Library liblayers.logic.Semantics

Require Import liblayers.lib.Decision.
Require Export liblayers.logic.Modules.
Require Export liblayers.logic.Layers.
Require Import liblayers.logic.GlobalVars.

Context {layerdata simrel} `{Hld: Category layerdata simrel}.

Semantics of modules

Class SemanticsOps ident F primsem V module layer
    {gvar_ops: GlobalVarsOps V}
    `{module_ops: !ModuleOps ident F V module}
    `{primsem_prim_ops: !PrimitiveOps (V:=layerdata) primsem}
    `{layer_ops: !LayerOps ident primsem V layer} :=
    lang_semof :> Semof module layer layer

Semantics of individual function definitions

This is used as a general interface between implementations of types of layers and the semantics of languages.

Class FunctionSemanticsOps ident F primsem V module layer
    {gvar_ops: GlobalVarsOps V}
    `{module_ops: !ModuleOps ident F V module}
    `{primsem_sim: !Sim simrel primsem}
    `{primsem_prim_ops: !PrimitiveOps primsem}
    `{layerqs_sim: !Sim simrel layer}
    `{layer_ops: !LayerOps ident primsem V layer} :=
    semof_fundef D (ML: module × layer D) :> ident F res (primsem D)


In order to express a monotonicity property that can capture the requirement of vertical composition, we introduce the relation module_layer_sim, which allows the primitives in L1 to be implemented in M2 when they are not refined in L2.
For make_program to be monotonic under this relation, we also need the following condition to hold (so that a function in M2 cannot both already be present in M1 and implement a primitive in L1, which would cause an Error on the left-hand side, but not on the right-hand side).

Record modules_layers_ok `{SemanticsOps} {D1 D2} M1 M2 L1 L2 :=
   i κ1 κ2 σ1,
    get_module_function i M1 = OK (Some κ1)
    get_module_function i M2 = OK (Some κ2)
    get_layer_primitive (D:=D1) i L1 = OK (Some σ1)
    get_layer_primitive (D:=D2) i L2 OK None;
   i v1 v2 v1',
    get_module_variable i M1 = OK (Some v1)
    get_module_variable i M2 = OK (Some v2)
    get_layer_globalvar (D:=D1) i L1 = OK (Some v1')
    v1 v1'
    get_layer_globalvar (D:=D2) i L2 OK None

Inductive module_layer_sim `{SemanticsOps} `{!Sim simrel layer} D1 D2 R:
  rel (module × layer D1)%type (module × layer D2)%type :=
    module_layer_sim_intro M1 M2 L1 L2:
      M1 M2
      simRR D1 D2 R L1 (M2 L2)
      layer_wf L2
      modules_layers_ok M1 M2 L1 L2
      module_layer_sim D1 D2 R (M1, L1) (M2, L2).

Now we can specify both semof_fundef and semof in terms of this relation.

Class FunctionSemantics ident F primsem V module layer
    `{semof_fundef_ops: FunctionSemanticsOps ident F primsem V module layer}
    `{semof_ops: SemanticsOps ident F primsem V module layer}: Prop :=
    semof_fundef_sim :>
        (forallr R, module_layer_sim _ _ R ++> - ==> - ==> res_le (sim R))

Global Instance semof_fundef_sim_params_:
  Params (@semof_fundef) 4.

Definition semof_function `{fsem_ops: FunctionSemanticsOps} :=
  fun D (ML: module × layer D) (i: ident) (d: res (option F)) ⇒
     <- d;
    match with
      | NoneOK None
      | Some κ
        σ <- semof_fundef (FunctionSemanticsOps := fsem_ops) D ML i κ;
        OK (Some σ)

Class Semantics ident F primsem V module layer
    `{fsem_ops: FunctionSemanticsOps ident F primsem V module layer}
    `{lsem_ops: !SemanticsOps ident F primsem V module layer} :=
    semof_monotonic :>
      Monotonic semof (forallr R, module_layer_sim _ _ R ++> sim R);
    get_semof_globalvar {D} (i: ident) (M: module) (L: layer D):
      get_layer_globalvar i (M L) =
      get_module_variable i M
      get_layer_globalvar i L;
    get_semof_primitive {D} (i: ident) (M: module) (L: layer D):
      get_layer_primitive i (M L) =
      semof_function D (M, L) i (get_module_function i M)
      get_layer_primitive i L;
    semof_variable {D} (i: ident) (τ: V) (L: layer D):
      i τ i τ L;
    semof_incr D (M: module) (L: layer D):
      sim id L (M L);
    semof_empty D (L: layer D):
      sim id ( L) L;
    lang_semof_wf {D} (M: module) (L: layer D):
      layer_wf L
      layer_wf (M L)

Global Instance semof_monotonic_params_:
  Params (@semof) 2.


