Library tutorial.queue.QueueData



Definitions and properties of queue and node data.

Compcert helper lib
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Compcert types and semantics
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
CertiKOS layer library
Require Import Structures.
Require Import AbstractData.
Require Import AbstractionRelation.
Require Import SimulationRelation.
Require Import CPrimitives.
Require Import MemWithData.
Require Import Decision.

Require Import TutoLib.

This file contains the definitions of the abstract data for the queue layers as well as some auxiliary lemmas. The queue is represented at the low level by a doubly-linked list where indices into a fixed-size array are used instead of pointers. This is then abstracted in the top layer to a Coq list. This example differs from the other two by having two layers at the same level (Node and QueueIntro), and then building on top of their composition. One consequence of this is that the both the abstract data as well as the match_data and relate_data relations must be the same for both layers. For this reason, these definitions are in this file instead of their usual places.

Open Scope Z_scope.

Definition MAX_NODES : Z := 1024.
Fact MAX_NODES_range : 0 < 12 × MAX_NODES Int.max_unsigned.
Proof. cbv. intuition. Qed.

Global Opaque MAX_NODES.

Node Representations

Section NODE_DATA.

Low Level Definition

The low level node represents a node in a typical C doubly-linked list
  Inductive node_low : Type :=
  | NodeUndef
  | Node (data: Z) (next: Z) (prev: Z).

  Definition node_pool := ZMap.t node_low.

Struct offsets
  Definition data_off := 0.
  Definition next_off := 4.
  Definition prev_off := 8.
  Definition node_sz := 12.

A node is valid if it only points to nodes in the appropriate range.
  Inductive node_valid : node_low Prop :=
  | NodeOk: d nxt prv,
      0 nxt MAX_NODES
      0 prv MAX_NODES
      node_valid (Node d nxt prv).

Sanity check.
  Remark node_undef_not_valid : ¬node_valid NodeUndef.
  Proof. red; intros; inv H. Qed.

Abstract Definition

The high level node just stores data and keeps track of whether it is currently in the queue.
  Inductive abs_node : Type :=
  | AbsNodeUndef
  | AbsNode (data: Z) (inQ: bool).

  Definition abs_node_pool := ZMap.t abs_node.

All non-undef nodes are valid here.
  Inductive abs_node_valid : abs_node Prop :=
  | AbsNodeOk: d inq,
      abs_node_valid (AbsNode d inq).

  Remark abs_node_undef_not_valid : ¬abs_node_valid AbsNodeUndef.
  Proof. red; intros; inv H. Qed.


Ltac unfold_node_fields :=
  unfold node_sz, data_off, next_off, prev_off in ×.

Queue Representations


Low Level Definition

The low level queue is also essentially a C-style doubly-linked list.
  Inductive queue_low : Type :=
  | QueueUndef
  | Queue (head: Z) (tail: Z).

Struct offsets.
  Definition head_off := 0.
  Definition tail_off := 4.
  Definition queue_sz := 8.

A queue is valid if its head and tail are in the appropriate range.
  Inductive queue_valid : queue_low Prop :=
  | QVOk: hd tl,
      0 hd MAX_NODES
      0 tl MAX_NODES
      queue_valid (Queue hd tl).

  Remark queue_undef_not_valid : ¬queue_valid QueueUndef.
  Proof. red; intros; inv H. Qed.

Abstract Definition

The high level queue is just a Coq list.
  Inductive abs_queue : Type :=
  | AbsQueueUndef
  | AbsQueue (q: list Z).

Here a queue is valid if all of its nodes are in the right range.
  Inductive abs_queue_valid : abs_queue Prop :=
  | AQVQOk: q,
      Forall (fun nd ⇒ 0 nd < MAX_NODES) q
      abs_queue_valid (AbsQueue q).

  Remark abs_queue_undef_not_valid : ¬abs_queue_valid AbsQueueUndef.
  Proof. red; intros; inv H. Qed.

The elements of a queue are unique if each appears exactly once.
  Inductive abs_queue_unique : abs_queue Prop :=
  | AQUOk: q,
      Forall (fun ndcount_occ zeq q nd = 1%nat) q
      abs_queue_unique (AbsQueue q).

