Since the initial memory is constructed in a way does not actually depend on the details of a function definition, we don't enforce any other requirements.

  Definition simrel_fundef_rel {F1 F2} b: ident rel (option F1) (option F2) :=
    fun _flex_option_le (b = true) %rel.

For variables, we need to distinguish two cases depending on whether they're listed in simrel_new_glbl or not.
If they are, then the variable must not appear on the left-hand side, and must appear on the right-hand side, and contain the specified initialization data. Note that for composition to work, we need to make sure that the variable does not appear twice in simrel_new_glbl. Otherwise, it would be possible to have a situation where v appears in both R12 and R23, and None [R23 R12] (Some v) holds as a result, but there would be no intermediate value x that would satisfy both None [R12] x and x [R23] (Some v).
For variables not in simrel_new_glbl, we allow new variables on the right-hand side if simrel_undef_matches_values, and otherwise require that the definitions be identical.

  Definition test (P: Prop) `{Decision P}: bool :=
    if decide P then true else false.

  Definition simrel_new_glbl_for (ng: list (ident × list AST.init_data)) i :=
    filter (fun deftest (fst def = i)) ng.

  Definition simrel_newvar_ok ng b (i: ident) init :=
    (simrel_new_glbl_for ng i = (i, init)::nil)
    (simrel_new_glbl_for ng i = nil b = true).

  Definition simrel_not_new_glbl ng i :=
    simrel_new_glbl_for ng i = nil.

  Inductive simrel_vardef_rel {V} ng b i: relation (option (globvar V)) :=
    | simrel_vardef_rel_none:
        simrel_not_new_glbl ng i
        simrel_vardef_rel ng b i None None
    | simrel_vardef_rel_some v:
        simrel_not_new_glbl ng i
        simrel_vardef_rel ng b i (Some v) (Some v)
    | simrel_vardef_rel_newvar v init:
        simrel_newvar_ok ng b i init
        Genv.init_data_list_valid find_symbol 0 init = true
        simrel_vardef_rel ng b i None
             {| gvar_info := v;
                gvar_init := init;
                gvar_readonly := false;
                gvar_volatile := false |}).

  Definition simrel_program_rel {F1 F2 V} R :=
      (@simrel_fundef_rel F1 F2 (simrel_undef_matches_values_bool R))
      (@simrel_vardef_rel V (simrel_new_glbl R) (simrel_undef_matches_values_bool R)).


  Class SimulationRelation R :=
Properties of the accessibility relation.

        @PreOrder (simrel_world R) (≤);

        Monotonic (simrel_undef_matches_block R) ((≤) ++> - ==> impl);

        Monotonic (simrel_meminj R) ((≤) ++> - ==> option_le eq);


      simrel_undef_matches_values_also_block p ptr1 b2 ofs2:
        simrel_undef_matches_values R
        match_ptrbits R p ptr1 (b2, ofs2)
        simrel_undef_matches_block R p b2;

      simrel_undef_matches_block_also_values p b2:
        simrel_undef_matches_block R p b2
        simrel_undef_matches_values R;

The following condition is necessary for the subtraction and comparison of two pointers.
      simrel_undef_matches_block_or_injective p b2:
         b1 b1',
          b1' b1
          match_block R p b1 b2
          match_block R p b1' b2
          simrel_undef_matches_block R p b2;

      simrel_undef_matches_block_invalid_weak p m1 m2 b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2:
        match_mem R p m1 m2
        Mem.weak_valid_pointer m1 b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1) = false
        match_ptrbits R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2)
        Mem.weak_valid_pointer m2 b2 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs2) = true
        simrel_undef_matches_block R p b2;

      simrel_undef_matches_block_invalid p m1 m2 b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2:
        match_mem R p m1 m2
        Mem.valid_pointer m1 b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1) = false
        match_ptrbits R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2)
        Mem.valid_pointer m2 b2 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs2) = true
        simrel_undef_matches_block R p b2;

Properties of match_block_delta.

      match_global_block_sameofs p b:
        block_is_global b
        Proper (match_block_sameofs R p) b;

Initial memory

      simrel_init_mem {F V}:
          (Genv.init_mem (F:=F) (V:=V))
          (simrel_program_rel R ++>
           option_le (rexists w, match_mem R w));

Properties for memory operations.

