Library liblayers.simrel.AbstractionRelation

Require Import compcert.lib.Coqlib.
Require Import compcert.lib.Floats.
Require Import compcert.common.Memtype.
Require Import compcert.common.AST.
Require Import compcert.common.Globalenvs.
Require Import liblayers.logic.LayerData.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.CompcertStructures.
Require Import liblayers.simrel.SimulationRelation.

  Context `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}.


  Record abrel_components (D1 D2: layerdata) :=
      abrel_relate: rel D1 D2;
      abrel_match: rel D1 mem;
      abrel_new_glbl: list (ident × list AST.init_data)

The abrel_match component will usually be defined in terms of Mem.loads on the low-level memory. To make it easy to prove that initial states are related, we introduce the following extensional characterization of the initial memory state, similar to Genv.load_store_init_data and Genv.init_mem_characterization. The abrel_components will provide concrete initial data, and the definitions below will reduce to hypotheses that can be destructed and used conveniently.

  Fixpoint abrel_init_prop m b p (l: list AST.init_data) :=
    match l with
      | nilTrue
      | id::l'
        match id with
          | Init_int8 n
            Mem.load Mint8unsigned m b p = Some (Vint (Int.zero_ext 8 n))
            Mem.load Mint8signed m b p = Some (Vint (Int.sign_ext 8 n))
          | Init_int16 n
            Mem.load Mint16unsigned m b p = Some (Vint (Int.zero_ext 16 n))
            Mem.load Mint16signed m b p = Some (Vint (Int.sign_ext 16 n))
          | Init_int32 n
            Mem.load Mint32 m b p = Some (Vint n)
          | Init_int64 n
            Mem.load Mint64 m b p = Some (Vlong n)
          | Init_float32 f
            Mem.load Mfloat32 m b p = Some (Vsingle f)
          | Init_float64 f
            Mem.load Mfloat64 m b p = Some (Vfloat f)
          | Init_space sz
              p ofs < p + sz
              Mem.load Mint8unsigned m b ofs = Some Vzero
              Mem.load Mint8signed m b ofs = Some Vzero
              ((4 | ofs) (4 | p + sz) Mem.load Mint32 m b ofs = Some Vzero)
          | Init_addrof symb ofs
              find_symbol symb = Some b'
              Mem.load Mptr m b p = Some (Vptr b' ofs)
        abrel_init_prop m b (p + init_data_size id) l'

  Fixpoint abrel_init_props m (l: list (ident × list AST.init_data)) :=
    match l with
        | nilTrue
        | (i, init)::l'
          ( b, find_symbol i = Some b
                abrel_init_prop m b 0 init
                Mem.range_perm m b 0 (init_data_list_size init) Cur Writable)
          abrel_init_props m l'

Another property required for abrel_match is that it should only depend on the values of the global variables, not the rest of the concrete memory. We express this property using Mem.unchanged_on with the following mask.

  Definition abrel_new_glbl_mask D1 D2 (R: abrel_components D1 D2) :=
    fun (b: block) (ofs: Z) ⇒
       i idata,
        In (i, idata) (abrel_new_glbl D1 D2 R)
        find_symbol i = Some b.

  Class AbstractionRelation D1 D2 (R: abrel_components D1 D2) :=
        abrel_relate D1 D2 R init_data init_data;
      abrel_match_init_mem m2:
        abrel_init_props m2 (abrel_new_glbl D1 D2 R)
        abrel_match D1 D2 R init_data m2;
      abrel_match_unchanged_on :>
          (abrel_match D1 D2 R)
          (- ==> Mem.unchanged_on (abrel_new_glbl_mask D1 D2 R) ++> impl);
        Forall (fun xPlt x glob_threshold) (map fst (abrel_new_glbl D1 D2 R))

  Record abrel (D1 D2: layerdata) :=
      abrel_ops :> abrel_components D1 D2;
      abrel_prf : AbstractionRelation D1 D2 abrel_ops

  Global Existing Instance abrel_prf.

