Library tutorial.queue.Node



Node getter/setters.

Compcert helper lib
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Compcert types and semantics
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Clight.
Require Import Ctypes.
Require Import Cop.
Require Import Smallstep.
CertiKOS layer library
Require Import Semantics.
Require Import Structures.
Require Import GenSem.
Require Import CGenSem.
Require Import CPrimitives.
Require Import SimulationRelation.
Require Import ClightModules.
Require Import ClightXSemantics.
Require Import MakeProgramSpec.
Require Import AbstractData.
Require Import AbstractionRelation.

Require Import TutoLib.
Require Import QueueData.

This file implements the getters and setters for the node fields. If you have already looked through ContainerIntro then there is not much new here.

Open Scope Z_scope.

Definition init_node : ident := 1%positive.
Definition get_next : ident := 2%positive.
Definition get_prev : ident := 3%positive.
Definition set_next : ident := 4%positive.
Definition set_prev : ident := 5%positive.
Definition NODE_POOL : ident := QueueData.NODE_POOL.

Section Node.

  Context `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}.
  Context `{MakeProgramSpec.MakeProgram}.

High Level Specifications

  Section HighSpec.

    Definition init_node_high_spec (node: Z) (data: Z) (abs: intro_layerdata)
        : option intro_layerdata :=
      if decide (0 node < MAX_NODES)
        then match ZMap.get node (npool abs) with
          | NodeUndef
              let n := Node data MAX_NODES MAX_NODES in
              Some abs {npool: ZMap.set node n (npool abs)}
          | _None
        else None.

    Definition init_node_high_sem : cprimitive intro_layerdata :=
      cgensem _ init_node_high_spec.

    Global Instance init_node_pres_inv :
      GenSemPreservesInvariant intro_layerdata init_node_high_spec.
      split; auto.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? Hinv.
      inv_generic_sem Hsem.
      unfold init_node_high_spec in H2.
      repeat destr_in H2; inv H2.
      destruct Hinv.
      constructor; cbn; auto.
      intros. destr_eq node (Int.unsigned i); [subst |].
      - rewrite ZMap.gss; right. constructor; omega.
      - rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.

    Definition get_next_high_spec (node: Z) (abs: intro_layerdata) : option Z :=
      if decide (0 node < MAX_NODES)
        then match ZMap.get node (npool abs) with
          | Node _ nxt _Some nxt
          | _None
        else None.

    Definition get_next_high_sem : cprimitive intro_layerdata :=
      cgensem _ get_next_high_spec.

    Global Instance get_next_pres_inv :
      GenSemPreservesInvariant intro_layerdata get_next_high_spec.
      split; auto.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? Hinv.
      inv_generic_sem Hsem.

    Definition get_prev_high_spec (node: Z) (abs: intro_layerdata) : option Z :=
      if decide (0 node < MAX_NODES)
        then match ZMap.get node (npool abs) with
          | Node _ _ prvSome prv
          | _None
        else None.

    Definition get_prev_high_sem : cprimitive intro_layerdata :=
      cgensem _ get_prev_high_spec.

    Global Instance get_prev_pres_inv :
      GenSemPreservesInvariant intro_layerdata get_prev_high_spec.
      split; auto.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? Hinv.
      inv_generic_sem Hsem.

    Definition set_next_high_spec (node: Z) (nxt: Z) (abs: intro_layerdata)
        : option intro_layerdata :=
      if decide (0 node < MAX_NODES)
        then if decide (0 nxt MAX_NODES)
          then match ZMap.get node (npool abs) with
            | Node dat _ prv
                let n := Node dat nxt prv in
                Some abs {npool: ZMap.set node n (npool abs) }
            | _None
          else None
        else None.

    Definition set_next_high_sem : cprimitive intro_layerdata :=
      cgensem _ set_next_high_spec.