      simrel_alloc p:
          (match_mem R p ++> - ==> - ==>
           incr p (match_mem R p × match_block_sameofs R p));

      simrel_free p:

          (match_mem R p ++> rel_curry (rel_curry (match_ptrrange R p ==>
           option_le (incr p (match_mem R p)))));

      simrel_load p:
          (- ==> match_mem R p ++> rel_curry (match_ptr R p ++>
           option_le (match_val R p)));

      simrel_store p:

          (- ==> match_mem R p ++> rel_curry (match_ptr R p ++>
           match_val R p ++> option_le (incr p (match_mem R p))));

      simrel_loadbytes p:
          (match_mem R p ++> rel_curry (match_ptr R p ++> - ==>
           option_le (list_rel (match_memval R p))));

      simrel_storebytes p:
          (match_mem R p ++>
           rel_curry (match_ptr R p ++> list_rel (match_memval R p) ++>
           option_le (incr p (match_mem R p))));

      simrel_perm p:
          (match_mem R p ++> rel_curry (match_ptr R p ++> - ==> - ==> impl));

      simrel_valid_block p:
          (match_mem R p ++> match_block R p ++> iff);

        p m m' b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2 b1' delta1 b2' delta2:
        match_mem R p m m'
        b1 b2
        Mem.valid_pointer m b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1) = true
        Mem.valid_pointer m b2 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs2) = true
        simrel_meminj R p b1 = Some (b1', delta1)
        simrel_meminj R p b2 = Some (b2', delta2)
        b1' b2'
        Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add ofs1 (Ptrofs.repr delta1))
        Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add ofs2 (Ptrofs.repr delta2));

      simrel_weak_valid_pointer_inject_val p m1 m2 b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2:
        match_mem R p m1 m2
        Mem.weak_valid_pointer m1 b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1) = true
        match_ptrbits R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2)
        Mem.weak_valid_pointer m2 b2 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs2) = true;

When comparing two weakly valid pointers of the same block using Val.cmpu, we need to compare their offsets, and so comparing the injected offsets must have the same result. To this end, it is necessary to show that all weakly valid pointers be shifted by the same mathematical (not machine) integer amount. However, contrary to the situation with Mem.address_inject for valid pointers, here for weakly valid pointers we do not know whether this amount is delta. The best we know, thanks to Mem.weak_valid_pointer_inject_no_overflow, is that Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr delta) works, but proving composition would be much harder than for the following weak version:

      simrel_weak_valid_pointer_address_inject_weak p m1 m2 b1 b2 delta:
        match_mem R p m1 m2
        simrel_meminj R p b1 = Some (b2, delta)
            Mem.weak_valid_pointer m1 b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1) = true
            Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add ofs1 (Ptrofs.repr delta)) =
            (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1 + delta')%Z;

      simrel_address_inject p m1 m2 b1 ofs1 b2 delta pe:
        match_mem R p m1 m2
        Mem.perm m1 b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1) Cur pe
        simrel_meminj R p b1 = Some (b2, delta)
        Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add ofs1 (Ptrofs.repr delta)) =
        (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1 + delta)%Z;

      simrel_aligned_area_inject p m m' b ofs al sz b' delta:
        match_mem R p m m'
        (al = 1 al = 2 al = 4 al = 8)
        sz > 0
        (al | sz)
        Mem.range_perm m b ofs (ofs + sz) Cur Nonempty
        (al | ofs)
        simrel_meminj R p b = Some (b', delta)
        (al | ofs + delta);

        p m m' b1 b1' delta1 b2 b2' delta2 ofs1 ofs2 sz:
        match_mem R p m m'
        simrel_meminj R p b1 = Some (b1', delta1)
        simrel_meminj R p b2 = Some (b2', delta2)
        Mem.range_perm m b1 ofs1
                       (ofs1 + sz) Max Nonempty
        Mem.range_perm m b2 ofs2
                       (ofs2 + sz) Max Nonempty
        sz > 0
        b1 b2
        ofs1 = ofs2
        ofs1 + sz ofs2 ofs2 + sz ofs1
        b1' b2'
        (ofs1 + delta1 = ofs2 + delta2)%Z
        ofs1 + delta1 + sz ofs2 + delta2
        ofs2 + delta2 + sz ofs1 + delta1

  Global Existing Instances simrel_acc_preorder.
  Global Existing Instances simrel_acc_undef_matches_pointer.
  Global Existing Instances simrel_acc_meminj.
  Global Existing Instances simrel_alloc.
  Local Existing Instances simrel_free.   Global Existing Instances simrel_load.
  Global Existing Instances simrel_store.
  Global Existing Instances simrel_loadbytes.
  Global Existing Instances simrel_storebytes.
  Global Existing Instances simrel_perm.
  Global Existing Instances simrel_valid_block.

