Library liblayers.simrel.SimrelFunctor

Require Export SimrelCategory.

Simrel functors

  Context `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}.

Relations without worlds

By "simrel functor", we mean sim D1 D2 R relations indexed by simrels, usually between types T D indexed by layerdata, so that T and sim are the object and morphism components of a functor from the category of layerdata and simrels into the category of Types and relations.


  Definition simrel_rel (T: layerdata Type) :=
     D1 D2 (R: simrel D1 D2), rel (T D1) (T D2).

  Class SimrelFunctor {T} (RR: simrel_rel T) :=
      simrel_functor_equiv :>
        Monotonic RR (forallr -, forallr -, simrel_equiv ==> subrel);
      simrel_functor_id D:
        RR D D simrel_id = eq;
      simrel_functor_compose D1 D2 D3 R12 R23:
        RR D1 D3 (simrel_compose R12 R23) =
        rel_compose (RR D1 D2 R12) (RR D2 D3 R23);

NB: Note that in order for simrel_functor_equiv to be used for monotonicity queries, the user needs to define an instance of Params _ 5 for their relation.


    Context `{HRR: SimrelFunctor}.

    Global Instance simrel_functor_id_refl D:
      Reflexive (RR D D simrel_id).
      rewrite simrel_functor_id.
      typeclasses eauto.

    Global Instance simrel_functor_id_corefl D:
      Coreflexive (RR D D simrel_id).
      rewrite simrel_functor_id.
      typeclasses eauto.

    Global Instance simrel_functor_compose_htrans D1 D2 D3 R12 R23:
        (RR D1 D2 R12)
        (RR D2 D3 R23)
        (RR D1 D3 (simrel_compose R12 R23)).
      rewrite simrel_functor_compose.
      typeclasses eauto.

    Global Instance simrel_functor_compose_rtrans D1 D2 D3 R12 R23:
        (RR D1 D2 R12)
        (RR D2 D3 R23)
        (RR D1 D3 (simrel_compose R12 R23)).
      rewrite simrel_functor_compose.
      typeclasses eauto.

Relations indexed by simrel_worlds

A slightly more complicated version of this involves relations match D1 D2 R w which are also indexed by a w : simrel_world R. In this case the target category is technically the category of Types and world-indexed rels.
Note that unfortunately, because the basic match_val, match_mem and so on are defined in terms of simrel_components rather than simrel, they cannot be declared as SimrelFunctorW.


  Definition simrel_wrel (T: layerdata Type) :=
     D1 D2 (R: simrel D1 D2), simrel_world R rel (T D1) (T D2).

  Definition simrel_world_equiv {D1 D2} {R1 R2: simrel D1 D2} f: rel _ _ :=
    fun w1 w2simrel_equiv_fw (R1:=R1) (R2:=R2) f w1 = w2.

  Class SimrelFunctorW {T} (RR: simrel_wrel T) :=
      simrel_functor_wequiv D1 D2 (RA RB: simrel D1 D2) f:
        SimulationRelationEquivalence RA RB f
        Related (RR D1 D2 RA) (RR D1 D2 RB) (simrel_world_equiv f ++> subrel);
      simrel_functor_wid_def D:
        RR D D simrel_id tt = eq;
      simrel_functor_wcompose_def D1 D2 D3 R12 R23 w12 w23:
        RR D1 D3 (simrel_compose R12 R23) (w12, w23) =
        rel_compose (RR D1 D2 R12 w12) (RR D2 D3 R23 w23);

Note that except for match_mem, most are covariant in the world index: a larger world yields a larger relation. So in addition to SimrelFunctorW you may want to define an instance match_foo_acc: Monotonic (RR D1 D2 R) ((≤) ++> subrel).


    Context `{HRR: SimrelFunctorW}.

These more broadly applicable versions of the functor equations use a variable for the world on the left-hand side.

    Lemma simrel_functor_wid D w:
      RR D D simrel_id w = eq.
      destruct w.
      apply simrel_functor_wid_def.

    Lemma simrel_functor_wcompose D1 D2 D3 R12 R23 w:
      RR D1 D3 (simrel_compose R12 R23) w =
      rel_compose (RR D1 D2 R12 (fst w)) (RR D2 D3 R23 (snd w)).
      destruct w.
      apply simrel_functor_wcompose_def.

Relation property instances.

    Global Instance simrel_functor_wid_refl D w:
      Reflexive (RR D D simrel_id w).
      rewrite simrel_functor_wid.
      typeclasses eauto.

    Global Instance simrel_functor_wid_corefl D w:
      Coreflexive (RR D D simrel_id w).
      rewrite simrel_functor_wid.
      typeclasses eauto.

    Global Instance simrel_functor_wcompose_htrans D1 D2 D3 R12 R23 w:
        (RR D1 D2 R12 (fst w))
        (RR D2 D3 R23 (snd w))
        (RR D1 D3 (simrel_compose R12 R23) w).
      rewrite simrel_functor_wcompose.
      typeclasses eauto.

    Global Instance simrel_functor_wcompose_rtrans D1 D2 D3 R12 R23 w:
        (RR D1 D2 R12 (fst w))
        (RR D2 D3 R23 (snd w))
        (RR D1 D3 (simrel_compose R12 R23) w).
      rewrite simrel_functor_wcompose.
      typeclasses eauto.