    Global Instance set_next_pres_inv :
      GenSemPreservesInvariant intro_layerdata set_next_high_spec.
      split; auto.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? Hinv.
      inv_generic_sem Hsem.
      unfold set_next_high_spec in H2.
      repeat destr_in H2; inv H2.
      destruct Hinv.
      constructor; cbn; auto.
      intros. destr_eq node (Int.unsigned i); [subst |].
      - rewrite ZMap.gss; right.
        specialize (npool_valid _ H1). rewrite Heqn in npool_valid.
        destruct npool_valid as [npool_valid | npool_valid]; inv npool_valid.
        constructor; omega.
      - rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.

    Definition set_prev_high_spec (node: Z) (prv: Z) (abs: intro_layerdata)
        : option intro_layerdata :=
      if decide (0 node < MAX_NODES)
        then if decide (0 prv MAX_NODES)
          then match ZMap.get node (npool abs) with
            | Node dat nxt _
                let n := Node dat nxt prv in
                Some abs {npool: ZMap.set node n (npool abs) }
            | _None
          else None
        else None.

    Definition set_prev_high_sem : cprimitive intro_layerdata :=
      cgensem _ set_prev_high_spec.

    Global Instance set_prev_pres_inv :
      GenSemPreservesInvariant intro_layerdata set_prev_high_spec.
      split; auto.
      intros ? ? ? ? ? Hsem ? Hinv.
      inv_generic_sem Hsem.
      unfold set_prev_high_spec in H2.
      repeat destr_in H2; inv H2.
      destruct Hinv.
      constructor; cbn; auto.
      intros. destr_eq node (Int.unsigned i); [subst |].
      - rewrite ZMap.gss; right.
        specialize (npool_valid _ H1). rewrite Heqn in npool_valid.
        destruct npool_valid as [npool_valid | npool_valid]; inv npool_valid.
        constructor; omega.
      - rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.

  End HighSpec.

Module Implementation

  Section Code.

    Definition in_node : ident := 11%positive.
    Definition in_data : ident := 12%positive.

    Definition f_init_node' :=
        fn_return := tvoid;
        fn_callconv := cc_default;
        fn_params := (in_node, tuint) :: (in_data, tuint) :: nil;
        fn_vars := nil;
        fn_temps := nil;
        fn_body :=
                 (Ebinop Oadd (Evar NODE_POOL (tarray node_t_struct MAX_NODES))
                   (Etempvar in_node tuint) (tptr node_t_struct))
                 node_t_struct) node_t_data tuint) (Etempvar in_data tuint))
                   (Ebinop Oadd
                     (Evar NODE_POOL (tarray node_t_struct MAX_NODES))
                     (Etempvar in_node tuint) (tptr node_t_struct))
                   node_t_struct) node_t_next tuint)
               (Econst_int (Int.repr MAX_NODES) tint))
                   (Ebinop Oadd
                     (Evar NODE_POOL (tarray node_t_struct MAX_NODES))
                     (Etempvar in_node tuint) (tptr node_t_struct))
                   node_t_struct) node_t_prev tuint)
               (Econst_int (Int.repr MAX_NODES) tint)))

    Program Definition f_init_node : function :=
      inline f_init_node' _.

    Definition gn_node : ident := 13%positive.

    Definition f_get_next' :=
        fn_return := tuint;
        fn_callconv := cc_default;
        fn_params := (gn_node, tuint) :: nil;
        fn_vars := nil;
        fn_temps := nil;
        fn_body :=
          Sreturn (Some (Efield
                            (Ebinop Oadd
                              (Evar NODE_POOL (tarray node_t_struct MAX_NODES))
                              (Etempvar gn_node tuint) (tptr node_t_struct))
                            node_t_struct) node_t_next tuint))

    Program Definition f_get_next : function :=
      inline f_get_next' _.

    Definition gp_node : ident := 14%positive.

    Definition f_get_prev' :=
        fn_return := tuint;
        fn_callconv := cc_default;
        fn_params := (gp_node, tuint) :: nil;
        fn_vars := nil;
        fn_temps := nil;
        fn_body :=
          Sreturn (Some (Efield
                            (Ebinop Oadd
                              (Evar NODE_POOL (tarray node_t_struct MAX_NODES))
                              (Etempvar gp_node tuint) (tptr node_t_struct))
                            node_t_struct) node_t_prev tuint))

    Program Definition f_get_prev : function :=
      inline f_get_prev' _.