Embedding as simrel

  Require Import SimrelLessdef.
  Require Import ExtensionalityAxioms.


Two memories with abstract data match if: their concrete components are related by Mem.extends, their abstract components are related by abrel_relate, and the abstract component of the left-hand side is related to the concrete component of the right-hand side by abrel_match.
In addition, we need to know that the left-hand side memory has no permissions for the new globals, so that we know that "parallel" accesses cannot touch them. We also need to know that Mem.nextblock is beyond glob_threshold to ensure that this invariant is preserved by Mem.alloc.

  Record abrel_match_mem D1 D2 (R: abrel D1 D2) m1 d1 m2 d2 :=
        abrel_relate D1 D2 R d1 d2;
        abrel_match D1 D2 R d1 m2;
      abrel_match_mem_perms i init b ofs k p:
        In (i, init) (abrel_new_glbl D1 D2 R)
        find_symbol i = Some b
        ¬ Mem.perm m1 b ofs k p
        Mem.range_perm m2 b 0 (init_data_list_size init) Cur Writable;
      abrel_match_mem_nextblock b:
        block_is_global b
        (b < Mem.nextblock m1)%positive (b < Mem.nextblock m2)%positive

  Lemma abrel_match_mem_preserved D1 D2 (R: abrel D1 D2) m1 m2 d1 d2 m1' m2':
    abrel_match_mem D1 D2 R m1 d1 m2 d2
    Mem.unchanged_on (abrel_new_glbl_mask D1 D2 R) m1 m1'
    Mem.unchanged_on (abrel_new_glbl_mask D1 D2 R) m2 m2'
    (Mem.nextblock m1 Mem.nextblock m1')%positive
    (Mem.nextblock m2 Mem.nextblock m2')%positive
    abrel_match_mem D1 D2 R m1' d1 m2' d2.
    intros H Hm1 Hm2 Hnb1 Hnb2 .
    destruct H as [Hrelate Hmatch Hperms Hnb].
    split; simpl; eauto.
    - eapply abrel_match_unchanged_on; eauto.
    - intros i gv b ofs k perm Hi Hb.
      + intro Hp.
        eapply Hperms; eauto.
        eapply Mem.perm_unchanged_on_2; eauto.
        × red.
        × red.
          eapply Hnb; eauto.
      + red; intros.
        eapply Mem.perm_unchanged_on; eauto.
        × red. eauto.
        × eapply Hperms; eauto.
    - intros b Hb.
      apply Hnb in Hb.
      split; eapply Pos.lt_le_trans; eauto; xomega.

With this we can define the simrel for a given abrel

  Definition abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 (R: abrel D1 D2) :=
      simrel_world :=
        simrel_world (ext (D:=D1));
      simrel_undef_matches_values_bool :=
        simrel_undef_matches_values_bool (ext (D:=D1));
      simrel_undef_matches_block :=
        simrel_undef_matches_block (ext (D:=D1));
      simrel_new_glbl :=
        abrel_new_glbl D1 D2 R;
      simrel_meminj :=
        simrel_meminj (ext (D:=D1));
      match_mem p m1 m2 :=
        Mem.extends (fst m1) (fst m2)
        abrel_match_mem D1 D2 R (fst m1) (snd m1) (fst m2) (snd m2)

  Coercion abrel_simrel_ops : abrel >-> simrel_components.


  Lemma simrel_acc_abrel D1 D2 R:
    simrel_acc (abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R) =
    simrel_acc (ext (D:=D1)).

  Lemma simrel_undef_matches_values_abrel D1 D2 R:
    simrel_undef_matches_values (abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R) =
    simrel_undef_matches_values (ext (D:=D1)).

  Lemma simrel_undef_matches_block_abrel D1 D2 R:
    simrel_undef_matches_block (abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R) =
    simrel_undef_matches_block (ext (D:=D1)).

