Library liblayers.logic.Language

Language definitions

The type classes in the file can be used to define a language and instantiate the layer framework correspondingly.
A language is characterized by the types it uses for identifiers, function definitions and variable definitions. We also need to define the domain that will be used to interpret the semantics of primitives, and the corresponding notion of simulations.
Once these basic ingredients are provided, we need to provide instances of corresponding structures for modules and layers. If we use positive for identifiers, as Compcert does, this can be done automatically by PTreeModules and PTreeLayers.
The last step is to define the semantics of modules, by giving an interpretation in D, layer D layer D: the semantics tells us, if we use a module M in a context which implements layer L, that it will implement the specifications in the layer M L.

Require Export liblayers.logic.Modules.
Require Export liblayers.logic.Layers.
Require Export liblayers.logic.Semantics.

Layer logic

The interface for the layer logic is given below. It is instantiated by the LayerLogicImpl Coq module, which interprets the module typing judgement L1 (R, M) : L2 in terms of the language's semantics as sim R L2 (〚M L1).

Class LayerLogicOps {layerdata simrel} ident F primsem V module layer
    `{sem_ops: SemanticsOps layerdata ident F primsem V module layer} :=
    ll_vdash {D1 D2} :> Vdash2 (layer D1) (simrel D2 D1) module (layer D2)

Class LayerLogic {layerdata simrel} ident F primsem V module layer
    `{ll_ops: LayerLogicOps layerdata simrel ident F primsem V module layer}
    `{rg_ops: !CategoryOps layerdata simrel}
    `{primsem_sim: !Sim simrel primsem}
    `{layer_sim: !Sim simrel layer} :=
    empty_rule D (L: layer D):
      L (id, ) : L;
    var_rule D (L: layer D) i τ:
      L (id, i τ) : i τ;
    vcomp_rule D1 D2 D3 (R: simrel D2 D1) (S: simrel D3 D2) L1 L2 L3 M N:
      layer_wf L1
      L1 (R, M) : L2
      L2 (S, N) : L3
      L1 (R S, M N) : L3;
    hcomp_rule D D' (R: simrel D' D) L M1 M2 (L1 L2: layer D'):
      layer_wf L
      L (R, M1) : L1
      L (R, M2) : L2
      L (R, M1 M2) : L1 L2;
    conseq_rule {D1 D2 D3 D4} R21 R32 R43 L1 L2 L3 L4 M:
      layer_wf L1
      simRR D2 D1 R21 L2 L1
      simRR D4 D3 R43 L4 L3
      L2 (R32, M) : L3
      L1 (R21 R32 R43, M) : L4;
    vdash_module_le D1 D2 (R: simrel D2 D1) L1 L2 M N:
      layer_wf L1
      M N
      L1 (R, M) : L2
      L1 (R, N) : L2;
    vdash_rel_equiv D1 D2 (R S: simrel D2 D1) L1 L2 M:
      R S
      L1 (R, M) : L2
      L1 (S, M) : L2

Derived rules

  Context `{Hll: LayerLogic}.
  Context `{Hld: !Category layerdata simrel}.
  Context `{Hmodule: !Modules ident F V module}.
  Context `{Hlayer: !Layers ident primsem V layer}.
  Context `{fsem_ops: !FunctionSemanticsOps ident F primsem V module layer}.
  Context `{Hsem: !Semantics ident F primsem V module layer}.

The following specialized versions of the consequence rule are easier to apply depending on situation, since you don't have to rewrite the relation involved to account for identities.

  Lemma conseq_le_sim {D1 D2} (R: simrel D2 D1) M L1 L2 L3 L4:
    layer_wf L1
    L2 (id, M) : L3
    L2 L1
    sim R L4 L3
    L1 (R, M) : L4.
    intros HL1 HM HL21 HL43.
    eapply (vdash_rel_equiv _ _ (id id R)).
    - rewrite cat_compose_id_left.
      rewrite cat_compose_id_left.
    - eapply conseq_rule; eassumption.

  Lemma conseq_sim_le {D1 D2} (R: simrel D2 D1) M L1 L2 L3 L4:
    layer_wf L1
    L2 (id, M) : L3
    sim R L2 L1
    L4 L3
    L1 (R, M) : L4.
    intros HL1 HM HL21 HL43.
    eapply (vdash_rel_equiv _ _ (R id id)).
    - rewrite cat_compose_id_right.
      rewrite cat_compose_id_right.
    - eapply conseq_rule; eassumption.

  Lemma conseq_le_le {D1 D2} (R: simrel D2 D1) M L1 L2 L3 L4:
    layer_wf L1
    L2 (R, M) : L3
    L2 L1
    L4 L3
    L1 (R, M) : L4.
    intros HL1 HM HL21 HL43.
    eapply (vdash_rel_equiv _ _ (id R id)).
    - rewrite cat_compose_id_right.
      rewrite cat_compose_id_left.
    - eapply conseq_rule; eassumption.

  Lemma conseq_le_left {D1 D2} (R: simrel D1 D2) M L1 L1' L2:
    layer_wf L1'
    L1 (R, M) : L2
    L1 L1'
    L1' (R, M) : L2.
    intros HL1' HM HL1.
    eapply conseq_le_le; eauto.

  Lemma conseq_le_right {D1 D2} (R: simrel D1 D2) M L1 L2 L2':
    layer_wf L1
    L1 (R, M) : L2
    L2' L2
    L1 (R, M) : L2'.
    intros HL1 HM HL2.
    eapply conseq_le_le; eauto.

The frame rule can be proved from horizontal composition and some consequence rules.
Not sure how to fit layers_disjoint in though < Lemma frame_rule D D' (R: simrel D' D) L1 L2 M1 M2 L1' L2': L1 ⊢ (R, M1) : L1' -> L2 ⊢ (R, M2) : L2' -> L1 ⊕ L2 ⊢ (R, M1 ⊕ M2) : L1' ⊕ L2'. Proof. intros H1 H2. apply hcomp_rule. * eapply conseq_le_left; try eassumption. apply left_upper_bound. * eapply conseq_le_left; try eassumption. apply right_upper_bound. Qed. >