The inQ flag of abs_node should actually mean the node is in the queue.
  Inductive In_Q_inQ : abs_queue Z abs_node_pool Prop :=
  | IQOk: q nd anpool dat inQ,
      ZMap.get nd anpool = AbsNode dat inQ
      (inQ = true In nd q)
      In_Q_inQ (AbsQueue q) nd anpool.


Ltac unfold_queue_fields :=
  unfold queue_sz, head_off, tail_off in ×.

Abstract Data

Section ABS_DATA.

  Context `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}.

The abstract data tracks both the low level and high level queue representations, but each layer will only place invariants on one of them.
  Record abs_data : Type := {
    init_flag: bool;
    npool: node_pool;
    queue: queue_low;
    anpool: abs_node_pool;
    aqueue: abs_queue

  Definition abs_data_init : abs_data :=
      init_flag := false;
      npool := ZMap.init NodeUndef;
      queue := QueueUndef;
      anpool := ZMap.init AbsNodeUndef;
      aqueue := AbsQueueUndef

  Instance boot_data_ops : AbstractDataOps unit :=
      init_data := tt;
      data_inv := fun _ True;
      data_inject := fun _ _ _ True

  Instance boot_data_data : AbstractData unit.
  Proof. repeat constructor. Qed.

  Definition boot_layerdata : layerdata :=
      ldata_type := unit;
      ldata_ops := boot_data_ops;
      ldata_prf := boot_data_data

  Definition boot_L : clayer boot_layerdata := .

The Intro layer represents the composition of the Node and QueueIntro layers.
  Record intro_inv (d: abs_data) : Prop := {
    npool_valid: node,
      let n := ZMap.get node (npool d) in
      0 node < MAX_NODES
      (n = NodeUndef node_valid n);
    preinit_q: init_flag d = false queue d = QueueUndef;
    q_valid: init_flag d = true queue_valid (queue d)

  Instance intro_data_ops : AbstractDataOps abs_data :=
      init_data := abs_data_init;
      data_inv := intro_inv;
      data_inject := fun _ _ _ True

  Instance intro_data_data : AbstractData abs_data.
    constructor; constructor; cbn; intros; try congruence.
    rewrite auto.

  Definition intro_layerdata : layerdata :=
      ldata_type := abs_data;
      ldata_ops := intro_data_ops;
      ldata_prf := intro_data_data

Some functions to allow us to fake a record update syntax.
  Definition update_init_flag new abs :=
      init_flag := new;
      npool := npool abs;
      queue := queue abs;
      anpool := anpool abs;
      aqueue := aqueue abs

  Definition update_npool new abs :=
      init_flag := init_flag abs;
      npool := new;
      queue := queue abs;
      anpool := anpool abs;
      aqueue := aqueue abs

  Definition update_queue new abs :=
      init_flag := init_flag abs;
      npool := npool abs;
      queue := new;
      anpool := anpool abs;
      aqueue := aqueue abs

  Definition update_anpool new abs :=
      init_flag := init_flag abs;
      npool := npool abs;
      queue := queue abs;
      anpool := new;
      aqueue := aqueue abs

  Definition update_aqueue new abs :=
      init_flag := init_flag abs;
      npool := npool abs;
      queue := queue abs;
      anpool := anpool abs;
      aqueue := new


Shorthand for updating one field of a record.
Notation "abs {init_flag : new }" := (update_init_flag new abs) (at level 1).
Notation "abs {npool : new }" := (update_npool new abs) (at level 1).
Notation "abs {queue : new }" := (update_queue new abs) (at level 1).
Notation "abs {anpool : new }" := (update_anpool new abs) (at level 1).
Notation "abs {aqueue : new }" := (update_aqueue new abs) (at level 1).

Node Properties


  Context `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}.