  Lemma simrel_meminj_abrel D1 D2 R:
    simrel_meminj (abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R) =
    simrel_meminj (ext (D:=D1)).

  Lemma match_ptr_abrel D1 D2 R p:
    match_ptr (abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R) p =
    match_ptr (ext (D:=D1)) p.
    eapply eqrel_eq; split;
    intros ptr1 ptr2 Hptr;
    destruct Hptr; constructor;

  Lemma match_ptrbits_abrel D1 D2 R p:
    match_ptrbits (abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R) p =
    match_ptrbits (ext (D:=D1)) p.
    eapply eqrel_eq; split;
    intros ptr1 ptr2 Hptr;
    destruct Hptr; constructor;

  Lemma match_ptrrange_abrel D1 D2 R p:
    match_ptrrange (abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R) p =
    match_ptrrange (ext (D:=D1)) p.
    eapply eqrel_eq; split;
    intros r1 r2 Hr;
    destruct Hr; constructor;
    rewrite match_ptr_abrel in *;

  Lemma match_block_abrel D1 D2 R p:
    match_block (abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R) p =
    match_block (ext (D:=D1)) p.

  Lemma match_block_sameofs_abrel D1 D2 R p:
    match_block_sameofs (abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R) p =
    match_block_sameofs (ext (D:=D1)) p.

  Lemma match_val_abrel D1 D2 R p:
    match_val (abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R) p =
    match_val (ext (D:=D1)) p.
    eapply eqrel_eq; split.
    - destruct 1; constructor; eauto.
      rewrite match_ptrbits_abrel in H.
    - destruct 1; constructor; eauto.
      rewrite match_ptrbits_abrel.

  Lemma match_memval_abrel D1 D2 R p:
    match_memval (abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R) p =
    match_memval (ext (D:=D1)) p.
    eapply eqrel_eq; split.
    - destruct 1; constructor; eauto; rewrite <- match_val_abrel; eauto.
    - destruct 1; constructor; eauto; rewrite match_val_abrel; eauto.

  Hint Rewrite
    match_memval_abrel : simrel.

Initial states

The following lemmas establish a correspondance between simrel_program_rel and Genv.find_def, so that we can use Genv.init_mem_characterization_gen and Genv.globals_initialized.

  Lemma abrel_new_glbl_for_nonnil D1 D2 (R: abrel D1 D2) i init:
    In (i, init) (abrel_new_glbl D1 D2 R)
    simrel_new_glbl_for (abrel_new_glbl D1 D2 R) i nil
    ( init',
        simrel_newvar_ok (abrel_new_glbl D1 D2 R) true i init'
        init = init').
    unfold simrel_new_glbl, simrel_newvar_ok, simrel_new_glbl_for.
    induction (abrel_new_glbl D1 D2 R) as [ | [j d] l IHl]; try contradiction.
    unfold test at 1 4 7.
    intros [Hgv | Hl].
    - inversion Hgv; clear Hgv; subst.
      destruct (decide _); try congruence.
      split; try congruence.
      intros init' [H | [H _]]; try congruence.
    - destruct (decide _).
      + split; try congruence.
        destruct IHl as [Hnnil Hinit]; eauto.
        intros init' Hinit'.
        destruct Hinit' as [? | [? ?]]; try congruence.
      + eauto.

  Local Transparent find_symbol.

  Lemma find_symbol_eq i b:
    find_symbol i = Some b
    i = b.
    unfold find_symbol, find_symbol_upto.
    destruct (decide _); congruence.