    Definition sn_node : ident := 15%positive.
    Definition sn_nxt : ident := 16%positive.

    Definition f_set_next' :=
        fn_return := tvoid;
        fn_callconv := cc_default;
        fn_params := (sn_node, tuint) :: (sn_nxt, tuint) :: nil;
        fn_vars := nil;
        fn_temps := nil;
        fn_body :=
               (Ebinop Oadd (Evar NODE_POOL (tarray node_t_struct MAX_NODES))
                 (Etempvar sn_node tuint) (tptr node_t_struct))
               node_t_struct) node_t_next tuint) (Etempvar sn_nxt tuint)

    Program Definition f_set_next : function :=
      inline f_set_next' _.

    Definition sp_node : ident := 17%positive.
    Definition sp_prv : ident := 18%positive.

    Definition f_set_prev' :=
        fn_return := tvoid;
        fn_callconv := cc_default;
        fn_params := (sp_node, tuint) :: (sp_prv, tuint) :: nil;
        fn_vars := nil;
        fn_temps := nil;
        fn_body :=
               (Ebinop Oadd (Evar NODE_POOL (tarray node_t_struct MAX_NODES))
                 (Etempvar sp_node tuint) (tptr node_t_struct))
               node_t_struct) node_t_prev tuint) (Etempvar sp_prv tuint)

    Program Definition f_set_prev : function :=
      inline f_set_prev' _.

  End Code.

Low Level Specifications

  Section LowSpec.

    Notation node_off := (fun nd offnode_sz × Int.unsigned nd + off).

    Definition init_node_csig :=
      mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: tuint :: nil)) tvoid.

    Inductive init_node_step :
      csignature list val × mwd boot_layerdata val × mwd boot_layerdata Prop :=
    | init_node_step_intro m d npb nd dat m1 m2 m':
         (Hnpb: find_symbol NODE_POOL = Some npb),
        0 Int.unsigned nd < MAX_NODES Mint32 m npb (node_off nd data_off)
                         (Vint dat) = Some m1 Mint32 m1 npb (node_off nd next_off)
                         (Vint (Int.repr MAX_NODES)) = Some m2 Mint32 m2 npb (node_off nd prev_off)
                         (Vint (Int.repr MAX_NODES)) = Some m'
        init_node_step init_node_csig
                       (Vint nd :: Vint dat :: nil, (m, d))
                       (Vundef, (m', d)).

    Definition get_next_csig :=
      mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: nil)) tuint.

    Inductive get_next_step :
      csignature list val × mwd boot_layerdata val × mwd boot_layerdata Prop :=
    | get_next_step_intro m d npb nd nxt:
         (Hnpb: find_symbol NODE_POOL = Some npb),
        0 Int.unsigned nd < MAX_NODES
        Mem.load Mint32 m npb (node_off nd next_off) = Some (Vint nxt)
        get_next_step get_next_csig
                      (Vint nd :: nil, (m, d))
                      (Vint nxt, (m, d)).

    Definition get_prev_csig :=
      mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: nil)) tuint.

    Inductive get_prev_step :
      csignature list val × mwd boot_layerdata val × mwd boot_layerdata Prop :=
    | get_prev_step_intro m d npb nd prv:
         (Hnpb: find_symbol NODE_POOL = Some npb),
        0 Int.unsigned nd < MAX_NODES
        Mem.load Mint32 m npb (node_off nd prev_off) = Some (Vint prv)
        get_prev_step get_prev_csig
                      (Vint nd :: nil, (m, d))
                      (Vint prv, (m, d)).

    Definition set_next_csig :=
      mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: tuint :: nil)) tvoid.