Just like in the container example, we write some general lemmas to allow us to rewrite the Ptrofs expressions into something simpler.
  Lemma node_fields_off_rewrite : foff i,
    0 Int.unsigned i < MAX_NODES
    0 foff < node_sz
          (Ptrofs.mul (Ptrofs.repr node_sz) (Ptrofs.of_intu i)))
        (Ptrofs.repr foff))) = node_sz × Int.unsigned i + foff.
    intros ? ? Hi_range Hoff_range.
    pose proof MAX_NODES_range as Hmn_range.
    pose proof int_ptrofs_max as Hint_ptr.
    rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l.
    unfold Ptrofs.add, Ptrofs.mul,, Ptrofs.of_intu, Ptrofs.of_int.
    repeat rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr; omega.

  Corollary node_fields_store_ok : foff m m' b i v,
    0 Int.unsigned i < MAX_NODES
    0 foff < node_sz Mint32 m b (node_sz × Int.unsigned i + foff) v = Some m' Mint32 m b
            (Ptrofs.mul (Ptrofs.repr node_sz) (Ptrofs.of_intu i)))
          (Ptrofs.repr foff))) v = Some m'.
  Proof. intros; rewrite node_fields_off_rewrite; auto. Qed.

  Corollary node_fields_load_ok : foff m b i v,
    0 Int.unsigned i < MAX_NODES
    0 foff < node_sz
    Mem.load Mint32 m b (node_sz × Int.unsigned i + foff) = Some v
    Mem.load Mint32 m b
            (Ptrofs.mul (Ptrofs.repr node_sz) (Ptrofs.of_intu i)))
          (Ptrofs.repr foff))) = Some v.
  Proof. intros; rewrite node_fields_off_rewrite; auto. Qed.

  Lemma node_fields_align : i off,
    (off = data_off off = next_off off = prev_off)
    (4 | node_sz × i + off).
    intros; unfold_node_fields.
    replace (12 × i) with (4 × (3 × i)) by omega.
    apply Z.divide_add_r; [apply Z.divide_factor_l |].
    destruct H as [? | [? | ? ]]; subst.
    - now 0.
    - now 1.
    - now 2.


Queue Properties

  Context `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}.

  Lemma queue_fields_off_rewrite : foff,
    0 foff < queue_sz
    (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.repr foff))) = foff.
    intros ? Hoff_range.
    pose proof int_ptrofs_max as Hint_ptr.
    rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l.
    rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr; cbn in *; omega.

  Corollary queue_fields_store_ok : foff m m' b v,
    0 foff < queue_sz Mint32 m b foff v = Some m' Mint32 m b
      (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.repr foff))) v = Some m'.
  Proof. intros; rewrite queue_fields_off_rewrite; auto. Qed.

  Corollary queue_fields_load_ok : foff m b v,
    0 foff < queue_sz
    Mem.load Mint32 m b foff = Some v
    Mem.load Mint32 m b
      (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.repr foff))) = Some v.
  Proof. intros; rewrite queue_fields_off_rewrite; auto. Qed.

  Lemma queue_fields_align : off,
    (off = head_off off = tail_off)
    (4 | off).
    intros; unfold_queue_fields; destruct H.
    - now 0.
    - now 1.

Some additional lemmas about the uniqueness property.
  Lemma unique_unique : nd q,
    abs_queue_unique (AbsQueue (nd :: q))
    abs_queue_unique (AbsQueue q).
    intros ? ? Hunique.
    inv Hunique; constructor.
    rewrite Forall_forall in ×.
    intros ? Hin.
    assert (Hin': In x (nd :: q)) by (cbn; auto).
    apply H0 in Hin'. cbn in Hin'.
    destruct (zeq nd x); subst; auto.
    inv Hin'.
    rewrite <- count_occ_not_In in H1.

  Lemma unique_not_in : nd q,
    abs_queue_unique (AbsQueue (nd :: q))
    ¬In nd q.
    red; intros ? ? Hunique Hin.
    pose proof Hunique as Hunique'. apply unique_unique in Hunique'.
    inv Hunique; inv Hunique'. rewrite Forall_forall in ×.
    assert (Hin': In nd (nd :: q)) by (cbn; auto).
    apply H1 in Hin; apply H0 in Hin'.
    cbn in Hin'. rewrite zeq_true in Hin'.