  Global Instance: Params (@simrel_undef_matches_block) 2.
  Global Instance: Params (@simrel_meminj) 2.

  Global Instance: Params (@Genv.init_mem) 1.
  Global Instance: Params (@Mem.empty) 0.
  Global Instance: Params (@Mem.alloc) 3.
  Global Instance: Params ( 4.
  Global Instance: Params (@Mem.load) 4.
  Global Instance: Params ( 5.
  Global Instance: Params (@Mem.loadbytes) 4.
  Global Instance: Params (@Mem.storebytes) 4.
  Global Instance: Params (@Mem.loadv) 3.
  Global Instance: Params (@Mem.storev) 4.
  Global Instance: Params (@Mem.perm) 5.
  Global Instance: Params (@Mem.valid_block) 2.

Packaging them up

Though it is convenient to be able to define a simulation relation's operations and proofs separately, in most other contexts it is simpler to have a single object which bundles them together.
Because simrel_ops is a coercion, a simrel can be used with match_val, match_block, etc. One thing to keep in mind is that if a parameter of your definition is only used in conjunction with one of these, its type will be inferred as simrel_components, not simrel.

  Record simrel :=
      simrel_ops :> simrel_components;
      simrel_prf: SimulationRelation simrel_ops

  Global Existing Instance simrel_prf.

Properties of derived relations

  Context `{HR: SimulationRelation}.

Compatibility with the accessibility relation

  Global Instance: Params (@match_ptr) 3.
  Global Instance: Params (@match_ptrbits) 3.
  Global Instance: Params (@match_ptrrange) 3.
  Global Instance: Params (@match_block) 3.
  Global Instance: Params (@match_block_sameofs) 3.
  Global Instance: Params (@match_val) 3.
  Global Instance: Params (@match_memval) 3.

  Global Instance match_ptr_acc:
    Monotonic (match_ptr R) ((≤) ++> subrel).
    intros p1 p2 Hp ptr1 ptr2 Hptr.
    destruct Hptr as [b1 ofs1 b2 delta Hb].
    transport Hb; subst.
    constructor; eauto.

  Global Instance match_ptrbits_acc:
    Monotonic (match_ptrbits R) ((≤) ++> subrel).
    intros p1 p2 Hp ptr1 ptr2 Hptr.
    destruct Hptr as [b1 ofs1 b2 delta Hb].
    transport Hb; subst.
    constructor; eauto.

  Global Instance match_ptrrange_acc:
    Monotonic (match_ptrrange R) ((≤) ++> subrel).
    intros p1 p2 Hp ptr1 ptr2 Hptr.
    destruct Hptr as [b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2 sz Hb].
    constructor; eauto.
    revert Hb.
    apply match_ptr_acc.

  Global Instance match_block_acc:
    Monotonic (match_block R) ((≤) ++> subrel).
    intros p1 p2 Hp b1 b2 [delta Hb].
    transport Hb; subst.
    eexists; eauto.

  Global Instance match_block_sameofs_acc:
    Monotonic (match_block_sameofs R) ((≤) ++> subrel).
    intros p1 p2 Hp b1 b2 Hb.
    transport Hb; subst.

  Global Instance match_val_acc:
    Monotonic (match_val R) ((≤) ++> subrel).
    intros p p' Hp x y Hxy.
    destruct Hxy; constructor; eauto.
    - rauto.
    - revert H; rauto.

  Global Instance match_memval_acc:
    Monotonic (match_memval R) ((≤) ++> subrel).
    intros p p' Hp x y Hxy.
    destruct Hxy; constructor; eauto.
    - rauto.
    - revert H0; rauto.


  Lemma match_ptr_functional p ptr ptr1 ptr2:
    match_ptr R p ptr ptr1
    match_ptr R p ptr ptr2
    ptr1 = ptr2.
    intros [b ofs b1 delta1 Hb1] Hb2'.
    inversion Hb2' as [xb xofs b2 delta2 Hb2]; clear Hb2'; subst.