    Inductive set_next_step :
      csignature list val × mwd boot_layerdata val × mwd boot_layerdata Prop :=
    | set_next_step_intro m d npb nd nxt m':
         (Hnpb: find_symbol NODE_POOL = Some npb),
        0 Int.unsigned nd < MAX_NODES
        0 Int.unsigned nxt MAX_NODES Mint32 m npb (node_off nd next_off) (Vint nxt) = Some m'
        set_next_step set_next_csig
                      (Vint nd :: Vint nxt :: nil, (m, d))
                      (Vundef, (m', d)).

    Definition set_prev_csig :=
      mkcsig (type_of_list_type (tuint :: tuint :: nil)) tvoid.

    Inductive set_prev_step :
      csignature list val × mwd boot_layerdata val × mwd boot_layerdata Prop :=
    | set_prev_step_intro m d npb nd prv m':
         (Hnpb: find_symbol NODE_POOL = Some npb),
        0 Int.unsigned nd < MAX_NODES
        0 Int.unsigned prv MAX_NODES Mint32 m npb (node_off nd prev_off) (Vint prv) = Some m'
        set_prev_step set_prev_csig
                      (Vint nd :: Vint prv :: nil, (m, d))
                      (Vundef, (m', d)).

    Definition init_node_cprim : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
    Proof. mkcprim_tac init_node_step init_node_csig. Defined.

    Definition get_next_cprim : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
    Proof. mkcprim_tac get_next_step get_next_csig. Defined.

    Definition get_prev_cprim : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
    Proof. mkcprim_tac get_prev_step get_prev_csig. Defined.

    Definition set_next_cprim : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
    Proof. mkcprim_tac set_next_step set_next_csig. Defined.

    Definition set_prev_cprim : cprimitive boot_layerdata.
    Proof. mkcprim_tac set_prev_step set_prev_csig. Defined.

  End LowSpec.

Code Proofs

  Section CodeLowSpecSim.

    Context `{ce: ClightCompositeEnv}.
    Hypothesis Hce :
      build_composite_env (node_t_comp :: queue_t_comp :: nil) = OK ce.

Like in the container examples, the code proofs for the getter/setters mostly consist of convincing Coq of the equality between the Ptrofs version of the field offset and the Z one.

    Lemma init_node_code :
      boot_L (id, init_node f_init_node) : (init_node init_node_cprim).
      inv CStep.
      inv Hce.
      repeat step_tac; unfold lift; cbn;
        erewrite node_fields_store_ok; unfold_node_fields; try omega; eauto.

    Lemma get_next_code :
      boot_L (id, get_next f_get_next) : (get_next get_next_cprim).
      inv CStep.
      inv Hce.
      cprim_step. repeat step_tac.
      - unfold lift; cbn.
        erewrite node_fields_load_ok; unfold_node_fields; try omega; eauto.
      - reflexivity.

    Lemma get_prev_code :
      boot_L (id, get_prev f_get_prev) : (get_prev get_prev_cprim).
      inv CStep.
      inv Hce.
      cprim_step. repeat step_tac.
      - unfold lift; cbn.
        erewrite node_fields_load_ok; unfold_node_fields; try omega; eauto.
      - reflexivity.

    Lemma set_next_code :
      boot_L (id, set_next f_set_next) : (set_next set_next_cprim).
      inv CStep.
      inv Hce.
      cprim_step. repeat step_tac.
      unfold lift; cbn.
      erewrite node_fields_store_ok; unfold_node_fields; try omega; eauto.

    Lemma set_prev_code :
      boot_L (id, set_prev f_set_prev) : (set_prev set_prev_cprim).
      inv CStep.
      inv Hce.
      cprim_step. repeat step_tac.
      unfold lift; cbn.
      erewrite node_fields_store_ok; unfold_node_fields; try omega; eauto.

  End CodeLowSpecSim.

Refinement Proofs

  Section LowHighSpecSim.

    Context `{ce: ClightCompositeEnv}.
    Hypothesis Hce :
      build_composite_env (node_t_comp :: queue_t_comp :: nil) = OK ce.