  Lemma abrel_init_mem_find_def {F1 F2 V} D1 D2 (R: abrel D1 D2) p1 p2:
    simrel_program_rel (F1:=F1) (F2:=F2) (V:=V) R p1 p2
     i init,
      In (i, init) (abrel_new_glbl D1 D2 R)
      Genv.find_def (Genv.globalenv p1) i = None
        Genv.find_def (Genv.globalenv p2) i = Some (Gvar gv)
        gvar_init gv = init
        perm_order (Genv.perm_globvar gv) Writable
        gvar_volatile gv = false.
    intros Hp i init Hinit.
    apply genv_globalenv_rel in Hp.
    simpl in ×.
    revert Hp.
    generalize (Genv.globalenv p1), (Genv.globalenv p2).
    intros ge1 ge2 Hge.

    pose proof Hge as Hf.
    eapply genv_rel_find_funct_ptr in Hf.
    instantiate (1 := i) in Hf.
    pose proof Hge as Hv.
    eapply genv_rel_find_var_info in Hv.
    instantiate (1 := i) in Hv.

    apply abrel_new_glbl_for_nonnil in Hinit.
    destruct Hinit as [Hngi Hgv].
    erewrite !stencil_matches_symbols in Hf, Hv by eauto.
    destruct (find_symbol i) as [b|] eqn:Hb.
    - simpl in ×.
      pose proof (find_symbol_eq _ _ Hb); subst b.
      inversion Hv as [ | | ]; try contradiction.
      + destruct (Genv.find_def ge1 i) as [[f1|v1]|] eqn:Hd1; eauto.
        × exfalso.
          assert ( f2, Genv.find_def ge2 i = Some (Gfun f2)) as [f2 Hf2].
            rewrite <- Genv.find_funct_ptr_iff in Hd1.
            setoid_rewrite <- Genv.find_funct_ptr_iff.
            rewrite Hd1 in Hf.
            inversion Hf; eauto.
          symmetry in H2.
          rewrite Genv.find_var_info_iff in H2.
        × rewrite <- Genv.find_var_info_iff in Hd1.
      + eexists {| gvar_init := init |}; repeat split; eauto.
        × apply Genv.find_var_info_iff.
          erewrite Hgv; eauto.
        × constructor.
    - simpl in ×.
      unfold find_symbol, find_symbol_upto in Hb.
      destruct (decide _) as [Hi | Hi]; try discriminate.
      eapply Hngi.
      generalize (abrel_new_glbl_thr (R:=R)).
      revert Hi.
      intros Hi.
      induction (abrel_new_glbl D1 D2 R); eauto.
      inversion 1; subst.
      unfold simrel_new_glbl_for.
      unfold test.
      destruct (decide _); try congruence.
      apply IHl; eauto.

  Local Opaque find_symbol.

  Local Existing Instance mwd_liftmem_prf.

  Lemma abrel_program_rel_globdefs_rel {F V} D1 D2 (R: abrel D1 D2) p1 p2:
    simrel_program_rel (F1:=F) (F2:=F) (V:=V) R p1 p2
      (fun _ : identoption_le )
      (fun _ : identoption_le eq)
      (prog_defs p1)
      (prog_defs p2).
    intros [Hp _ _ _].
    destruct Hp as [defs1 defs2 Hdefs pub main]; simpl.
    clear pub main.
    revert Hdefs.
    repeat rstep.
    intros v1 v2 Hv.
    destruct Hv; constructor.

  Lemma stencil_matches_symbols_funext {F V} (ge: Genv.t F V):
    stencil_matches ge
    Genv.find_symbol ge = find_symbol.
    apply functional_extensionality.
    intro i.
    rewrite stencil_matches_symbols; eauto.