  Lemma match_ptrbits_functional p ptr ptr1 ptr2:
    match_ptrbits R p ptr ptr1
    match_ptrbits R p ptr ptr2
    ptr1 = ptr2.
    intros [b ofs b1 delta1 Hb1] Hb2'.
    inversion Hb2' as [xb xofs b2 delta2 Hb2]; clear Hb2'; subst.

  Lemma match_ptrrange_functional p ptr ptr1 ptr2:
    match_ptrrange R p ptr ptr1
    match_ptrrange R p ptr ptr2
    ptr1 = ptr2.
    intros Hptr1 Hptr2.
    destruct Hptr1 as [b ofs b1 ofs1 sz1 H1].
    inversion Hptr2 as [xb xofs b2 ofs2 sz2]; clear Hptr2; subst.
    pose proof (match_ptr_functional p (b, ofs) (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2) H1 H).
    assert (sz1 = sz2).
      eapply Z.add_reg_l; eauto.

  Lemma match_block_functional p b b1 b2:
    match_block R p b b1
    match_block R p b b2
    b1 = b2.
    intros [d1 Hb1] [d2 Hb2].

  Lemma match_block_sameofs_functional p b b1 b2:
    match_block_sameofs R p b b1
    match_block_sameofs R p b b2
    b1 = b2.
    unfold match_block_sameofs.


  Lemma match_ptr_shift p b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2 delta:
    match_ptr R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2)
    match_ptr R p (b1, ofs1 + delta)%Z (b2, ofs2 + delta)%Z.
    inversion 1; subst.
    rewrite <- Z.add_assoc.
    rewrite (Z.add_comm delta0 delta).
    rewrite Z.add_assoc.
    constructor; eauto.

  Lemma match_ptrbits_shift p b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2 delta:
    match_ptrbits R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2)
    match_ptrbits R p (b1, Ptrofs.add ofs1 delta) (b2, Ptrofs.add ofs2 delta).
    inversion 1; subst.
    rewrite Ptrofs.add_assoc.
    rewrite (Ptrofs.add_commut (Ptrofs.repr _)).
    rewrite <- Ptrofs.add_assoc.
    constructor; eauto.

  Lemma match_ptrrange_shift p b1 ofs1 sz1 b2 ofs2 sz2 delta:
    match_ptrrange R p (b1, ofs1, sz1) (b2, ofs2, sz2)
    match_ptrrange R p (b1, ofs1 + delta, sz1)%Z (b2, ofs2 + delta, sz2)%Z.
    inversion 1; subst.
    replace (ofs1 + sz)%Z with ((ofs1 + delta) + (sz - delta))%Z by omega.
    replace (ofs2 + sz)%Z with ((ofs2 + delta) + (sz - delta))%Z by omega.
    eapply match_ptr_shift; eauto.

Relationships between match_foo relations

We call each lemma match_foo_bar that establishes match_bar from a match_foo premise. When this can be done in several ways, we add a suffix to disambiguate.

  Lemma add_repr ofs1 delta:
    Ptrofs.repr (ofs1 + delta) =
    Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.repr ofs1) (Ptrofs.repr delta).
      rewrite Ptrofs.add_unsigned.
      auto using Ptrofs.eqm_samerepr,
      Ptrofs.eqm_add, Ptrofs.eqm_unsigned_repr.

  Lemma match_ptr_ptrbits_repr p b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2:
    match_ptr R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2)
    match_ptrbits R p (b1, Ptrofs.repr ofs1) (b2, Ptrofs.repr ofs2).
    inversion 1; subst.
    rewrite add_repr.

  Lemma match_ptr_ptrbits_unsigned p b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2:
    match_ptr R p (b1, Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1) (b2, Ptrofs.unsigned ofs2)
    match_ptrbits R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2).
    intros H.
    rewrite <- (Ptrofs.repr_unsigned ofs1), <- (Ptrofs.repr_unsigned ofs2).
    apply match_ptr_ptrbits_repr; eauto.