  Context `{Hsem: Semantics} `{Hmod: !Modules _ _ _ _} `{Hlay: !Layers _ _ _ _}.

  Global Instance layer_sim_module_layer_sim D1 D2 R:
      ((≤) × (sim R rsat layer_wf))%rel
      (module_layer_sim D1 D2 R)
    intros [M1 L1] [M2 L2] (HM & HL ); simpl in ×.
    constructor; eauto.
    - htransitivity L2; try rauto.
      eapply semof_incr.
    - change (rsat layer_wf L1 L2); rauto.
    - split.
      intros i κ1 κ2 σ1 HM1i HM2i HL1i.
        (H: res_le (option_le (sim R))
          (get_layer_primitive i L1)
          (get_layer_primitive i L2))
        by solve_monotonic.
      destruct H as [_ _ [|]|]; try discriminate; eauto.
      intros i v1 v2 v1' HM1i HM2i HL1i.
        (H: res_le (option_le eq)
          (get_layer_globalvar i L1)
          (get_layer_globalvar i L2))
        by solve_monotonic.
      destruct H as [_ _ [|]|]; try discriminate; eauto.

Propeties of semof_fundef

Flip the order of the subgoals for bind
  Local Instance bind_res_le {A1 B1 A2 B2} (RA:rel A1 A2) (RB:rel B1 B2) f g x y:
      (res_le RA x y (RA ++> res_le RB)%rel f g)
      (res_le RB (bind f x) (bind g y)).
    intros [Hxy Hfg].

  Lemma semof_function_sim
      `{semof_fundef_ops: !FunctionSemanticsOps _ _ _ _ _ _}
      `{Hsemof_fundef: !FunctionSemantics _ _ _ _ _ _}:
      (forallr R, module_layer_sim _ _ R ++> - ==> res_le (option_le eq) ++>
            res_le (option_le (sim R))).
    unfold semof_function.

Properties of semof

  Lemma lang_semof_hcomp {D} (M N: module) (L: layer D):
    layer_wf L
    sim id (M L N L) (M N L).
    apply hlub_intro.
    - repeat rstep.
      apply left_upper_bound.
      split; try rauto; assumption.
    - repeat rstep.
      apply right_upper_bound.
      split; try rauto; assumption.

  Lemma lang_semof_vcomp {D} (M N: module) (L: layer D):
    layer_wf L
    sim id (M (〚N L)) (M N L).
    intros HL.
    constructor; eauto.
    - apply left_upper_bound.
    - monotonicity.
      constructor; eauto.
      + apply right_upper_bound.
      + apply semof_incr.
      + split;
        repeat intro;
    - split.
      intros i κ1 κ2 σ1.
      rewrite get_semof_primitive.
      intros Hκ1 Hκ2 Hσ1.
      destruct (get_layer_primitive i L) as [[|]|]; try discriminate.
      destruct (get_module_function i N) as [[|]|]; try discriminate.
      destruct (get_module_function i M) as [[|]|]; try discriminate.
      intros i v1 v2 v1'.
      rewrite get_semof_globalvar.
      intros Hv1 Hv2 Hv1'.
      intro Hdiff.
      destruct (get_layer_globalvar i L) as [[|]|]; try discriminate.
      revert Hv1'. autorewrite with res_option_globalvar.
      intro ABSURD.
      rewrite ABSURD in Hv2. rewrite Hv1 in Hv2.
      rewrite res_option_globalvar_oplus_diff in Hv2; congruence.

Disjointness of modules and layers

Due to ⊕ being idempotent on global variables, we have to replace this property with noconflict, modified accordingly.