    Local Ltac node_destr_match H :=
      destruct H as (?dat & ?nxt & ?prv &
                     ?HLdat & ?HLnxt & ?HLprv &
                     ?HVdat & ?HVnxt & ?HVprv &

    Local Ltac queue_intro_destr_match H :=
      destruct H as (?hd & ?tl &
                     ?HLhd & ?HLtl &
                     ?HVhd & ?HVtl &

    Lemma init_node_refine :
      (init_node init_node_cprim) (intro_R, ) : (init_node init_node_high_sem).
      Opaque Z.mul.
      inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
      inversion MemRel.
      inv abrel_match_mem_match.
      inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
      unfold init_node_high_spec in H1.
      repeat destr_in H1; inv H1.
      destruct H0, H2.
      pose proof H0 as Hmatch.
      specialize (H0 (Int.unsigned i) a).
      node_destr_match H0.
      queue_intro_destr_match H1.
      assert (Hbneq: qb npb) by
        (red; intros; subst; rewrite <- Hnpb in Hqb; inv Hqb).
      pose proof HVdat as HVdat'.
      pose proof HVnxt as HVnxt'.
      pose proof HVprv as HVprv'.
      eapply Mem.valid_access_store in HVdat; destruct HVdat as (m1 & HSdat).
      eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1 in HVnxt; eauto.
      eapply Mem.valid_access_store in HVnxt; destruct HVnxt as (m2 & HSnxt).
      eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1 in HVprv; eauto.
      eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1 in HVprv; eauto.
      eapply Mem.valid_access_store in HVprv; destruct HVprv as (m3 & HSprv).
      do 3 eexists; split.
      - econstructor; eauto.
      - split.
        + constructor.
        + cbn; split.
          × eapply (Mem.store_outside_extends _ _ m2); eauto.
            eapply (Mem.store_outside_extends _ _ m1); eauto.
            eapply (Mem.store_outside_extends _ _ m); eauto.
            all: intros ? Hperm;
              eapply abrel_match_mem_perms with (i := NODE_POOL) in Hperm;
          × constructor.
            -- constructor; auto.
            -- split.
Node match_data
                 econstructor; eauto.
                 intros ? Hnode. unfold_node_fields.
                 destr_eq node (Int.unsigned i).
                 ++ subst; cbn. rewrite ZMap.gss.
                    do 3 eexists.
                    repeat match goal with
                    | |- _ _split
                    | |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _
                      eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv);
                      eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt);
                      eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSdat); assumption
Load data
                      rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv).
                      rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt).
                      apply (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSdat).
                      all: right; cbn; omega.
Load next
                      rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv).
                      apply (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt).
                      right; cbn; omega.
Load prev
                      apply (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv).
                    replace i0 with (Int.repr (Int.unsigned i0)) by
                      (apply Int.repr_unsigned).
                    rewrite Int.unsigned_repr;
                    [constructor | apply Int.unsigned_range_2].
                 ++ specialize (Hmatch node Hnode).
                    node_destr_match Hmatch.
                    cbn. rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
                    do 3 eexists.
                    repeat match goal with
                    | |- _ _split
                    | |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _
                      rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv);
                        [| right; cbn; omega];
                      rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt);
                        [| right; cbn; omega];
                      rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSdat);
                        [eassumption | right; cbn; omega]
                    | |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _
                      eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv);
                      eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt);
                      eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSdat);
QueueIntro match_data
                 econstructor; eauto.
hd and tl are not written to
                  hd, tl.
                 repeat match goal with
                 | |- _ _split
                 | |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _
                   rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv); auto;
                   rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt); auto;
                   rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSdat); auto
                 | |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _
                   eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv);
                   eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt);
                   eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSdat);
            -- cbn; intros.
               specialize (abrel_match_mem_perms _ _ _ ofs k p H0 H1).
               destruct abrel_match_mem_perms as (NP & P).
               split; auto.
               red; intros. repeat (eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto).
            -- rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv).
               rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt).
               rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSdat).