  Lemma match_ptr_ptrrange p b1 lo1 hi1 b2 lo2 hi2:
    match_ptr R p (b1, lo1) (b2, lo2)
    hi1 - lo1 = hi2 - lo2
    match_ptrrange R p (b1, lo1, hi1) (b2, lo2, hi2).
    intros Hlo Hhi.
    replace hi1 with (lo1 + (hi1 - lo1))%Z by omega.
    replace hi2 with (lo2 + (hi1 - lo1))%Z by omega.
    constructor; eauto.

  Lemma match_ptr_block p b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2:
    match_ptr R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2)
    match_block R p b1 b2.
    inversion 1.

  Lemma match_ptr_block_sameofs p b1 b2 ofs:
    match_ptr R p (b1, ofs) (b2, ofs)
    match_block_sameofs R p b1 b2.
    inversion 1.
    assert (delta = 0) by omega.

  Lemma match_ptrbits_ptr p m1 m2 b1 o1 b2 o2 pe:
    match_mem R p m1 m2
    match_ptrbits R p (b1, o1) (b2, o2)
    Mem.perm m1 b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned o1) Cur pe
    match_ptr R p (b1, Ptrofs.unsigned o1) (b2, Ptrofs.unsigned o2).
    intros H H0 H1.
    inversion H0; subst.
    erewrite simrel_address_inject; eauto.

  Lemma match_ptrbits_block p b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2:
    match_ptrbits R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2)
    match_block R p b1 b2.
    inversion 1.

  Lemma match_ptrrange_ptr p ptr1 hi1 ptr2 hi2:
    match_ptrrange R p (ptr1, hi1) (ptr2, hi2)
    match_ptr R p ptr1 ptr2.
    inversion 1.

  Lemma match_block_ptr p b1 b2 ofs1:
    match_block R p b1 b2
     ofs2, match_ptr R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2).
    intros [delta H].
     (ofs1 + delta)%Z.
    constructor; eauto.

  Lemma match_block_ptrbits p b1 b2 ofs1:
    match_block R p b1 b2
     ofs2, match_ptrbits R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2).
    intros [delta H].
     (Ptrofs.add ofs1 (Ptrofs.repr delta)).
    constructor; eauto.

  Lemma match_block_ptrrange p b1 b2 lo1 hi1:
    match_block R p b1 b2
     lo2 hi2, match_ptrrange R p (b1, lo1, hi1) (b2, lo2, hi2).
    intros [delta H].
     (lo1 + delta)%Z, ((lo1 + delta) + (hi1 - lo1))%Z.
    pattern hi1 at 1.
    replace hi1 with (lo1 + (hi1 - lo1))%Z by omega.

  Lemma match_block_sameofs_ptr p b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2:
    match_block_sameofs R p b1 b2
    ofs1 = ofs2
    match_ptr R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2).
    intros Hb Hofs.
    red in Hb.
    destruct Hofs.
    pattern ofs1 at 2.
    replace ofs1 with (ofs1 + 0)%Z by omega.
    constructor; eauto.

  Lemma match_block_sameofs_ptrbits p b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2:
    match_block_sameofs R p b1 b2
    ofs1 = ofs2
    match_ptrbits R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2).
    intros Hb Hofs.
    red in Hb.
    destruct Hofs.
    pattern ofs1 at 2.
    replace ofs1 with (Ptrofs.add ofs1 (Ptrofs.repr 0%Z)).
    - constructor; eauto.
    - change (Ptrofs.repr 0) with
      apply Ptrofs.add_zero.

  Lemma match_block_sameofs_ptrrange p b1 lo1 hi1 b2 lo2 hi2:
    match_block_sameofs R p b1 b2
    lo1 = lo2
    hi1 = hi2
    match_ptrrange R p (b1, lo1, hi1) (b2, lo2, hi2).
    intros Hb Hlo Hhi.
    red in Hb.
    eapply match_ptr_ptrrange; eauto.
    eapply match_block_sameofs_ptr; eauto.

  Global Instance match_block_sameofs_block p:
    Related (match_block_sameofs R p) (match_block R p) subrel.

Global blocks

  Lemma match_global_ptr p b ofs:
    block_is_global b
    Monotonic (b, ofs) (match_ptr R p).
    intros Hb.
    eapply match_block_sameofs_ptr; eauto.
    eapply match_global_block_sameofs; eauto.

  Lemma match_global_ptrbits p b ofs:
    block_is_global b
    Monotonic (b, ofs) (match_ptrbits R p).
    intros Hb.
    eapply match_block_sameofs_ptrbits; eauto.
    eapply match_global_block_sameofs; eauto.