  Lemma simrel_init_mem_exists {F V} D1 D2 (R: abrel D1 D2) (p1 p2: _ F V) m1:
    simrel_program_rel R p1 p2
    Genv.init_mem (F:=F) (V:=V) p1 = Some m1
     m2, Genv.init_mem (F:=F) (V:=V) p2 = Some m2.
    intros Hp Hm1.
    pose proof (genv_globalenv_rel _ _ p1 p2 Hp) as Hge.
    apply Genv.init_mem_exists.
    intros i v Hv.
    pose proof (Genv.init_mem_valid p1 m1 Hm1 i v) as Hvalid1.
    rewrite stencil_matches_symbols_funext in Hvalid1 |- × by eauto.
    clear Hm1 Hge.
    destruct Hp as [Hp _ _ _].
    destruct Hp as [defs1 defs2 Hdefs pub main].
    simpl in ×.
    clear pub main.
    induction Hdefs as [ | j defs1 defs2 Hdefs IHdefs d1 d2 Hd]; eauto.
    rewrite in_app in Hv, Hvalid1.
    simpl in Hv, Hvalid1.
    destruct Hv as [Hv|[Hv|Hv]]; eauto.
    clear IHdefs.
    inversion Hv; clear Hv; subst.
    destruct Hd as [Hf Hd].
    unfold rel_pull in Hf, Hd.
    destruct d1 as [[f1|v1]|]; monad_norm; simpl in Hf, Hd.
    - inversion Hf.
    - inversion Hd; clear Hd; subst; eauto.
    - inversion Hd; eauto.

  Lemma abrel_init_props_alternate:
     m l,
        (fun x
           let '(i, init) := x in
            b : block,
             find_symbol i = Some b
             abrel_init_prop m b 0 init
             Mem.range_perm m b 0 (init_data_list_size init) Cur Writable) l
      abrel_init_props m l.
    induction 1; simpl; intros; eauto.
    destruct x. eauto.

  Lemma load_store_init_data_abrel_init_prop:
     {F V} (ge: Genv.t F V) gi m i o
      (SM: stencil_matches ge),
      Genv.load_store_init_data ge m i o gi
      abrel_init_prop m i o gi.
    induction gi; simpl; intros; auto.
    destruct a; destruct H as (LOAD & LSID); repeat split; auto.
    - rewrite Mem.load_int8_signed_unsigned. rewrite LOAD. simpl.
      rewrite Int.sign_ext_zero_ext; auto. omega.
    - rewrite Mem.load_int16_signed_unsigned. rewrite LOAD. simpl.
      rewrite Int.sign_ext_zero_ext. reflexivity. omega.
    - rewrite LOAD. reflexivity. omega. simpl. omega.
       ofs; simpl; omega.
    - rewrite LOAD. reflexivity. omega. simpl. omega.
       ofs; simpl; omega.
    - intros; rewrite LOAD.
      reflexivity. omega. simpl.
      destruct H0, H1. rewrite H1; subst. omega.
      simpl. auto.
    - intros.
      destruct LOAD as (bb' & FS & LOAD).
      rewrite LOAD.
      repeat f_equal.
      apply find_symbol_eq in H. subst.
      rewrite stencil_matches_symbols in FS.
      apply find_symbol_eq in FS. congruence.