    Lemma get_next_refine :
      (get_next get_next_cprim) (intro_R, ) : (get_next get_next_high_sem).
      Opaque Z.mul.
      inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
      inversion MemRel.
      inv abrel_match_mem_match.
      inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
      unfold get_next_high_spec in H2.
      repeat destr_in H2; inv H2.
      destruct H0.
      specialize (H0 _ a).
      node_destr_match H0.
      assert (z = nxt).
      { inv Hnode_match; try congruence.
        rewrite Heqn in H2. inv H2. rewrite Int.repr_unsigned; constructor.
      do 3 eexists; split.
      - econstructor; eauto.
      - repeat (constructor; auto).

    Lemma get_prev_refine :
      (get_prev get_prev_cprim) (intro_R, ) : (get_prev get_prev_high_sem).
      Opaque Z.mul.
      inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
      inversion MemRel.
      inv abrel_match_mem_match.
      inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
      unfold get_prev_high_spec in H2.
      repeat destr_in H2; inv H2.
      destruct H0.
      specialize (H0 _ a).
      node_destr_match H0.
      assert (z = prv).
      { inv Hnode_match; try congruence.
        rewrite Heqn in H2. inv H2. rewrite Int.repr_unsigned; constructor.
      do 3 eexists; split.
      - econstructor; eauto.
      - repeat (constructor; auto).

    Lemma set_next_refine :
      (set_next set_next_cprim) (intro_R, ) : (set_next set_next_high_sem).
      Opaque Z.mul.
      inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
      inversion MemRel.
      inv abrel_match_mem_match.
      inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
      unfold set_next_high_spec in H1.
      repeat destr_in H1; inv H1.
      destruct H0, H2.
      pose proof H0 as Hmatch.
      specialize (H0 _ a).
      node_destr_match H0.
      queue_intro_destr_match H1.
      assert (Hbneq: qb npb) by
        (red; intros; subst; rewrite <- Hnpb in Hqb; inv Hqb).
      pose proof HVnxt as HVnxt'.
      eapply Mem.valid_access_store in HVnxt; destruct HVnxt as (m' & HSnxt).
      do 3 eexists; split.
      - econstructor; eauto; try congruence.
      - split; constructor; cbn.
        + eapply Mem.store_outside_extends; eauto.
          intros ? Hperm.
          eapply abrel_match_mem_perms with (i := NODE_POOL) in Hperm; eauto.
        + constructor.
          × split; constructor.
          × split.
Node match_data
              econstructor; eauto.
              intros ? Hnode. unfold_node_fields.
              destr_eq node (Int.unsigned i); [subst |]; cbn.
              -- rewrite ZMap.gss.
                 do 3 eexists.
                 repeat match goal with
                 | |- _ _split
                 | |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _
                     try (rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt);
                     [eassumption | right; cbn; omega])
                 | |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _
                   eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt);
                 rewrite (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt); reflexivity.
                 rewrite Heqn in Hnode_match. inv Hnode_match.
                 replace i0 with (Int.repr (Int.unsigned i0)) by
                   (apply Int.repr_unsigned).
                 rewrite Int.unsigned_repr;
                 [constructor | apply Int.unsigned_range_2].
              -- rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
                 specialize (Hmatch _ Hnode). node_destr_match Hmatch.
                 do 3 eexists.
                 repeat match goal with
                 | |- _ _split
                 | |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _
                     rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt);
                     [eassumption | right; cbn; omega]
                 | |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _
                     eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto
QueueIntro match_data
              econstructor; eauto.
               hd, tl.
              repeat match goal with
              | |- _ _split
              | |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _
                rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt); auto
              | |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _
                eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt); auto
         × cbn; intros.
           specialize (abrel_match_mem_perms _ _ _ ofs k p H0 H1).
           destruct abrel_match_mem_perms as (NP & P).
           split; auto.
           red; intros. repeat (eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto).
         × rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSnxt); eauto.