  Lemma match_global_ptrrange p b lo hi:
    block_is_global b
    Monotonic (b, lo, hi) (match_ptrrange R p).
    intros Hb.
    eapply match_block_sameofs_ptrrange; eauto.
    eapply match_global_block_sameofs; eauto.

  Lemma match_global_block p b:
    block_is_global b
    Monotonic b (match_block R p).
    intros Hb.
    eapply match_block_sameofs_block.
    eapply match_global_block_sameofs; eauto.


  Lemma match_val_weaken_to_undef p v1 v2:
    simrel_undef_matches_values R
    match_val R p v1 v2
    match_val R p Vundef v2.
    intros HRundef Hv.
    destruct Hv; try rauto.
    eapply simrel_undef_matches_values_also_block; eauto.

Properties of derived memory operations

  Global Instance simrel_loadv p:
      (- ==> match_mem R p ++> match_val R p ++> option_le (match_val R p)).
    repeat red.
    intros a x y H x0 y0 H0.
    inversion H0; subst; simpl; try now constructor.
    destruct (Mem.load a x _ (Ptrofs.unsigned _)) eqn:LOAD; try now constructor.
    rewrite <- LOAD.
    repeat rstep.
    eapply match_ptrbits_ptr; eauto.
    eapply Mem.load_valid_access; eauto.
    generalize (size_chunk_pos a); omega.

  Global Instance simrel_loadv_params:
    Params (@Mem.loadv) 3.

  Global Instance simrel_storev p:
      (- ==> match_mem R p ++> match_val R p ++> match_val R p ++>
       option_le (incr p (match_mem R p))).
    intros a x y H x0 y0 H0 x1 y1 H1.
    destruct (Mem.storev a x _ _) eqn:STORE; [ | solve_monotonic ].
    rewrite <- STORE.
    inversion H0; subst; simpl; try rauto.
    simpl in × |- ×.
    repeat rstep.
    eapply match_ptrbits_ptr; eauto.
    eapply Mem.store_valid_access_3; eauto.
    generalize (size_chunk_pos a); omega.

  Global Instance simrel_storev_params:
    Params (@Mem.storev) 4.

XXX: Use a separate SimGlobalenvs.v ?
  Global Instance genv_find_symbol_match {F V Rf} p:
      (Globalenvs.Genv.find_symbol (F:=F) (V:=V))
      (genv_le Rf ++> - ==> option_rel (match_block_sameofs R p)).
    intros ge1 ge2 Hge i.
    rewrite !stencil_matches_symbols by eauto.
    destruct (find_symbol i) eqn:Hi.
    - constructor.
      eapply match_global_block_sameofs.
      eapply find_symbol_block_is_global.
    - constructor.

  Global Instance genv_find_symbol_match_params:
    Params (@Globalenvs.Genv.find_symbol) 2.

Maybe it's possible to prove simrel_storebytes from simrel_store as well. But if it is, it's tricky.

  Global Instance simrel_free_list p:
      (match_mem R p ++> list_rel (match_ptrrange R p) ++>
       option_le (incr p (match_mem R p))).
    intros m1 m2 Hm l1 l2 Hl.
    revert p l2 Hl m1 m2 Hm.
    induction l1; inversion 1; subst; simpl; intros.
    - rauto.
    - rstep; rstep.
      rstep; rstep.
      + rauto.
      + split_hyp H4.         Existing Instance rel_incr_subrel.
        exploit IHl1; [ | rauto | ]; try rauto.

  Global Instance simrel_free_list_params:
    Params (@Mem.free_list) 2.

  Global Instance mem_valid_pointer_match p:
      (match_mem R p ++> rel_curry (match_ptr R p ++> Bool.leb)).
    intros m1 m2 Hm [b1 ofs1] [b2 ofs2] Hp.
    destruct (Mem.valid_pointer m1 b1 ofs1) eqn:Hp1; simpl; eauto.
    revert Hp1.
    rewrite !Mem.valid_pointer_nonempty_perm.

  Global Instance mem_valid_pointer_match_params:
    Params (@Mem.valid_pointer) 3.