  Lemma abrel_init_mem_match {F V} D1 D2 (R: abrel D1 D2):
      (Genv.init_mem (F:=F) (V:=V))
      (Genv.init_mem (F:=F) (V:=V))
      (simrel_program_rel (abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R) ++>
         (rexists w, match_mem (abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R) w)).
    intros p1 p2 Hp.
    setoid_rewrite LiftMem.lift_genv_init_mem.
    destruct (Genv.init_mem p1) as [m1|] eqn:Hm1; [|constructor].
    edestruct (simrel_init_mem_exists D1 D2 R p1 p2) as [m2 Hm2]; eauto.
    rewrite Hm2.
      eapply Genv.init_mem_le_extends; eauto.
      eapply abrel_program_rel_globdefs_rel; eauto.
    - eapply abrel_relate_init_mem.
    - eapply abrel_match_init_mem.
      eapply abrel_init_props_alternate.
      apply Forall_forall.
      destruct x.
      exploit (@abrel_init_mem_find_def). apply Hp. apply H.
      intros (FDnone & gv & FD & INIT & PO & NV). subst.
      generalize (@abrel_new_glbl_thr _ _ _ (abrel_prf _ _ R)).
      rewrite Forall_forall. intros C.
      specialize (C i).
      destruct (block_is_global_find_symbol i) as (i' & FS).
        apply C.
        rewrite in_map_iff.
        eexists; split; eauto. reflexivity.
      exploit find_symbol_eq. apply FS. intros; subst.
      eexists; split; eauto.
      exploit Genv.init_mem_characterization_gen_strong. apply Hm2.
      intros (A&B). exploit B; eauto.
      simpl. intros (RP & PERM & LSID & LB).
      + eapply load_store_init_data_abrel_init_prop; auto.
        eapply genv_globalenv_rel in Hp; eauto.
      + eapply Mem.range_perm_implies; eauto.
    - intros i init b ofs k p IN FS.
      exploit (@abrel_init_mem_find_def). apply Hp. apply IN.
      intros (FDnone & gv & FD & INIT & PO & NV). subst.
      exploit Genv.init_mem_characterization_gen_strong. apply Hm1. intros (A&B).
      exploit find_symbol_eq. apply FS. intros; subst.
      + apply A; auto.
      + exploit Genv.init_mem_characterization_gen_strong. apply Hm2.
        intros (C&D).
        exploit D; eauto. simpl. intros (RP & _).
        eapply Mem.range_perm_implies; eauto.
    - intros.
      erewrite <- !Genv.init_mem_genv_next by eauto.
      apply genv_globalenv_rel in Hp.
      rewrite !stencil_matches_genv_next by eauto.
      split; assumption.

Main proof

  Lemma match_block_sameofs_simrel_lessdef D p:
    match_block_sameofs (simrel_lessdef_ops (D:=D)) p = eq.
    apply eqrel_eq; split.
    - intros b1 b2 Hb.
      inversion Hb.
    - intros b1 b2 H; subst.

FIXME: we need to figure out how to best reuse ext. It used to be, we could use it on the base memory model mem, but now we can only use it on mwd D1 or mwd D2.