    Lemma set_prev_refine :
      (set_prev set_prev_cprim) (intro_R, ) : (set_prev set_prev_high_sem).
      Opaque Z.mul.
      inv CStep. inv_generic_sem H8.
      inversion MemRel.
      inv abrel_match_mem_match.
      inv abrel_match_mem_relate.
      unfold set_prev_high_spec in H1.
      repeat destr_in H1; inv H1.
      destruct H0, H2.
      pose proof H0 as Hmatch.
      specialize (H0 _ a).
      node_destr_match H0.
      queue_intro_destr_match H1.
      assert (Hbneq: qb npb) by
        (red; intros; subst; rewrite <- Hnpb in Hqb; inv Hqb).
      pose proof HVprv as HVprv'.
      eapply Mem.valid_access_store in HVprv; destruct HVprv as (m' & HSprv).
      do 3 eexists; split.
      - econstructor; eauto; try congruence.
      - split; constructor; cbn.
        + eapply Mem.store_outside_extends; eauto.
          intros ? Hperm.
          eapply abrel_match_mem_perms with (i := NODE_POOL) in Hperm; eauto.
        + constructor.
          × split; constructor.
          × split.
Node match_data
              econstructor; eauto.
              intros ? Hnode. unfold_node_fields.
              destr_eq node (Int.unsigned i); [subst |]; cbn.
              -- rewrite ZMap.gss.
                 do 3 eexists.
                 repeat match goal with
                 | |- _ _split
                 | |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _
                     try (rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv);
                     [eassumption | right; cbn; omega])
                 | |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _
                   eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv);
                 rewrite (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv); reflexivity.
                 rewrite Heqn in Hnode_match. inv Hnode_match.
                 replace i0 with (Int.repr (Int.unsigned i0)) by
                   (apply Int.repr_unsigned).
                 rewrite Int.unsigned_repr;
                 [constructor | apply Int.unsigned_range_2].
              -- rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
                 specialize (Hmatch _ Hnode). node_destr_match Hmatch.
                 do 3 eexists.
                 repeat match goal with
                 | |- _ _split
                 | |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _
                     rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv);
                     [eassumption | right; cbn; omega]
                 | |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _
                     eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto
QueueIntro match_data
              econstructor; eauto.
               hd, tl.
              repeat match goal with
              | |- _ _split
              | |- Mem.load _ _ _ _ = Some _
                rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv); auto
              | |- Mem.valid_access _ _ _ _ _
                eapply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv); auto
         × cbn; intros.
           specialize (abrel_match_mem_perms _ _ _ ofs k p H0 H1).
           destruct abrel_match_mem_perms as (NP & P).
           split; auto.
           red; intros. repeat (eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto).
         × rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HSprv); eauto.

  End LowHighSpecSim.


  Section Linking.

    Context `{ce: ClightCompositeEnv}.
    Hypothesis Hce :
      build_composite_env (node_t_comp :: queue_t_comp :: nil) = OK ce.

    Definition node_L : clayer intro_layerdata :=
      init_node init_node_high_sem
       get_next get_next_high_sem
       get_prev get_prev_high_sem
       set_next set_next_high_sem
       set_prev set_prev_high_sem.

    Definition node_Σ : clayer boot_layerdata :=
      init_node init_node_cprim
       get_next get_next_cprim
       get_prev get_prev_cprim
       set_next set_next_cprim
       set_prev set_prev_cprim.

    Definition node_M : cmodule :=
      init_node f_init_node
       get_next f_get_next
       get_prev f_get_prev
       set_next f_set_next
       set_prev f_set_prev.

    Hint Resolve init_node_code init_node_refine
                 get_next_code get_next_refine
                 get_prev_code get_prev_refine
                 set_next_code set_next_refine
                 set_prev_code set_prev_refine : linking.

    Theorem node_link :
      boot_L (intro_R, node_M) : node_L.
    Proof. link_tac node_Σ. Qed.

    Lemma node_pres_inv :
      ForallPrimitive _ (CPrimitivePreservesInvariant _) node_L.
    Proof. unfold node_L. typeclasses eauto. Qed.

  End Linking.

End Node.