  Global Instance mem_weak_valid_pointer_match p:
      (match_mem R p ++> rel_curry (match_ptr R p ++> Bool.leb)).
    intros m1 m2 Hm [b1 ofs1] [b2 ofs2] Hp.
    unfold Mem.weak_valid_pointer.
    repeat rstep.
    apply match_ptr_shift.

  Global Instance mem_weak_valid_pointer_match_params:
    Params (@Mem.weak_valid_pointer) 3.

Strengthened properties for memory operations

  Definition ptrrange_perm `{Mem.MemoryModelOps} m k p: relation _ :=
    lsat (fun rmatch r with (b, lo, hi)Mem.range_perm m b lo hi k p end).

  Global Instance simrel_free_perm p:
      (forallr m1 m2 : match_mem R p,
         % % rel_impl (ptrrange_perm m1 Cur Freeable) (match_ptrrange R p) ==>
         option_le (incr p (match_mem R p))).
    repeat rstep.
    destruct x as [[b1 lo1] hi1], y as [[b2 lo2] hi2]; simpl.
    destruct ( v1 b1 lo1 hi1) eqn:Hfree; repeat rstep.
    assert (ptrrange_perm v1 Cur Freeable (b1, lo1, hi1) (b2, lo2, hi2)).
      eapply Mem.free_range_perm.
    rewrite <- Hfree.

When pointers are extracted from Compcert values, they use machine integers and we know related values contain pointers that are related by match_ptrbits. Often we then convert this machine pointer with offset ofs into an mathematical pointer with offset Ptrofs.unsigned ofs. This is made explicit for our block-offset pair pointers using the following function.

  Definition ptrofbits (p: block × ptrofs) :=
    let '(b, ofs) := p in (b, Ptrofs.unsigned ofs).

Unfortunately we can't establish that the results of this process are related by match_ptr without proving the side conditions of match_ptrbits_ptr. However if the side-conditions can't be proved directly from the context, we can use the relation match_ptrbits !! ptrofbits to remember that they were constructed in this way instead.
For many memory operations this is enough, because the success of whichever memory operation we will use the pointer with will be sufficient to prove the side-conditions for match_ptrbits_ptr.

  Require Import BoolRel.

  Global Instance match_ptrofbits_rintro p b1 ofs1 b2 ofs2:
      (match_ptrbits R p (b1, ofs1) (b2, ofs2))
      ((match_ptrbits R p) !! ptrofbits)
      (b1, Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1)
      (b2, Ptrofs.unsigned ofs2).
    intros H.
    change (b1, Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1) with (ptrofbits (b1, ofs1)).
    change (b2, Ptrofs.unsigned ofs2) with (ptrofbits (b2, ofs2)).
    constructor; eauto.

  Global Instance valid_pointer_match p:
      (match_mem R p ++> % (match_ptrbits R p) !! ptrofbits ++>
       flex_leb (simrel_undef_matches_values R)).
    intros m1 m2 Hm _ _ [[b1 ofs1] [b2 ofs2] H].
    destruct (Mem.valid_pointer m1 _ _) eqn:H1.
    - assert (match_ptr R p (b1, Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1) (b2, Ptrofs.unsigned ofs2)).
        eapply match_ptrbits_ptr; repeat rstep.
        eapply Mem.valid_pointer_nonempty_perm; eauto.
      transport H1.
      rewrite H1.
    - destruct (Mem.valid_pointer m2 _ _) eqn:H2; repeat rstep.
      eapply simrel_undef_matches_block_also_values.
      eapply simrel_undef_matches_block_invalid; eauto.

  Global Instance weak_valid_pointer_match p:
      (match_mem R p ++> % (match_ptrbits R p) !! ptrofbits ++>
       flex_leb (simrel_undef_matches_values R)).
    intros m1 m2 Hm _ _ [[b1 ofs1] [b2 ofs2] Hptr].
    change ((flex_leb (simrel_undef_matches_values R))
              (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m1 b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1))
              (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m2 b2 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs2))).
    destruct (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m1 _ _) eqn:Hwvp1.
    - erewrite (simrel_weak_valid_pointer_inject_val p); eauto.
    - destruct (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m2 _ _) eqn:Hwbp2.
      + constructor.
        eapply simrel_undef_matches_block_also_values.
        eapply simrel_undef_matches_block_invalid_weak; eauto.
      + constructor.