  Lemma unique_not_in_unique : nd q,
    abs_queue_unique (AbsQueue q)
    ¬In nd q
    abs_queue_unique (AbsQueue (nd :: q)).
    intros ? ? Hunique Hnin.
    inv Hunique; constructor.
    rewrite Forall_forall in ×.
    intros ? Hin; cbn.
    destruct (zeq nd x); subst.
    - rewrite count_occ_not_In in Hnin; eauto.
    - destruct Hin; [contradiction | auto].

A property about nodes not in the queue.
  Lemma NIn_Q_inQ : q nd anpool dat,
    In_Q_inQ (AbsQueue q) nd anpool
    ZMap.get nd anpool = AbsNode dat false
    ¬In nd q.
    red; intros ? ? ? ? Hinq Hnode Hin.
    inv Hinq. rewrite Hnode in H0; inv H0.
    destruct H1. apply H0 in Hin. discriminate.


Composite Environments

The Node and QueueIntro layers also have to have the same composite_env so these definitions have to be somewhere that both files can import from.

Definition node_t : ident := 7%positive.
Definition node_t_data : ident := 8%positive.
Definition node_t_next : ident := 9%positive.
Definition node_t_prev : ident := 10%positive.
Notation node_t_struct := (Tstruct node_t noattr).

Definition node_t_comp : composite_definition :=
  Composite node_t Struct
    ((node_t_data, tuint) ::
     (node_t_next, tuint) ::
     (node_t_prev, tuint) ::

Definition queue_t : ident := 25%positive.
Definition queue_t_head : ident := 26%positive.
Definition queue_t_tail : ident := 27%positive.
Notation queue_t_struct := (Tstruct queue_t noattr).

Definition queue_t_comp : composite_definition :=
  Composite queue_t Struct
    ((queue_t_head, tuint) ::
     (queue_t_tail, tuint) ::

Intro Layer Relations

Section ABS_REL.

  Context `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}.

We must combine the Node and QueueIntro layers together so we can build the Queue layer on top. In particular, this means defining a new abstraction relation where the components are combinations of the corresponding components in the Node and QueueIntro relations.


  Definition NODE_POOL : ident := 6%positive.

  Inductive match_node : node_low val val val Prop :=
  | match_node_undef: dv nv pv,
      match_node NodeUndef dv nv pv
  | match_node_intro: d n p,
      match_node (Node d n p) (Vint (Int.repr d)) (Vint (Int.repr n)) (Vint (Int.repr p)).

  Inductive node_match_data : intro_layerdata mem Prop :=
  | node_match_data_intro:
       m (abs: intro_layerdata) npb
             (Hnpb: find_symbol NODE_POOL = Some npb),
        ( node, 0 node < MAX_NODES
          ( dat nxt prv,
            Mem.load Mint32 m npb (node_sz × node + data_off) = Some (Vint dat)
            Mem.load Mint32 m npb (node_sz × node + next_off) = Some (Vint nxt)
            Mem.load Mint32 m npb (node_sz × node + prev_off) = Some (Vint prv)
            Mem.valid_access m Mint32 npb (node_sz × node + data_off) Writable
            Mem.valid_access m Mint32 npb (node_sz × node + next_off) Writable
            Mem.valid_access m Mint32 npb (node_sz × node + prev_off) Writable
            match_node (ZMap.get node (npool abs))
                       (Vint dat) (Vint nxt) (Vint prv)))
        node_match_data abs m.

  Definition node_relate_data (hadt: intro_layerdata) (ladt: boot_layerdata) := True.


  Definition QUEUE : ident := 24%positive.

  Inductive match_queue : queue_low val val Prop :=
  | match_queue_undef: hv tv,
      match_queue QueueUndef hv tv
  | match_queue_intro: h t,
      match_queue (Queue h t) (Vint (Int.repr h)) (Vint (Int.repr t)).