  Inductive noconflict {A B C}:
    res(option A) res(option B) res(option C) res(option B) Prop :=
  | noconflict_n: noconflict (OK None) (OK None) (OK None) (OK None)
  | noconflict_a a: noconflict (OK (Some a)) (OK None) (OK None) (OK None)
  | noconflict_b b: noconflict (OK None) (OK (Some b)) (OK None) (OK None)
  | noconflict_c c: noconflict (OK None) (OK None) (OK (Some c)) (OK None)
  | noconflict_d d: noconflict (OK None) (OK None) (OK None) (OK (Some d))
The following case is due to idempotent ⊕ on global variables.
  | noconflict_eq b: noconflict (OK None) (OK (Some b)) (OK None) (OK (Some b)).

  Definition isError' {U} (a: res U) :=
    match a with
      | OK _False
      | Error _True

  Lemma isError_equiv {U}:
    isError' = isError (A := U).
    apply FunctionalExtensionality.functional_extensionality.
    intro u.
    apply ExtensionalityAxioms.prop_ext.
    unfold isError, isError'.
    destruct u.
    + split; try tauto. destruct 1; congruence.
    + split; try tauto. eauto.

  Lemma noconflict_equiv {I A B C} {a : I res (option A)} {b1 b2: I res (option B)} {c: I res (option C)}:
    (( i, (¬ isOKNone (a i)) (¬ isError (a i)) isOKNone (b1 i) isOKNone (c i) isOKNone (b2 i))
    ( i, (¬ isOKNone (b1 i)) (¬ isError (b1 i)) isOKNone (a i) isOKNone (c i) (isOKNone (b2 i) b2 i = b1 i))
    ( i, (¬ isOKNone (c i)) (¬ isError (c i)) isOKNone (a i) isOKNone (b1 i) isOKNone (b2 i))
    ( i, (¬ isOKNone (b2 i)) (¬ isError (b2 i)) isOKNone (a i) isOKNone (c i) (isOKNone (b1 i) b1 i = b2 i)))
    ( i, noconflict (a i) (b1 i) (c i) (b2 i)).
    repeat rewrite <- isError_equiv.
    + intro NOCONF.
      split; [ | split; [ | split ] ];
      intro i;
      specialize (NOCONF i);
      inversion NOCONF; subst; simpl; unfold isOKNone, isError';
      intuition congruence.
    + intros (HA & HB1 & HC & HB2) i.
      specialize (HA i). specialize (HB1 i). specialize (HC i). specialize (HB2 i).
      unfold isOKNone, isError' in HA, HB1, HC, HB2.
      destruct (a i) as [ [ | ] | ] ;
        [ | | (exfalso; intuition congruence) ].
        destruct HA as (_ & Hb1 & Hc & Hb2);
        [ congruence | ] ;
        rewrite Hb1; rewrite Hc; rewrite Hb2;
      clear HA.
      destruct (c i) as [ [ | ] | ] ;
        [ | | (exfalso; intuition congruence) ].
        destruct HC as (_ & _ & Hb1 & Hb2);
        [ congruence | ] ;
        rewrite Hb1; rewrite Hb2;
      clear HC.
      destruct (b1 i) as [ [ | ] | ] ;
        [ | | (exfalso; intuition congruence) ] .
        destruct HB1 as (_ & _ & _ & Hb2);
        [ congruence | ] ;
        destruct Hb2 as [Hb2 | Hb2];
        rewrite Hb2;
      clear HB1.
      destruct (b2 i) as [ [ | ] | ] ;
        [ | | (exfalso; intuition congruence) ] ;

  Definition module_layer_disjoint {D} M (L: layer D) :=
        (get_module_function i M)
        (get_module_variable i M)
        (get_layer_primitive i L)
        (get_layer_globalvar i L).

  Global Instance module_layer_disjoint_dec {D} M (L: layer D):
    Decision (module_layer_disjoint M L).
    unfold module_layer_disjoint.
    apply (decide_rewrite _ _ noconflict_equiv).
    typeclasses eauto.

Global Instance semof_fundef_sim_params:
  Params (@semof_fundef) 4.

Global Instance semof_monotonic_params:
  Params (@semof) 2.