  Global Instance valid_pointer_weaken_match p:
      (match_mem R p ++> % (match_ptrbits R p) !! ptrofbits ++> leb).
    intros m1 m2 Hm _ _ [[b1 ofs1] [b2 ofs2] H].
    transitivity (Mem.weak_valid_pointer m1 b1 (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs1)).
    - unfold Mem.weak_valid_pointer.
      apply left_upper_bound.
    - rauto.

We make the memory models involved with a given simulation relation kit explicit.

Global Arguments simrel_components {_} D1 D2.
Global Arguments simrel {_} D1 D2.

We need to make sure those are out of the section so that no arguments are generalized at section exit.

Global Instance: Params (@simrel_undef_matches_block) 2.
Global Instance: Params (@simrel_meminj) 2.
Global Instance: Params (@match_mem) 3.
Global Instance: Params (@match_ptr) 3.
Global Instance: Params (@match_ptrbits) 3.
Global Instance: Params (@match_ptrrange) 3.
Global Instance: Params (@match_block) 3.
Global Instance: Params (@match_block_sameofs) 3.
Global Instance: Params (@match_val) 3.
Global Instance: Params (@match_memval) 3.

Make sure we can use the relationship between simrel_undef_matches_values and simrel_undef_matches_block during typeclass instance resolution.

Hint Extern 2 (simrel_undef_matches_block ?R ?p ?b2) ⇒
  eapply simrel_undef_matches_values_also_block; eassumption
  : typeclass_instances.

Hint Extern 1 (simrel_undef_matches_values ?R) ⇒
  eapply simrel_undef_matches_block_also_values; eassumption
  : typeclass_instances.

Re-register the simrel_option_le notation outside of the section.

Global Notation simrel_option_le R :=
  (flex_option_le (simrel_undef_matches_values R)).

Global Notation simrel_leb R :=
  (flex_leb (simrel_undef_matches_values R)).


Here we define some tactics which may be useful when building up on our simulation relation tookits.

Ltac inverse_hyps :=
    lazymatch goal with
      | H: list_rel ?R (?x :: ?xs) ?yl |- _
        inversion H; clear H; subst
      | H: list_rel ?R nil ?yl |- _
        inversion H; clear H; subst
      | H: match_val ?R ?p (Vint _) ?y |- _
        inversion H; clear H; subst
      | H: match_val ?R ?p (Vlong _) ?y |- _
        inversion H; clear H; subst
      | H: match_val ?R ?p (Vfloat _) ?y |- _
        inversion H; clear H; subst
      | H: match_val ?R ?p (Vsingle _) ?y |- _
        inversion H; clear H; subst
      | H: match_val ?R ?p (Vptr _ _) ?y |- _
        inversion H; clear H; subst

Another common need is to solve a goal which consists in set_rel used in conjunction with an inductive type. The deconstruct tactic destructs a hypothesis H, and for each generated subgoal passes the corresponding constructor to the continuation k.

Ltac head m :=
  lazymatch m with
    | ?x _head x
    | ?xconstr:(x)

Ltac deconstruct H k :=
  let HH := fresh in
  destruct H eqn:HH;
  lazymatch type of HH with
    | _ = ?cc
      let c := head cc in
      clear HH; k c

We can use that to build a systematic way to solve goals which related two elements of an inductive type with set_rel. Namely, destruct the hypothesis which states the left-hand side is in the set, then for each branch transport all of the premises and apply the same constructor again.

Ltac solve_set_rel :=
  lazymatch goal with
    | |- set_rel _ _ _
      let H := fresh in
      let reconstruct c :=
        idtac "Using constructor" c;
        clear H;
        try (eexists; split; [eapply c; eauto | repeat rstep]) in
      intros ? H;
      deconstruct H reconstruct
    | |- impl _ _
      let H := fresh in
      let reconstruct c :=
        idtac "Using constructor" c;
        clear H;
        try (eapply c; eauto) in
      intros H;
      deconstruct H reconstruct
    | |- _
      intro; solve_set_rel

This can be useful when rel_curry is involved
Ltac eexpair :=
  lazymatch goal with
    | |- @ex (prod ?T1 ?T2) _
      let xv := fresh in evar (xv: T1);
      let x := eval red in xv in clear xv;
      let yv := fresh in evar (yv: T2);
      let y := eval red in yv in clear yv;
       (x, y); simpl