  Instance abrel_simrel_prf D1 D2 R:
    SimulationRelation (abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R).
    Local Opaque ext.
    simpl (simrel_world _); simpl (match_mem _ _ _ _);
    intros; autorewrite with simrel in ×.
    Local Transparent ext.
    - apply simrel_acc_preorder.
    - apply simrel_acc_undef_matches_pointer.
    - apply simrel_acc_meminj.
    - constructor.
    - constructor.
    - constructor.
    - constructor.
    - constructor.
    - reflexivity.
    - apply abrel_init_mem_match.
    - intros [m1 d1] [m2 d2] Hm lo hi.
      destruct Hm as [Hme Hmm].
       p; split; [constructor|].
      destruct (Mem.alloc m1 lo hi) as [m1' b1] eqn:Hm1'.
      autorewrite with simrel.
      rewrite match_block_sameofs_simrel_lessdef.
      generalize Hm1'; transport Hm1'; intros Hm1'.
      rewrite H.       repeat rstep.
      split; eauto.
      eapply abrel_match_mem_preserved; eauto.
      + eapply Mem.alloc_unchanged_on; eauto.
      + eapply Mem.alloc_unchanged_on; eauto.
      + simpl.
        erewrite (Mem.nextblock_alloc m1 lo hi m1') by eauto.
      + simpl.
        erewrite (Mem.nextblock_alloc m2 lo hi x) by eauto.
    - intros [m1 d1] [m2 d2] Hm [[b1 lo1] hi1] [[b2 lo2] hi2] Hptr.
      destruct Hm as [Hme Hmm].
      simpl in Hptr.
      destruct ( m1 b1 lo1 hi1) as [m1'|] eqn:Hm1'; [|constructor].
      generalize Hm1'; transport Hm1'; intro Hm1'.
      rewrite match_ptrrange_simrel_lessdef in Hptr.
      inversion Hptr; clear Hptr; subst.
      rewrite H.
       p; split; eauto.
      split; eauto.
      eapply abrel_match_mem_preserved; eauto.
      + eapply Mem.free_unchanged_on; eauto.
        intros ofs1 Hofs1 (i & idata & Hglbl & Hfs).
        eapply Mem.free_range_perm in Hofs1; eauto.
        eapply abrel_match_mem_perms; eauto.
      + eapply Mem.free_unchanged_on; eauto.
        intros ofs1 Hofs1 (i & idata & Hglbl & Hfs).
        eapply Mem.free_range_perm in Hofs1; eauto.
        eapply abrel_match_mem_perms; eauto.
      + rewrite (Mem.nextblock_free m1 b2 lo2 hi2 m1'); eauto.
      + rewrite (Mem.nextblock_free m2 b2 lo2 hi2 x); eauto.
    - intros chunk [m1 d1] [m2 d2] [Hme Hmm] [b1 ofs1] [b2 ofs2] Hptr.
      rewrite match_ptr_simrel_lessdef in Hptr.
      rewrite match_val_simrel_lessdef.
      inversion Hptr; clear Hptr; subst.
    - intros chunk [m1 d1] [m2 d2] [Hme Hmm] [b1 ofs1] [b2 ofs2] Hptr v1 v2 Hv.
      destruct ( chunk m1 _ _ _) as [m1'|] eqn:Hm1'; [|constructor].
      rewrite match_val_simrel_lessdef in Hv.
      rewrite match_ptr_simrel_lessdef in Hptr.
      inversion Hptr; clear Hptr; subst.
      generalize Hm1'; transport Hm1'; intro Hm1'.
      rewrite H.
       p; split; eauto.
      split; eauto.
      eapply abrel_match_mem_preserved; eauto.
      + eapply Mem.store_unchanged_on; eauto.
        intros ofs Hofs (i & idata & Hglbl & Hfs).
        edestruct (Mem.store_valid_access_3 chunk m1) as [Hrp _]; eauto.
        eapply abrel_match_mem_perms; eauto.
      + eapply Mem.store_unchanged_on; eauto.
        intros ofs Hofs (i & idata & Hglbl & Hfs).
        edestruct (Mem.store_valid_access_3 chunk m1) as [Hrp _]; eauto.
        eapply abrel_match_mem_perms; eauto.
      + rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store chunk m1 b2 ofs2 v1 m1'); eauto.
      + rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store chunk m2 b2 ofs2 v2 x); eauto.
    - intros [m1 d1] [m2 d2] [Hme Hmm] [b1 ofs1] [b2 ofs2] Hptr bytes.
      rewrite match_ptr_simrel_lessdef in Hptr.
      rewrite match_memval_simrel_lessdef.
      rewrite <- list_forall2_list_rel.
      inversion Hptr; clear Hptr; subst.
    - intros [m1 d1] [m2 d2] [Hme Hmm] [b1 ofs1] [b2 ofs2] Hptr vs1 vs2 Hvs.
      destruct (Mem.storebytes m1 _ _ _) as [m1'|] eqn:Hm1'; [|constructor].
      rewrite match_memval_simrel_lessdef in Hvs.
      rewrite <- list_forall2_list_rel in Hvs.
      rewrite match_ptr_simrel_lessdef in Hptr.
      inversion Hptr; clear Hptr; subst.
      generalize Hm1'; transport Hm1'; intro Hm1'.
      rewrite H.
       p; split; eauto.
      split; eauto.
      eapply abrel_match_mem_preserved; eauto.
      + eapply Mem.storebytes_unchanged_on; eauto.
        intros ofs Hofs (i & idata & Hglbl & Hfs).
        eapply abrel_match_mem_perms; eauto.
        eapply (Mem.storebytes_range_perm m1); eauto.
      + eapply Mem.storebytes_unchanged_on; eauto.
        intros ofs Hofs (i & idata & Hglbl & Hfs).
        eapply abrel_match_mem_perms; eauto.
        eapply (Mem.storebytes_range_perm m1); eauto.
        rewrite list_forall2_list_rel in Hvs.
        rewrite Hvs.
      + rewrite (Mem.nextblock_storebytes m1 b2 ofs2 vs1 m1'); eauto.
      + rewrite (Mem.nextblock_storebytes m2 b2 ofs2 vs2 x); eauto.
    - intros [m1 d1] [m2 d2] [Hme Hmm] [b1 ofs1] [b2 ofs2] Hptr pk pe.
      rewrite match_ptr_simrel_lessdef in Hptr.
      inversion Hptr; clear Hptr; subst.
    - intros [m1 d1] [m2 d2] [Hm _] b1 b2 Hb.
      setoid_rewrite LiftMem.lift_valid_block.
      rewrite match_block_simrel_lessdef in Hb.
    - inversion H3; subst.
      inversion H4; subst.
    - destruct H.
      revert H0.
      setoid_rewrite LiftMem.lift_weak_valid_pointer.
      rewrite match_ptrbits_simrel_lessdef in H1.
      inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
      eapply Mem.weak_valid_pointer_extends; eauto.
    - destruct H.
      setoid_rewrite LiftMem.lift_weak_valid_pointer.
      inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
      intros ofs1 H0.
      rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero.
    - destruct H.
      inversion H1; subst.
      rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero.
    - destruct H.
      setoid_rewrite LiftMem.lift_range_perm in H3.
      inversion H5; subst.
      rewrite Z.add_0_r.
    - destruct H.
      setoid_rewrite LiftMem.lift_range_perm in H2.
      setoid_rewrite LiftMem.lift_range_perm in H3.
      inversion H0; subst.
      inversion H1; subst.
      repeat rewrite Z.add_0_r.