  Inductive queue_intro_match_data : intro_layerdata mem Prop :=
  | queue_intro_match_data_intro:
       m (abs: intro_layerdata) qb
             (Hqb: find_symbol QUEUE = Some qb),
        ( hd tl,
          Mem.load Mint32 m qb head_off = Some (Vint hd)
          Mem.load Mint32 m qb tail_off = Some (Vint tl)
          Mem.valid_access m Mint32 qb head_off Writable
          Mem.valid_access m Mint32 qb tail_off Writable
          match_queue (queue abs)
                      (Vint hd) (Vint tl))
        queue_intro_match_data abs m.

  Definition queue_intro_relate_data (hadt: intro_layerdata) (ladt: boot_layerdata) := True.

Define match and relate relations by and-ing together the corresponding Node and QueueIntro definitions.
  Definition abrel_components_intro_boot :
    abrel_components intro_layerdata boot_layerdata :=
      abrel_relate :=
        fun D1 D2
          node_relate_data D1 D2 queue_intro_relate_data D1 D2;
      abrel_match :=
        fun D1 D2
          node_match_data D1 D2 queue_intro_match_data D1 D2;
      abrel_new_glbl :=
        (NODE_POOL, Init_space (MAX_NODES × node_sz) :: nil) ::
        (QUEUE, Init_space queue_sz :: nil) ::

  Global Instance intro_rel_ops :
    AbstractionRelation _ _ abrel_components_intro_boot.
    - split; constructor.
    - intros. split.
Node match_data
        econstructor; eauto; intros.
        pose MAX_NODES_range as Hmn_range.
        cbn -[Z.mul] in *; unfold_node_fields.
        rewrite Zmax_left in aip_perm by omega.
        destruct aip_load as [aip_load _].
        pose node_fields_align as Halign.
        do 3 eexists.
        repeat match goal with
        | |- _ _split
        | |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _
          apply aip_load; [omega | try omega | auto]
        | |- (4 | 12 × ?x + 0) (3×x); omega
        | |- (4 | ?x × 12) (3×x); omega
        | |- (4 | 12 × ?x + 4) (3×x + 1); omega
        | |- (4 | 12 × ?x + 8) (3×x + 2); omega
        | |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ (12 × node + ?off) _
            split; cbn -[Z.mul];
            [red; intros; apply aip_perm; omega | auto]
QueueIntro match_data
        econstructor; eauto; intros.
pose MAX_NODES_range as Hmn_range.
        cbn in *; unfold_queue_fields.
        destruct aip_load as [aip_load _].
        pose queue_fields_align as Halign.
        do 2 eexists.
        repeat match goal with
        | |- _ _split
        | |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _
          apply aip_load0; [omega | try omega | auto]
        | |- (4 | 0) 0; omega
        | |- (4 | 4) 1; omega
        | |- (4 | 8) 2; omega
        | |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ ?off _
            split; cbn;
            [red; intros; apply aip_perm0; omega | auto]
    - repeat red; cbn. intros d m1 m2 Hunchange [Hnode_match Hqueue_match].
Node relate_data
        inv Hnode_match; econstructor; eauto.
        intros ? Hnode; specialize (H _ Hnode).
        destruct H as (dat & nxt & prv & ?).
        repeat match goal with
        | H: _ _ |- _destruct H
        | H: Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ |- _destruct H; red in H
        do 3 eexists.
        repeat match goal with
        | |- _ _split
        | |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _
            eapply Mem.load_unchanged_on; eauto; red; cbn; eauto
        | |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _
            [red; intros; eapply Mem.perm_unchanged_on; eauto; red; cbn |];
QueueIntro relate_data
        inv Hqueue_match; econstructor; eauto.
        destruct H as (hd & tl & ?).
        repeat match goal with
        | H: _ _ |- _destruct H
        | H: Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _ |- _destruct H; red in H
        do 2 eexists.
        repeat match goal with
        | |- _ _split
        | |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _
            eapply Mem.load_unchanged_on; eauto; red; cbn; eauto
        | |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _
            [red; intros; eapply Mem.perm_unchanged_on; eauto; red; cbn |];
        end; intros; repeat eexists; eauto.
    - repeat constructor.

  Definition abrel_intro_boot : abrel intro_layerdata boot_layerdata :=
      abrel_ops := abrel_components_intro_boot;
      abrel_prf := intro_rel_ops

  Definition intro_R : simrel _ _ :=
    abrel_simrel _ _ abrel_intro_boot.


Helper Lemmas


Some additional properties of Coq list functions and how they interact with the queue properties.

  Lemma remove_nin : x xs,
    ¬In x xs remove zeq x xs = xs.
    induction xs; auto; cbn; intros.
    destruct (zeq x a); [subst |]; try tauto.
    f_equal. auto.

  Lemma remove_neq : x y xs,
    x y In x (remove zeq y xs) In x xs.
    induction xs; cbn; intros; try tauto.
    destruct (zeq y a); [subst |]; cbn; try tauto.
    split; intros; try tauto.
    destruct H0; [congruence | tauto].

  Lemma count_occ_remove_neq : x y xs,
    x y count_occ zeq (remove zeq y xs) x = count_occ zeq xs x.
    induction xs; cbn; intros; try tauto.
    destruct (zeq y a); [subst |]; cbn.
    - rewrite zeq_false; auto.
    - destruct (zeq a x); [subst |]; cbn; try tauto.
      f_equal. tauto.

  Lemma count_occ_app : xs ys z,
    count_occ zeq (xs ++ ys) z = (count_occ zeq xs z + count_occ zeq ys z)%nat.
    induction xs.
    - simpl; intros; auto.
    - simpl; intros.
      destruct (zeq a z); simpl; f_equal; apply IHxs.

  Lemma last_In : x (q: list Z),
    (q = nil In (last q x) q).
    induction q; auto.
    destruct q; auto.
    destruct IHq; [congruence | auto].

  Lemma remove_last : z q,
    ¬ In z q
    List.remove zeq z (q ++ z :: nil) = q.
    induction q.
    - simpl. rewrite zeq_true. auto.
    - simpl in ×.
      intros HNin.
      rewrite zeq_false by (contradict HNin; left; congruence).
      rewrite IHq by tauto.

  Lemma last_nonempty_dummy : {A} y z xs (x: A),
    last (x :: xs) y = last (x :: xs) z.
    induction xs; simpl in *; try rewrite IHxs; reflexivity.

  Lemma app_last : {A} (xs ys : list A) z,
    ys nil last (xs ++ ys) z = last ys z.
    induction xs.
    - simpl; auto.
    - intros.
      specialize (IHxs ys z H).
      destruct (xs ++ ys) eqn:?; auto; destruct xs; simpl in *; congruence.

  Lemma tail_last : dummy (q: list Z),
    q = nil q', q = q' ++ (last q dummy :: nil).
    induction q.
    - left; congruence.
    - destruct q.
      + right. nil. reflexivity.
      + destruct IHq as [? |[ q' IH]]; [congruence|].
        right. (a :: q').
        simpl in ×.

   Lemma last_nin_default : {A} xs (x y: A),
     ¬In x xs last xs y = x xs = nil.
     induction xs.
     - reflexivity.
     - cbn in H0.
       destruct xs.
       + rewrite <- H0 in H.
         contradict H.
       + discriminate IHxs.
         × rewrite not_in_cons in H.
           destruct H.
           exact H1.
         × exact H0.

  Lemma Forall_app_inv2 : (A: Type) (P: A Prop) (xs ys: list A),
    Forall P (xs ++ ys) Forall P ys.
    induction xs.
    - simpl; auto.
    - inversion 1. eauto.

  Lemma unique_not_In : xs y ys,
    abs_queue_unique (AbsQueue (xs ++ y :: ys))
    ¬ In y xs ¬In y ys.
    inversion 1 as [q Hcount Hq]. subst.
    repeat rewrite (count_occ_not_In zeq).
    apply Forall_app_inv2 in Hcount.
    inversion Hcount as [| ? ? Hcount' _]. subst.
    rewrite count_occ_app in Hcount'.
    destruct (count_occ zeq xs y); simpl in *;
      rewrite zeq_true in Hcount'; auto; omega.