  Definition abrel_simrel D1 D2 (R: abrel D1 D2) : simrel D1 D2 :=
      simrel_ops := abrel_simrel_ops D1 D2 R

  Theorem abrel_extends_left_equiv D1 D2 (R: abrel D1 D2):
      (simrel_compose ext (abrel_simrel D1 D2 R))
      (abrel_simrel D1 D2 R).
    apply extends_compose_left; try reflexivity.
    intros p m1 m2 m3 H H0.
    destruct H0.
    revert H.
    intros (EXT & DATA).
    { eapply Mem.extends_extends_compose; eauto. }
    assert (snd m1 = snd m2) as EQ by assumption.
    rewrite EQ.
    inversion H1.
    split; auto.
    + intros i gv b ofs k p0 H H2.
      × intro ABSURD.
        eapply abrel_match_mem_perms0; eauto using Mem.perm_extends.
      × eapply abrel_match_mem_perms0; eauto using Mem.perm_extends.
    + apply MemoryRel.memrel_mext_next in EXT.
      rewrite EXT.

  Theorem abrel_extends_right_equiv D1 D2 (R: abrel D1 D2):
      (abrel_match D1 D2 R)
      (- ==> Mem.extends ++> impl)
      (simrel_compose (abrel_simrel D1 D2 R) ext)
      (abrel_simrel D1 D2 R).
    intro PROPER.
    apply extends_compose_right; try reflexivity.
    intros p m1 m2 m3 H H0.
    destruct H.
    assert (Mem.extends (fst m2) (fst m3) snd m3 = snd m2) as EXT.
      revert H0. lift_simpl. destruct 1; auto.
    destruct EXT as (EXT & EQ).
    { eapply Mem.extends_extends_compose; eauto. }
    rewrite EQ.
    inversion H1.
    split; auto.
    - eapply PROPER; eauto.
    - intros. specialize (abrel_match_mem_perms0 _ _ _ ofs k p0 H2 H3).
      destruct abrel_match_mem_perms0. split; auto.
      red; intros. eauto using Mem.perm_extends.
    - apply MemoryRel.memrel_mext_next in EXT.
      rewrite <- EXT.